Someone Who is Busier Than You is Running Right Now

I’m getting really sick of my own excuses, so you must be getting really sick of them, too.

I feel like I’ve read a ton of posts lately about exercising despite being busy, and I’ve hung my head in shame after reading every one of them. I’m not too busy to work out.

Tina wrote about how she used to work 9-5, take night classes, work part-time and stillΒ found time to work out.

Lauren wrote about making herself a morning runner.

Ashley wrote about her seven tips for making working out easier.

I stumbled upon an old post from Emily about a day she coached Girls on the Run before work, went to work, ran 16 miles after work and still made it to happy hour.Β (Yeah, Emily’s my idol. And I got tired just reading that post.)

The president and First Lady haveΒ make time to work out.

Jen’s a mom of two who commutes from Staten Island into Manhattan and still works out before work.

Megan is a champ at working in workouts and rocking the run-mute.

So my excuses? Null and void.

Theodora, STFU and work out. No gimmicks, no challenges, just going to keep working at it and do what I need to do and stop bitching.

36 comments on “Someone Who is Busier Than You is Running Right Now

  1. Sokphal @ Life as a Classroom

    Getting off your butt is the hardest part, once you’re out running/at the gym, it’s easy. Make a valiant effort to work-out in the mornings since that might be your only free time. Or see if you can find a friend who will run in the mornings (that way you HAVE to do it). I went for a morning run for the first time in ages last week. My motivation: my marathon goal. Post something by your clock that is a reminder of why you want to get up? It’s all about baby steps. My 2 cents. πŸ™‚

  2. Katie

    Ahh! I really needed this post today. I’ve been killing myself all week to squeeze in workouts among 2 jobs, an online class, blogging, a long distance relationship, and book club. It’s nice to know that it’s possible and I’m not the only one who struggles with it!

  3. Steph

    I was going through this same thing for about 6 months! I was getting so sick of it and I missed my old self.

    I eventually realized that I didn’t want to wake up and run in the cold weather and decided to join a gym. I haven’t looked back since. I’ve finally got my running and working out groove back and I am so happy!

    Keep working at it, don’t give up, find out what is holding you back and work on it. It will pass, you won’t be like this forever!!! You did just PR this last weekend πŸ™‚ Don’t be too hard on yourself.

  4. Cynthia (It All Changes)

    I know you love running but maybe a change in workouts is what you need. I was having trouble working out and then tried group classes I thought were my “just in case” workouts an go regularly. I struggle when I need to run.

  5. Pingback: Accidental Long Run (And turkey chili/corn bread!!) « I Run on PB and K

  6. Caitlin

    I think we all go through phases of figuring out how to make it work – but really it’s a matter of just making it work. Do it now is one of my mottos this year!
    Let me know if you ever want a running buddy! πŸ™‚

    1. Theodora Post author

      1. Yes! We need to run together
      2. Yup, it’s a little harder now than it was when I wasn’t working, but I just need to make it work. I think one of the biggest things is that my gym is only close to my office, not my apt, so I can’t really go in the am. (And I’m stuck in a contract till August.) Hopefully when I move I’ll be closer to the gym. #priorities

  7. Kristina

    I agree that people can “balance it all”, but I also think that we make choices. Tonight, for instance, I was slated to swim and spin which was great and all, but I had a terrible day and I really wanted an evening at home with my partner, since those are few and far between this week. So, I ditched the swim and spin class (I did a workout but still…). Being at home, cooking a good meal and enjoying some downtime – all of that was more important to me than following a rigid schedule that I had set up at the beginning of the week.
    Maybe I didn’t make excuses since I did end up doing some sort of a workout, but I do think that flexibility is pretty key, especially when life is kind of crazy.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Kristina: Totally true. I think that’s what I said in my last kicking-myself-in-the-ass post. It’s absolutely all about choices, and sometimes I make a very conscious choice to not work out, when sometimes I make up completely bullshit excuses.

  8. Tasha

    Keep it real girl. Sometimes you just gotta give yourself a little push! I totally understand, it can be really hard when you get busy. I’m starting to become a fan of the after dinner 8:30-9:30 work out. I’m a night owl so it works for my body clock. But Monday night I was totally a victim to my couch and two episodes of Downton Abbey

  9. Megan (The Runner's Kitchen)

    Thanks for the blog shout out πŸ™‚ Sometimes it is SO hard to get myself out the door, but the more I think about it….the more excuses I come up with. Not allowing myself to consider the option of skipping a run can be a good way to “just do it” (as Nike would say!)

  10. Pingback: Action plan « docrunsforhealth

  11. Lauren

    I definitely struggle with motivation sometimes. And for me, working out in the evening just meant I had all day to come up with an excuse NOT to do it. Or for something to come up that I just “had” to tend to at that moment…meaning I’d have to skip my run. I’m trying to make myself a morning runner so that I don’t have time for those excuses to even start forming. It’s working this week. But we’ll see how long I last… πŸ˜‰

  12. April

    Oh yeah…said this to myself all week long. I finally signed up for a yoga class for tomorrow morning—it shall be the day that I STFU and move. Thank you for this post!

  13. Brigid

    Sometimes we all need a reminder that, yes, we CAN do more. Thank for for compiling a go-to list of inspiring reads. I’m bookmarking this for future reference.

  14. Pingback: Sunday Funday: My Favorite Posts From The Blogosphere This Week! | Dash of Curry

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