Pizza and PRs (and Prize Winners!)

Moving Day is in three days, and my apartment looks like this.



No, really, I love moving. I’m excited to move, but I would like to fast forward to Sunday when I’m in my new place and most of these boxes are unpacked. (Because my BFF, my mom, helps, and she is A MACHINE, hiding in a small Italian woman.)


She was in tonight to help, too, and we ordered some pizza, which we balanced out with a salad.

Even though life is going to be crazy crazier than usual this week, I’m still going to do everything in my power to stick to my training plan.

What’s this new training plan, you ask?

Well, I’m running the MORE/Fitness Half (courtesy of Fitness magazine–thanks guys!) next month, and I’m going to train for and give it my all. (Since just giving it your all doesn’t always end well.)

My speedy friend Gia helped me come up with a plan. which I am very excited to follow for the next four weeks.

For a 1:54 half. The plan includes four days of running–which I found worked really well for me during NYC Marathon training–including hill training, since this race is one hilly bitch.

Most importantly…I have a winner!

Screen shot 2012-03-20 at 10.44.20 PM.png

I loved reading everyone’s responses to your nighttime rituals, and I really wish I could give everyone one of these pillows!

18 comments on “Pizza and PRs (and Prize Winners!)

  1. janet scudieri

    Good luck on your move, I can’t wait to see your new apartment. With your mom there I know everything will go smooth. Knowing your mom as I do, those boxes will be empty in your new place by next week.

  2. Jules @ JogOnJules

    They say moving house is one of the most stressful things a person can do…I always plan my moves like military operation so fortunately they go well. I get a notebook and then have a page for each room, write lists for each room which get crossed off on completion. Then I have a page for each utility company I need to contact etc…All this is sad but true and it works!!
    Best of luck with your move and your training programme 🙂

  3. Christina

    Good luck with the training! Contrary to most, I love hill training – it utilizes different muscles in the legs and I don’t get as tired as I do running a flatter course.

  4. Shalani

    You look enjoying the moving. And I’m starting to crave for pizza!. Good luck in unpacking your stuff 


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