Tonight I Watched a Bunch of People Work Out

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Tonight, I helped host a blogger event for DailyBurn, one of my clients.

And I survived.


Nut styling courtesy of my lovely coworker, Lizzie. (Aren’t those little cups adorable?)


The event was a Hunger Games-themed workout, and everyone worked out to one of the DailyBurn videos, Animal Core.

Because I needed a rest day, and because I thought helping coordinate an event and then hopping into the workout might be a bit much, I just stood in the back and chilled, taking pictures. (If by chill, you mean taking four million deep breaths while hoping everything went smoothly. Then yes, I was totally chill.) During the first few minutes, I thought maybe I should have just hoped in, but the workout looked pretty hard, and I was happy for a rest day.


Lisa Wheeler, DailyBurn’s fitness program director, led the workout and answered questions for everyone afterwards. You probably can’t see them very well, but she had some pretty hot gold sneakers on.

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Laura, Ashley, Erica, some weird chick, Sam and Cat. Check our their blogs in the next few days if you’re interested in the workout. (And Melissa and Megan’s blogs, too.)

Also, Cat is so much taller than I expected. She may be the only blogger I’ve ever met who is taller in real life.

Thank you so much to everyone for coming! I hope everyone had a good time and got a good workout in. And I hope my worlds keep colliding like this.

25 comments on “Tonight I Watched a Bunch of People Work Out

  1. Victoria

    I totally expected you to have an outfit on of fire. But your second choice is totally acceptable 😉 Looks like everyone had a great time!

  2. Ash Bear

    It was a great event lovely lady! But, I must say, I woke up this morning sore again. Good thing that today is a 100% rest day and there will be no surprise donkey kicks.

  3. melissa

    First, thanks for not posting any picks of me doing the dolphin move!

    Second, thanks for inviting me!

    And yes, I was impressed with the nut styling.

  4. Laura

    I am soooooo sore today – if I can’t pace the race on Saturday it will be your fault!

    Seriously, thank you so much for the invite – that was really awesome!

  5. Nicole

    Looks so fun! The tall comment made me laugh…there’s a guy I interact with professionally who knows my dad…we’re a tall bunch and whenever this guy sees me, the first thing he says to me is “I know where you get your height.” I love rockin’ the height!

  6. Life's a Bowl

    I’m not familiar with The Hunger Games but have heard nothing but great things about it and your event looks like a fun time! Congrats on hosting a successful event 😀


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