Strong Sexy Spring Runner Challenge: Get Fast, Get Toned

I don’t know if it’s the dawn of a new year (cheese alert!) or being back on a training plan, but I’m just as motivated to stick to a sweat schedule and eat right as I was when I started down this crazy path almost three years ago. (Keep reading, there’s something in it for you, too.)

I left work at 7:30 last night and only grumbled a bit on my freezing walk to the gym. I had a 40-minute tempo run on my schedule, and I was excited to tackle it, even though I knew it would kind of suck. It’d been months since I’d done speed work. I did 4.37 miles in 40 minutes and got so hot that the walk home in the freezing cold barely bothered me. (Honestly.)

I got home and scoured my nearly-empty refrigerator for something to eat.


I wish I could say I found this lovely spread, but this was from a brunch Emily on Sunday that I just found on my memory card.


Me, Emily, Liz

Back to last night.


I was determined to follow this whole Eat In [More] Month thing. My kitchen was pretty bare, so I went for spinach feta eggs. (Ingredients: spinach, feta, coconut milk for a little fluffiness and awesomeness.)

My breakfast and lunch were a giant Eat In [More] Month fail. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail and all that.

Tonight, I left work at a decent time and headed to boot camp. You might remember I did this runner’s boot camp last year. I really liked it, but it kicked my ass so hard that, basically, I was afraid to go back after two sessions. I loved it because Jaz, the instructor, is incredibly intense, but also HILARIOUS. So while I wanted to die doing her class, it was hard to hate her. I’ve seen her around town at a few fitness events (and I saw her cheering at the NYC Half last year, which nearly melted my pumping heart), and we were supposed to work together to put on an event last year, but it ended up falling through.

Anyway, a lovely lady named Sara new of my love for Jaz, and asked if I’d be interested in figuring out some way to collaborate to help out both Jaz and me. I like to help out people I like…and myself…so I was all about it–with one condition: that there be something in it for you all, too.

With that…

the STRONG SEXY SPRING RUNNERS challenge was born!

What I get: free classes twice a week from now until the D.C. Half on March 17 and a customized training plan from Jaz. I’m going to take measurements and stuff tomorrow so that I have a baseline to measure against.

What I’m personally looking to get out of this: helping an awesome woman get more people to get into her classes and get stronger, hot abs and an even hotter PR come March 17. I’m also hoping that strengthening my core will help with lower back pain.

But you don’t really care what I get out of this, do you? You want to know what you get out of it.

So, this challenge is really geared towards those preparing for spring races, but really anyone can do it.

For NYC readers: Jaz is offering a great discount on her classes, which are usually $24/session. If you email her at pace4success at gmail dot com and tell you are part of the Strong Sexy Runners group, she will offer you a deal for $300 for 10 weeks of 2 classes per week, $270 for 9 weeks of 2 classes per week; and $240 for 8 weeks of 2 classes per week–for classes up until March 7 (10 days before the DC/NYC Halfs.) Also comment and let me know you’re in…and let me know if you want to meet up to take a class!

For non-NYC readers: leave a comment telling me if you’re interested in participating. I’ll have check-ins weekly that you will check in to by commenting about your strength workouts, and your comment will count as an entry for giveaways that I will be running. Jaz will also be sharing weekly strength tips for runners.

And if you’re so inclined, I’ll be hashtagging this thing with #strongsexyrunners.



And dinner was awesome. (I’ll be posting more of my meals again as I start cooking more again.) I made a variation of orecchiette with broccoli rabe. My differences: I used whole wheat shells instead of orecchiette, chicken sausage, spinach and added in some chicken broth while cooking the sausage.

Whoa, you got all the way to the end? Good job.

So, are you in? [Or are you out?]


35 comments on “Strong Sexy Spring Runner Challenge: Get Fast, Get Toned

  1. Sara

    I’d like to participate! Maybe this would be the kick in the pants I need to finally try one of the Body Combat/Pump/etc. classes at my gym!

  2. Danielle

    This sounds perfect! I’m training of a half marathon in May and I’m getting married so I want to feel strong and sexy on my special day! Wish I lived in NY- the class sounds fantastic!

  3. Daphne

    I’m in! (non-NYC.) One of my new year’s resolutions/goals/whatever is to strength train three times a week, so this is right up my alley.

  4. Tina @ Best Body Fitness

    Love the idea of this challenge and I’ll participate as much as I can. Just know I stink at keeping up with the check-in portion of things like this. I’m out there getting the work done (and you know how much I love strength training and setting up plans geared for running strength), but just fail when it comes to checking in. Great idea, Theodora!

  5. Jenny

    I am in for sure! Wish I lived in NYC but no luck. I will say I love using technology for fitness related goals. All of my firends and I are on such different schedules so I usually work out alone. Because of you I am working with Marc P. he is so great and his system has kept me motivated, on track and feeling better than ever while running. And he is a great resource for a novice like me! Thank you for your blog, information and inspiring me!

  6. Meg Gayman

    I love this! While I’ve always known that having muscles and being a runner are important, I never realized until last year how much better and faster it makes you (since I was pretty lazy about strength routines before last year). Can I be in if I do crossfit? My big race is in May!

  7. Kristy Doyle

    Not in NYC, but definitely interested in this! I need a PR for my next half, I’ve fallen out of the running habit and I need an excuse to get back into Half Marathon shape.

  8. Terry

    Im not in NYC but am getting back into running after injuries sidelined me. I need motivation. Goal of Cooper River Bridge 10K in Charleston in April and Half Marathon after that.

  9. Emily B

    I am not in NC but I am so interested! Please keep me in the loop. I just ran my first marathon and want to get a faster half marathon now. Love your blog!

  10. MeanReds

    I’m in! My girlfriend sent me an invitation to join her in the half-marathon in DC. So, I started my training this past week. I am looking for a good strength program to add to my running program. I am looking forward to hearing about your experience.

  11. Jess

    I’m in- as a non NYCer. One of my New Years intentions is to strength train three times a week so this is perfect1


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