I highly recommend starting a new job a month before Christmas.
Sure, it gets a little stressful getting adjusted to a new routine and sleep schedule while trying to fit in lots of Christmas parties and going out Christmas online shopping, but the prize of two four-day weekends in a row at the end of it is well worth it.
As is having coworkers in the holiday spirit.
I worked all day today and then came home and leisurely packed–for probably the first and last time in my life—and then headed out to NJ.
We went to Delpino, a neighborhood Italian restaurant. I know I’ll be having tons of amazing, heavy food the next few days, so I went with some baked chicken with a side of pasta, instead of the other way around, along with some Montgras sauvignon blanc.
By the way—I don’t usually specify that I had wine with dinner, but if I am going out to dinner, you can pretty much assume I’m having a glass or two of wine with dinner. I loved this wine—it had some great citrusy flavors.
I have lots of pre-Christmas errands to run tomorrow, but not until after I’ve slept as late as I possibly can. I’ve been exhausted for the past few weeks, and I can’t wait to put lots and lots and lots of sleep into my sleep bank tonight.
Which “home” do you spend the holidays at? Your own? Your family’s? Your significant other’s?
Enjoy your time at home:)
You are a fast commenter! 🙂
We stay 3/4 time at mine and 1/4 at Bo’s because I’m selfish and his parents don’t have a bed bigger than a twin in their guest room!!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! We’re fortunate that our familes live nearby in Minnesota so we are with one on Christmas Eve and one on Christmas Day!
I hope I’m that lucky one day!