I’ve Got My Eye on the Prize: A Redemption Tri

This morning I entered the lottery for my second triathlon:

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It’s my hometown tri, and I really hope I get in! I remember seeing the triathletes biking around town on this day every year, and I thought they were a little crazy just to be riding 17 miles, much less also swimming a half-mile and running 5!

Once I started blogging, I’d read about so many triathlon-ing bloggers and was both terrified and not really willing to shell out all the money I thought it required to participate in a triathlon. (Since, let’s be real, I’m not really competing.) Last year, my blogging buddy Katy, a huge fan of tris (and just overall awesome person), wrote a great guest post for me on how to do your first triathlon for under $10. While I ended up spending just a wee bit more than that, I didn’t go crazy.

My first triathlon didn’t go so well, so I’m hoping for an awesome redemption tri this time around.


Which means I need to learn a bit more about my bike…

What races absolutely sucked for you and how did you or do you plan on redeeming them? Also, any other good tris in the NYC area I should sign up for if I don’t get into this one?

16 comments on “I’ve Got My Eye on the Prize: A Redemption Tri

  1. misszippy

    I’ve definitely had those races where they didn’t go well one year and so I came back hungry the next and did really well. I hope you get in and have the same experience.

    Check out the LinMark website (I believe http://www.lin-mark.com). They time a lot of tris in Jersey and one might meet your location/size needs.

  2. Kim K

    i’m from union county!!!! ive had a bunch of tris (even road races) where i completely crashed and burned on the run…but looking forward to redeeming myself this year.

  3. Kimra

    My half in Miami sucked, and I plan to redeem myself by never ever racing in the state of Florida again. Wait, maybe that’s not redemption.

  4. Britne @ Shabbott's Habits

    A few years ago (I think 2009?) the NYC Half-marathon was positively BRUTAL. It was in August, was like 100 degrees and NYRR ran out of water for many of the stations. I plan on redeeming myself on March 18 – the NYC Half this year. Are you running?

  5. Shannon

    So exciting! I’m doing the NYC Triathlon with a charity this summer and I REALLY need to suck it up, buy a nicer bike and learn how to fix flats and all that jazz. If I could just swim and run, that would be awesome.

    Crossing my fingers that you get an entry for this tri!


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