Some Things That Are Awesome

I called this post Things That Are Awesome, but as soon as I started uploading pictures, I realized it’s really more like “some awesome stuff that has arrived in my mailbox lately.” Whatever.


Let’s start with the prettiest of things that have arrived in my mailbox lately: my new gym bag. It’s an oGorgeous bag from the lovely Cassey of Blogilates, and oh, is it gorgeous, right? Readers with a long memory may remember that I bought a very nice Lululemon bag last year after I finished three half-marathons in a row.

Well, yes, it was very nice, but good lord was it HUGE! I rarely get dressed at the gym in the morning (err, if I actually make it) because I need to come back home and walk Bailey, so I don’t need to lug the world in my gym bag. Well, I could have fit the world in that gym bag. And I’m pretty sure I nearly killed multiple small children on the streets of NYC with that bag, especially when I had a yoga mat in the back of it.

I saw Cassey had sent her bags to a few bloggers, including Julie, and I started lusting after the bag. I decided to list the Lululemon bag on eBay (in a move my mom calls wheeling and dealing) and see what I could get for it. I got exactly what I paid for it (Lululemon stuff has a HUGE secondary market on eBay, which is good to know if you ever want something that’s no longer in stores and aren’t terrified of picking up bedbugs.) and decided to order one of Cassey’s gorgeous bags. She gave me a blogger discount, so it was only a bit more than the Lululemon bag, and is something totally unique…until I go to a blogger conference and a bunch of other blog friends have the same bag.


Since Cassey herself is a fitness instructor, it’s absolutely designed with people who sweat in mind. This smaller pouch is a good one for your stinky clothes.


And this is the bigger section. There’s also a little drawstring bag that comes in the bag, which I guess is probably for the sweaty clothes.


Chia seeds. These were sent by GNC because of my involvement with Fitfluential. Stay tuned for more of a skeptic’s view on chia seeds and a giveaway.


A year’s worth of Omega-3 vitamins from Dr. Oz. I’ve previously only taken Duane Reade Omega-3s, but hey, I’ll try these.


My NYC Marathon finisher certificate. This was way cheaper than my college diploma, and nearly as important to me. On my second day of work, in a meeting in someone’s office, I noticed a NYCM finisher certificate on her wall. (And that her time was eight minutes faster than me, damnit.) I vowed as soon as I got mine, it would go in my cube. I haven’t brought it yet because I’m afraid of a massive gust of wind picking it up and whisking it out into the Hudson. But I’m pretty sure as soon as I get up the nerve to bring it to work, I’m going to just stare at it all day the way a newly engaged girl looks at her ring all day.

nyc marathon results.jpg

Thank you, NYRR, for keeping the excitement up and making my 2012 marathon decision difficult. (I’m currently between NYCM or Marine Corps…or both, if I’m really crazy.)


That’s me!

And finally…


I am excited for mini bottles of champagne that I picked up around the holidays just because. Thumb is both for scale and because that’s how I feel about mini bottles of bubbly.

17 comments on “Some Things That Are Awesome

  1. Ashleysh22

    wow LOOK at that bag! I bet you look totally awesome walking down the streets of NYC with that on your shoulder 😉 I only wish I could have something as beautiful. but alas – I am a broke med student who works out at home, not that I don’t love my at home workouts – But I am missing out on the glamorous gym bag. as for the chia seeds? i’ll be keeping my eyes open for your giveaway!

  2. Brittany @ A Little Less, Please

    I would LOVE to run the NYCM, but I don’t live in NY so the 9+1 guarantee is a no-go and with the qualifying times being lowered, there is no way I could qualify! A 3:00 marathon is nearly out of the question for me. Who knows later on, I suppose, though. 🙂

  3. Devon Mills

    Your last photo reminded me that I, too, have a mini bottle of bubbly to drink!! My friend gave it to me to celebrate my marathon — will have to do some delayed celebrating. Get that NYCM finisher’s certificate UP, lady!!

  4. Life's a Bowl

    Both bags look awesome! I bought a Nike bag a few years ago that has one big compartment and a few smaller compartments inside- a drawstring bag for stinky and sweaty clothes [or sneakers?] and an itty-bitty zippered compartment for miscellaneous things… It’s great overall but wish it was bigger since I’ve been going to the gym in the morning lately and packing work clothes- I think your lulu bag would be a great investment 😀

  5. Meghan

    I wrote a recent favorites post today too. Fun to reflect on things you are loving! I also applied for the NYC Marathon, so crossing my fingers I will have a certificate this time next year!

  6. Cassey @ Blogilates

    OMG I didn’t know you wrote this til today. Thank you so much for sharing your bag and I am happy you like it 🙂 We need to meet up one day. I may be in NYC around summerish. Maybe. You’re just too fabulous!!! <3 Cassey


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