Friday Fun

A title like Friday Fun means that I have no cohesive narrative today and instead will just be blogging about some things.

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1. Shape nominated me for one of their best fitness bloggers. I know soliciting for votes like this is kind of annoying, but I like winning things, so please go vote. I would appreciate it. (I must say I’m in good company over there–lots of my favorite blogs have also been nominated in the best fitness category and lots of other categories.)

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2. I picked a winner for my Cufflink giveaway–Christine, please email me with your address! (Sorry Christine–not you.)

3. I went for a bike ride on the West Side Highway this morning before a 10am conference call. I felt like my legs were lead, and I was riding through quicksand. It was not fun. Biking never usually comes easy to me because my legs are always tired from running, but today was pretty hellish. I love running, and I love training for the marathon, but I’m also kind of excited to go back to some other fitness goals and activities once the marathon’s over. Like 30/60/90, for example. I’m helping Kristi out with her social media, but I’ve been afraid to take her class–or really do anything that’s not swimming, biking or yoga cross-training–because I’m terrified of injury. The marathon is more important to me than all of that right now.

4. Bailey’s 5th birthday is this weekend. Except a post with lots of puppy pictures. You’ve been warned.

5. Christine, Caitlin and Sara are running the Chicago Marathon this weekend! I’m so excited for them!!! Go wish them luck. Monica is running Long Beach–go wish her luck, too!

6. I just watched this video from last year’s Chicago and started crying. Then I watched this NYC Marathon video and really lost it. You’re welcome. I’ll be off crying in the corner.

But I got my sweat on, and I’m done with that for the day, so there’s that.

6 comments on “Friday Fun

  1. Laura

    you got my vote! I saw you were up a large percentage so here’s hoping you win! I can’t wait when it gets closer to marathon time to hear more about it

  2. Caitlin

    Thanks lady! You are so sweet. Congrats on the nomination – you are such a great writer and totally deserve it!


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