Finding a Routine

My routine is totally thrown off.

I thought I was supposed to: wake up, run, watch The Today Show, blog, shower, job search.

I’ve replaced job searching with job working, but getting back into a routine after nearly six months of no working–while you’re getting over being sick–still isn’t easy.

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I woke up all stuffy again this morning, so I took advantage of waking up before my alarm clock (which will never ever happen again) and went out for a run. I laid in bed as long as possible and left at the exact moment where, if I didn’t leave then, I wouldn’t be able to run. I’m really good at that. 3.3 humid, foggy miles and I’d squeezed in a workout before work. This is always such a miracle to me that I feel like I’ve totally cheated the system when I actually do it. (And yes, I did still get to hear some Today Show while I was getting ready. I may have to start DVRing Kathie Lee and Hoda, though.)

Day numero dos of work was still good. I cheated on FreshDirect with my bed last night and ended up getting lunch out again today. I’m still trying to find the best places to eat near my office (Flatiron), but when you’re trying to eat healthy and don’t eat salad, it’s not the easiest.


I really like my job a lot so far, but I’m not really going to talk much about it here, or else I’d have to kill you, so instead, let’s talk about how I love my commute. A mile walk each way. I may grow to resent that walk a bit when it starts snowing, but for now, it’s pretty great. Especially walking back uptown on a misty night like tonight.


During the best time of year! I walked past Lord & Taylor and its Christmas displays on my way to a Junior League event in Bryant Park. We have our big holiday event, Golden Tree, this weekend, and we handed out some flyers. Short shameless plug: tickets are $20, and it’s a holiday shopping event at our headquarters on the Upper East Side. There are merchants there for every price range, and it’s a great place to pick up gifts for moms, friends and sisters! A portion of the proceeds goes to benefit our activities in the community.

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Um, yeah. This outfit was far more appropriate about 14 hours ago when it was warm and dry.

So to review: I still run, shower, watch The Today Show, go to Junior League meetings, go to happy hour. Just at very different times. (And with at least 9 hours of work thrown in between.) Also, my (very sweet) mom is watching Bailey this week while I get adjusted to the new j-o-b, so this week has felt a little off: there’s no dog to walk before and after work and before I go to sleep. I could go to a morning gym class (which is usually pretty hard with him)…but I probably won’t.

What helps you feel grounded as you settle into a new routine?

For me, it’s: Bailey, running, blogging and Junior League. These four commitments are constants in my life. Take one of them out, and something feels off. Which is why I am blogging at nearly 11pm when I should be getting into bed. It’s a part of my life I can’t skip now.

23 comments on “Finding a Routine

  1. Liz @ An Interesting Year

    I work in Flatiron too! Not sure how north/west you are, but some healthy options I’ve turned into lunchtime staples are Pump/Dig In/Whatever It’s Calling Itself These Days (17th b/w Broadway and 5th), Energy Kitchen (23rd b/w 5th and 6th…I think) and Medina on 17th b/w Broadway and 5th (sandwiches are delicious but not healthy, and salads are great too). And of course tons of sushi places…

  2. Katie @ Livehalffull

    I totally understand! I just went through a move from the city to the suburbs and now live with my fiancΓ©. And my commute doubled. So its been an adjustment. But my constants have been-working out, making meals at home, blogging, friends and at least one wine night during the week! Its going smoothly! I just remind myself that this will take time to adjust and it doesn’t have to be perfect from day one! That helps a lot, but it is a CONSTANT reminder!

  3. Laura

    Routines are tough for me, since I am working in a different place and on a different project all the time. I don’t even have a consistent bed to sleep in! But I like my Sunday night pack-and-then-hang-out-with-my-best-friend-so-I-don’t-have-to-think-about-my-4:30am-wakeup-before-heading-to-the-airport. And no matter where I am, I can usually get in some form of morning workout. As far as lunch goes, though, I’m stuck winging it – I feel your pain at finding healthy stuff to eat when you don’t know the area!

  4. Corrie Anne

    I adore your outfit! So bright and cheerful! 1-mile commute? So awesome!!! I love that you feel like you cheat the system when you workout before work. You put my thoughts into words exactly. Although I couldn’t convince Kevin to get up this morning. We’re still beat from Thanksgiving travel!

  5. Julie

    Routines are hard for me!! I set my alarm to go off at 5:30, to get up and run, and today was a fail. I slept until 7am!! I’m glad you’ve figured out the four things that make you tick, I know running is one of mine.. as for the others, still figuring it out πŸ™‚

  6. Alli

    I’m so jealous of your commute. I used to live a little over a mile from my office and definitely didn’t take the opportunity to walk as much as I should have – in my defense, this was downtown BK to the Financial District and those bridges were chilly in the winter!

    I also used to work in Gramercy and, in addition to Energy Kitchen, my favorite places to get lunch were ‘wichcraft (20th and Bway) and Le Pain Quotidien (19th and Bway). (And it opened after I left, but maybe Eataly as well?) But after a while, since other options were so limited, I ended up getting really into the routine of packing my own lunch just to save money, haha.

  7. Ali

    “When you’re trying to eat healthy and don’t eat salad, it’s not the easiest.” Correct. And story of my life. Let me know what you find in the ‘hood!

    Also, I, too, walked past the L&T windows last night and I LOVED THEM. So much better than the creepy Macy’s ones.

    Glad you’re adjusting well to the new routine! Feel better!

  8. Amanda

    I eat salad, but don’t love it so find myself getting soup a lot. Easy to stay healthy (and easy to eat at your desk).

    Did you know NBC is now replaying Kathie Lee & Hoda at like 2am every night? NYTimes did a story on this earlier in the week. Not that you wouldn’t be sleeping, but funny how popular it is.

  9. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    Ohhh NGI is in Flatiron and there are lots of good places around! I love Terri on 23rd between 5th and 6th, the hot bar at Garden of Eden on 23rd between 6th and 7th, and even though it’s overdone, Pret right next door to Terri. I hate being relocated in the city though- you have to find your new little places haha.

  10. Katie

    i soooo hear you on the today show–esp hoda and klg!!! i might miss my hoda-fix more than anything, now that im back in the working world πŸ™‚ congrats on getting the run in before work–always a great way to start the day!! i managed one this morning for the first time in a while, just wish i could get up earrrlier and squeeze more in. its so hard when all you wanna do is sleeeep πŸ™‚

  11. Irina G (Fit Flexitarian)

    I’m glad to hear that you’re adjusting and that you’re also being realistic that it is an adjustment. It’s not going to come easy, but know that one day soon you’ll wake up and realize that you have a new routine and it’s really working for you. I think it’s good to keep track of the things that make your life stable, like blogging! Keep going but also don’t beat yourself up if you have to skip things as you grow into this new phase of your life.

  12. Heidi

    I was in the same situation a few months ago after graduating university in April I was jobless until July (no complaints I realize I was lucky to be employed that quick) but once I was working it was so hard to fall into a routine. I actually have only felt like the last few weeks I am falling into a better routine. I feel like it probably took me longer though because I was also transitioning from student life to the real world. I have found that prepping as much as you can on Sundays and weeknights to be what works for me. That and meal planning!! Best of luck as you find your way! πŸ™‚

  13. Anna

    I work in Flatiron too! I adore City Bakery, but it sure is pricey. Their kale salad is to die for. Everything there is to die for, actually.

  14. Nataliya @irunforicecream

    Congrats on your new job! You must feel so relieved πŸ™‚
    The way I usually get into a new routine is I add one thing at a time, get used to it, then add another one…until eventually my routine is complete! That way I am not too stressed out with many changes all at once and I am more likely to stick to it.


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