It’s About the People

One of my favorite parts about blogging, as I’m sure I’ve said 14 million times before, is the people.


I mean, not one of them gave me a hard time for posing so awkwardly. (Although, guys? Sorry for ruining this one.)

And not just because they’re always down for goofy pics.


It’s because we’re all in this together.

This being this healthy business. Sometimes it’s much easier to just order a pizza or sit on the couch, rather than make a healthy meal or exercise, but still, we give ourselves more than that, because we know it’s worth it.

But sometimes we struggle. We all do. Even those whose careers are based around health and fitness. My buddy Tina wrote a post this afternoon about trying to get back on track after a few indulgent days at BlogHer Food and said she read health blogs, including mine, for motivation when she’s looking for inspiration. I think she meant that she reads my blog to see if I’ve decided to try CrossFit yet, but I’m still flattered, especially since Tina always makes the fitness thing look so easy.

Sarah also wrote a post recently about being a few pounds above her “happy weight.” I actually thought when we were at Reach the Beach that she looked great, but it’s refreshing to know I’m not the only one who has to work hard if I want to maintain my weight.

And you guys. The comments you leave when I admit I’ve gained a little weight and am a little uncomfortable in my own skin right now and offer advice, suggestions, or just kind words. That’s why I blog. Not the free stuff or the doors blogging has opened. If all of that disappeared tomorrow, I’d still keep writing.

Which is why I’m excited to speak at the Healthy Living Summit again this year. I’ve learned a lot over the past few years as a blogger–and now, working in social media–and I’m excited to share that on a panel about bloggers working with brands. In the past, I’ve gotten some comments asking about how I find out about blogger conferences (usually through Twitter or others’ blogs), so I wanted to let you know that registration opens up tomorrow (June 12) at 8pm.


Yeah, I’m still a little uncomfortable in my skin sometimes, but I’m making a concerted effort lately to be more appreciative of what my body does (an awesome race helps) and what it is, instead of what it isn’t. It also helps I recently was tagged in a bikini picture in Facebook that I was not a fan of, went to look for a picture of when I remember feeling happier in my body, and realized I look about the same–my perception was just a bit better.

So I’m going to choose to perceive strength, not perfection.

Where do you find support in keeping healthy? And..are you going to the Healthy Living Summit?

30 comments on “It’s About the People

  1. Alex

    I think the sense of community you get as a healthy living blogger is great. It always seems to be an awesome time when you guys meet somewhere. I’m jealous 😉
    I wish other blog types had the ability to connect people in a similar way… sadly they don’t.
    Maybe I’ll have to start posting my meals – too bad I’m super lame and eat the same stuff every day …

    1. Theodora Post author

      I haven’t participated much in other blogging communities, but I’d assume that if you look/get involved, that there are definitely other blogging communities that are also tight-knit.

  2. Megan@ The Running Doc

    The reason I started reading healthy living blogs (and why I very recently started my own) was for the support and motivation! It’s always good to know there are others out there working everyday to get healthier!

  3. Michele @ nycrunningmama

    I feel the same way. I’ve only been blogging ~8 months and already feel like some of the girls I’ve met are family. I can blog about anything – get things off my chest – and know that it’s okay…and will receive helpful guidance or encouragement along the way.
    Congrats on being chosen to speak at the conference again!! =)

  4. Jen Correa @ Mom's Gotta Run

    Hoping to come up for the Summit. The health and fitness blogger community is amazing. I have only met a handful of bloggers, but they have all been as inspirational and approachable as they are on my computer screen where they share their thoughts with the world.

  5. Heather

    LOVE this post. and couldn’t agree more – the fact that this community is so supportive, encouraging and MOTIVATING is such a wonderful feeling!!

    Can’t wait until HLS!

  6. Gwen

    You are a total inspiration, Theodora! I am always inspried by other bloggers and encouraged that we share the same struggles at times. I wish I could make it to a blogging conference one of these days! I’m sure you’ll do a GREAT job presenting!

  7. Miranda @ Biting Life

    What a great post! Healthy living bloggers are such an awesome community – I’m really glad that I became a part of it. Bloggers (like you!) can be so inspiring and really make me want to work on myself to become the best person that I can be.

  8. Jss

    I LOVE this. This is exactly why I love to blog – the people, the community, the support and encouragement. I love what you say at the end about choosing “to perceive strength, not perfection.” One of my blog friends once reminded me to strive for excellence vs. perfection and that mantra has stuck with me ever since. Every time I get all up in my head about things and not being “perfect” at this healthy living thing ALL the time, I remember that mantra and it automatically shifts my focus. Just like your post did for me today. Totally needed that. Thank you!!

  9. Sarah @ SarahFit

    I love this post. I think we are all so hard on ourselves but doing what we do we feel this weight of expectation to be perfect role models. Yes we put ourselves in that position with public blogs, but we need to be kinder to ourselves. Miss you!

  10. Cathryn Ramsden

    Ooh…I think putting any bikini shot on FB is mean!!! But interesting that it’s your perception that has changed rather than your body. I can be one weight and sometimes feel fat and bloated with it, and other times feel svelte and sexy. There’s no explaining it.

    I love the idea of choosing strength over perfection. I’m feeling quite strong at the moment and it’s such an amazing feeling – whereas I’ll never feel like perfection!!

    And yes, I think blogging helps me stay on track with healthy eating. I started my blog about a month ago for exactly that reason – public accountability even if no-one is reading it. And today I hit a weight that I’ve not seen since before I had my son. I’m not dieting, I’m not stressing, just trying to eat healthily and focus on my running and that seems to be working.
    Talk about feeling strong!!!

  11. Laura @ Joyful Shimmy

    I am excited for your session.

    I have to admit that being part of this Healthy Living World is making a huge difference. I love reading blogs like yours for inspiration and reminders that we can do it.

    You said it right its about the community and people. I am grateful for your honesty.

  12. helene @healthyfrenchie

    I love the community too. I love knowing that whatever I post about someone else will have experienced it or have advice for me. I wish I could come to those summits though and meet all the wonderful bloggers in real life too

  13. Ryan

    Great post! I agree with the point you made about how it is a struggle to make healthy choices. One thing I’ve found to be extremely helpful and useful as a supplement to my current diet/exercise plan is Fullbar ( Not only do their products help you lose weight, they also help with maintaining your lost weight.

  14. Katie

    Although I have been blogging for a year, I still feel like a newbie in the healthy living blog community. BUT everyone is so awesome and I love every bit of it.

    Thanks for sharing the HLS info! I am always looking for conference info (although I’ve never been to one). Blogher food was here in Seattle and I didn’t even know until everyone started tweeting about it! 🙂

  15. Rene@gold coast personal trainers

    I work with a lot of clients in Australia. I find how important it is to find the happiness in your body weight as it correlates to your body type.

    I love personal training and helping people live healthier and more free lives. However, I often find how people forget that their happiness needs to come from within about who they can and want to be without. Thank you for the post!


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