My Favorite Treat for Sick Days

Yesterday, I woke up with a nasty stomach bug.

Walking Bailey in the morning, I thought I’d have to throw up in a trash can. I got to work, and let’s just say things did not get any prettier. I think we all know what a stomach bug does to you, so I’ll just leave it at that, yes?

I made it through the first half of the day, but by lunchtime, I felt pretty much like death warmed over, and with my tail between my legs, emailed my boss and told her I needed to work from home for the rest of the day. I went home and spent the rest of the day in bed.

I know everyone has their own ways of dealing with sickness, but I wanted to share my own, courtesy of my Italian-American mom. By last night, I still wasn’t really hungry but was feeling pretty weak and knew I needed a little something to eat.

This probably looks like quinoa to you, but it’s pastina–Italian for “little pasta.” The little star-shaped pasta makes me smile.

Growing up, this is what my mom always made me when I was too sick to eat anything else. Just cook it like any other pasta, drain and add butter and a little salt. Yeah, it’s not particularly healthy, but it’s easy to digest, and that was all I could handle last night.

What do you eat when you have a stomach bug?


34 comments on “My Favorite Treat for Sick Days

  1. Mary Ann

    Ugh, that’s no fun! Hope you feel better soon. I like Blue Gatorade (glacier frost freeze, something like that) and saltine crackers when I’ve got stomach problems. Also lived on the blue gatorade when I had my tonsils out (and septum repaired) a couple years ago, it was more gentle on my poor throat than plain water.

  2. Kristine @ Running On Hungry

    STOP IT! Maybe it’s my Italian-American family, or the fact they they’re from the East Coast too, but my mom ALWAYS made me Pastina when I was sick, and I loved it! I still make it whenever my stomach is bothering me. Thanks for that little blast from the past, and I hope you feel better!

  3. Charlene

    My Chinese mum makes me congee – a rice gruel type thing. Similar to the pastina theory though but with only soy sauce for flavour. But my brother swears by toast with a little bit of Vegemite. Ugh. Growing up in Australia converted him that stuff.

  4. April

    So sorry you are sick! That stinks, especially mid-week.

    When I am sick, I absolutely have to have ginger ale or Sprite. My mom always made me Mrs. Grass chicken soup with little noodles. Oh, and saltines!

  5. Jennifer Adams

    First Saltines and Ginger Ale. If that’s good I do the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, apples, tea. Things that settle well and come up easy if that happens…. And electrolytes which are much more readily available now a days

  6. Olivia

    One is definitely salty french fries – they’ve cured me in the past, I swear! The best one though is tomato soup with cooked macaroni in it, sprinkled with a few shreds of cheese.

    In fact, I’m feeling the blahs and a little under the winter weather today, plus everyone around me seems to be sick, so I will be eating my sick treat tonight! (Soup, not fries, though!)

  7. Theresa

    Pastina is the best! I had that whenever I was sick, too. There is nothing like it. We always called it baby pastina. πŸ™‚

  8. Tasha

    My mom used to make me a really similar food when I was sick except it was egg noodles with butter and garlic salt. For some reason, I feel like it makes me better!

  9. Nicole

    I typically eat ramen which isn’t good for you either but it’s a comfort thing. Oh, and mac and cheese. πŸ™‚
    This pasta looks amazing though. I might have to try this next time I’m under the weather.


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