Moving, Running, Painting, Winning.

If you follow me on Twitter (or, you know, know me in real life), you might know that I’m moving. Two weeks from tomorrow.

Most people in NYC look the month they’re moving, but the idea of it being a week or two before I moved and not having a place to live terrified me, so I spent a bunch of clandestine lunch breaks last month apartment-searching, and finally found a place. Yay!

A few people have asked why I’m moving.


This is not the only reason, but this closet is pretty lame. I’m not sure if you can see, but behind that second accordion door is a wall, not more hanging space. No, really, I love NYC.

I’m primarily moving because I got a month free moving into this place, but don’t get that same month free to resign (despite negotiating), so it’s time to move again. I’m moving to my fourth apartment in NYC (moved out of the first two for the same reasons, and finally learned my lesson this time.)

I’m moving from the Hell’s Kitchen/Garment District area to Chelsea. I’m moving a bit more than a mile, but moving away from the Port Authority/Penn Station area will be very nice. I’m really excited for my new ‘hood and a new chance to figure out how to fit all my stuff into a new place and redecorate a bit. I’ll also be closer to work and be able to cut back on dog-walking expenses by walking Bailey at lunch some days.


They said if I provided the paint, they’d paint the whole apartment for me, since they were going to repaint anyway. Well, okay?!


I saw this image on a social media blog that was talking about Pinterest (my life is sorta all social media all the time), and was obsessed. I don’t know if that paint sample above is as close as I thought, though. I can only pick from one kind of paint–Benjamin Moore Aura (which apparently is the most expensive. Thank you, new building), and their selection was sort of lacking. I guess I’ll have to see how it looks tomorrow in the sun.

I’m moving two weeks from tomorrow and am stressing out a bit, especially since I’ll be in DC next weekend running a half. I have a lot of getting rid of to do between now and then.


Luckily, there’s a paint store across from my office, and I’ve been ducking in there to grab paint samples. These little guys are only $4, which, for someone like me who’s terrified of commitment and picking the wrong color, is so worth the peace of mind.

I ran home from work tonight (run-mutes for the win), and knew I wanted to do my little paint swatch, so I did a super-classy running with this and the little sponge brush in a plastic bag in my left hand. I felt so tight while running tonight, but as usual, felt happy when I was done.


Oh, and yesterday, I signed up for that. My dear friend and Junior League “manager,” Julie, is running it for her first marathon, and I promised her I’d also run it, and I keep my promises to my friends. I was actually considering it for my first marathon, but a friend talked me into Chicago, and I went along with it.

I’m so excited go back and show D.C. who’s who as I run a 3:59 marathon. I took off 40 minutes between marathons 1 and 2–I’m only looking to take off half as much time this time. Should be a breeze, right? πŸ™‚ (HA.)

Also! I picked a winner for my Exhale giveaway:

Screen shot 2012-03-08 at 10.15.21 PM.png

Allison, can you email me at theodora.blanchfield at gmail with your address? Thanks!

15 comments on “Moving, Running, Painting, Winning.

  1. Dori

    That is really cool that you can choose the paint color! I’d love that! Also, my apartment — and I’ve lived here for six years now — has no closets. Zero. It is beyond frustrating and I can’t wait to move too!

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Dori: I was SO EXCITED that I could choose the color. I forgot you have no closets! What do you do with your clothes?? I’m excited for you to move too!

  2. dorry

    I know the weeks leading up to a move can be stressful, but it will all work out! can’t wait to get up there- just a month now. πŸ™‚

    seeing people sign up for marathons in October is really tempting! only race on my calendar right now is SeaWheeze half marathon in Vancouver Aug 11th. I want to run some late spring races in NYC!

    1. Theodora Post author

      @dorry: I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO MOVE HERE. Have I mentioned that?? We have to discuss races! A good one for you to start with is the Mini 10K on 6/9 πŸ™‚

  3. Dana

    Im most likley going to be moving to a new apt in NYC in early summer and I’m already dreading it! Moving into the city from DC last year was such a painful process but I’m hoping an in-city move is a little easier. Im definitely jealous that you can pick your paint color, I can’t wait to get away from stark white walls! I would have painted a different color in my current apt but they messed up the move in date and repainted as my stuff sat in the loding dock.

  4. Helene @healthfrenchie

    Moving is such a pain, but if you are getting closer to work in the end it is worth it!
    You are so lucky to be able to choose the paint! That blue is gorgeous…
    Our house is painted some sort of terracotta color, and we have wood panels everywhere! But it’s cozy and we have gorgeous views so you have to compromise somewhere

  5. josephine

    good luck with the move, closer to work is a big plus and a little color goes along way (im not allowed to pain, pfft) i’ve moved a few times in the last few years, got my landlord to keep my rent the same instead of an increase so it bough me another move free 12 months, def would have moved for a free month, maybe next year πŸ˜‰

  6. Shannon

    I love the room that you chose for decorating inspiration. That color blue is very soothing.

    Although there are special AURA colors, you can have any Benjamin Moore color mixed with AURA paint. I know that might make choosing a color more difficult. As you probably know since this is your 4th NYC apartment exposure is everything when selecting the best color for your room. Don’t be afraid, any color you choose will be better than landlord white.

  7. Katherine

    Congrats on the move! Good luck!

    My boyfriend and I are looking for a new apartment for once our lease is up. We once moved from Philly to New York but never within the city so I am very nervous. Any tips on finding an apartment and moving?!

  8. Joan

    OK, an apartment that’s not white?? And that’s the same beautiful color as my living room (different brand, very close to the same shade)? AWESOME SAUCE. πŸ™‚

  9. jane

    Just want to let you know that Benjamin Moore can formulate ANY of its colors in the Aura formula. It is confusing at the store — looks like you can only get a very limited selection of colors in Aura, but that is not true. Just pick any Benjamin Moore color and ask for it in the Aura formulation and you are good to go!


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