Celebrate Every Day, Part 2

Remember how I said yesterday my mom and I look for a reason to celebrate every day?

Well! Today I have a really big reason to celebrate.

After five and a half months of searching, networking, applying, researching companies, getting dressed up for interviews, putting my game face on, interviewing, writing follow-up emails, completing follow-up projects, getting rejected, rinse, repeat…


Truth be told, much of these past five and a half months has been really hard. I’ve been putting on a happy face here to keep my sanity, but it’s been really difficult. These past few months have taught me to look at the silver lining–I am healthy, otherwise happy, I had time to train for the marathon without having to stress how to fit it into my job schedule, I’ve learned a ton about a lot of companies, and I’ve gotten really good at putting pitches together for freelance clients and pitching myself for interviews.

But I’m really glad to be going back to an office. I missed the day-to-day routine, steady income, health insurance that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg and having others around. Being single and living alone AND working at home? Not for me. Too much me time for this chatty girl.

So what will I be doing? I’m going to be doing social media for a well-established PR firm. I’m really excited about their clients, the work they’re doing and being a part of the team. Everyone I met with seemed as excited to have me on the team as I am to join, and they all are really passionate about their work. I start the Monday after Thanksgiving!

So clearly I’ve been celebrating.

With book club last night.



With Emily this afternoon at New York Burger Co.


Yes, I did eat all that ketchup. Thank you for asking.


Emily got a salad and fries. A girl after my own heart.


And then I came home to this sweet postcard from my physical therapist.



And the race bling I’d ordered from Erica. (Go buy stuff from her! It’s really pretty! She doesn’t ask me to say this or pay me to say this, she’s just a friend who makes gorgeous stuff.)

So yeah. A marathon PR and job offer about a week apart? I’m pretty much smiling ear-to-ear right now. Thanks for putting up with me these past few months–both if you’re reading this or you’ve had to deal with me in person. AND A HUGE THANKS to my friend and former coworker Abby for passing on the referral for this job!

91 comments on “Celebrate Every Day, Part 2

  1. Jen G.

    Congratulations! At work, we just hired a great candidate after a very long candidate search, and I know what a relief that was. I’m glad you found a place you fit. (And the marathon PR is nothing to sneeze at!)

  2. Katie

    congrats theodora!!! i definitely KNOW how stressful that can be!! but look on the bright side–you were off for training (and got a PR to prove it) and now that the marathon is over you can focus on the new digs 🙂 congrats again!!

  3. Stephanie

    Seeking advice!! How did you conduct your job search?? My man is looking for a new job (victim of recent layoffs) and is in social media content creation. Any tips??

    Also – congratulations!! What a relief for you =)

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Stephanie: A TON of networking. Emailing people I knew and asking them what they’d heard of. Making sure everyone knew that I was looking. Taking every single meeting and informational interview.

  4. Former Coworker Abby

    YES…SO GLAD IT’S OFFICIAL!! Now I can stop accidentally spilling the beans to your friends before you do 😉 Congrats again, best news ever (and best use of Facebook connecting ever).

  5. lisa

    I’ve been in your shoes and know how frustrating it can be to stay positive. Congrats on all the great stuff happening and enjoy this next week without having to worry about finding a job!

    BTW, ketchup is the best condiment!

  6. Mads

    Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog a good few months now and I think you are amazing to stay so positive in what must have been a very stressful time. 🙂

  7. Laura @joyful shimmy

    Congratulations! Yes to celebration

    Btw thank you for inspiring me to put together my own book club. I was thinking about it and you mentioned in your blog about it. So I thought why not putting one together this year. Well tonight we are having our first meeting.

  8. Jessica Washburn

    I don’t even know you but I’m SO SO happy for you. It must have been really hard and yeah, you did the right thing by staying positive and seeing the silver lining. You are a great example to me. You deserve it, I hope you love it, celebrate your butt off girl!!


  9. Michele

    Congratulations! This thanksgiving is going to be extra special for you! I know exactly what you were saying about putting on a smile and not showing how much it bothered you! I am in the process of starting to look for a job and it’s overwhelming and disconcerting!! Best of luck to you as you start the next chapter of your life. And congrats on your marathon finish!

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Michele: Good luck to you on your job search, too! Just remember: you won’t be looking forever. You’ll find something, even if, at times it doesn’t feel like you ever will.

  10. Ellen

    SO happy to read this! I saw you coming into the finish of NYCM last week (I finished right around the same time) and knew when you were coming in you were crushing your goal! And now more great news!

    Enjoy the ride!

  11. Kaytee @ MisplacedTexans

    Theodora, you know I’ve been rooting for you pretty much since you started blogging, whether it was hitting a goal weight or the job search or a marathon, and I still get so excited for you over your accomplishments. Congrats! So happy for you 🙂

  12. Tara

    Yay! Congrats! I’m going on four and a half months of being an unemployed lawyer after being laid off. Interviewing, not hearing anything/getting rejected. You know the drill.

    AND I’m running the Philly Marathon on Sunday, so that MUST mean my job offer is right around the corner, right?! Right.

  13. Carol Blanchfield

    Going to miss picking up the phone any time of the day to
    have those long talks,
    But so happy for you that you found the job you have been
    waiting for. The searching is over, Now is your time to shine, and believe in yourself, my sunshine!!!!
    I will be great!!!


  14. caroline

    congratulations! i am smiling for you and i don’t even know you! i hope to share some of your good fortune soon, as i’m job hunting as law school graduation nears.

    also, just wanted to say your parents are amazing, and remind me of mine. you help me realize how lucky i am to have such loving parents.

  15. Meagan

    Congrats! So pleased for you. It’s so nice when the hard work, anxiety, interviews, etc. finally pay off, isn’t it? And that sounds like a perfect job for you.

  16. Morgan

    Praise the lord!!!!!!! Congrats Theodora!!!!!! I’m so happy for you! It’s been long overdue!!!

    Also, side note; I was doing some stuff on Postling today and you’re still listed as the admin!!! LOL!

  17. Dorry

    So excited for you! It sounds like a perfect for you, and I’m sure your life will change in many positive ways being back in a working environment. YAY!


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