Yoga in Times Square + [GIVEAWAY!]


Like most New Yorkers, I usually avoid Times Square like the plague. I value my sanity, and fighting my way through the crowds there erodes that sense of sanity, or whatever is left of it. But last night, I steeled myself and headed up there after work for a little yoga.

For the 10th year, The Times Square Alliance was hosting its free Solstice in Times Square event. They had four different classes throughout the day, and weeks ago, I reserved a ticket for the 7pm class.

Last week, NatureMade contacted me and asked if I’d like to go as a VIP. I told them if they didn’t mind me embarrassing them with my lack of ability to hold crow pose I would do it. In all seriousness, I take NatureMade B Complex every morning with my probiotics. They don’t smell, which is apparently a tall order for B vitamins. The VIP hook-up meant I got to be near the front and I got a gift bag (and one for you!)

Ashley went, too (oh hey, thanks for your pic!), and it was kinda like the first time we met, minus that whole getting rained-out thing.
I’m not one of those people who needs to OMG GET A REALLY GOOD WORKOUT in from yoga. More important to me is to stretch out and relax. I really wondered how the hell I’d do that in the middle of Times Square with thousands of other people and tourists gawking at us.

Oh, and this giant screen that panned the crowd and showed everyone practicing. For the first few minutes, I couldn’t stop looking to see if I was up there looking like an ass, but I got over that pretty quickly, since, what was I going to do? Hide?
The instructor was Dana Flynn, founder of Laughing Lotus Yoga. She started off the practice with a few remarks.
“You are here because you have chosen to engage with the world, rather than watch it.”
Her passionate, direct way of speaking was a little uncomfortable to me at first, but then I got over myself. She was right. We all could have gone home from work and sat on our couches and let the world pass us by, but we chose to go participate in this awesome thing.

It was cool to be doing yoga around all these landmarks I usually just rush by, and it was crazy to think that thousands of other people were doing the same exact thing at the same exact time.
And by cool, I mean it was something like 90 degrees outside at the time. My friend Shannon did the noon class, and texted me a picture from it where you could basically see the steam rising from the street. I’m glad the sun was slowly setting as we downward-dogged and sun-saluted. We must have sun-saluted approximately a million times, but given we were celebrating the Summer Solstice, I guess it made sense.
As for letting go and relaxing? The instructor didn’t take herself too seriously (one of my favorite qualities in both yoga instructors, and just people in general), and the class was really light-spirited. From playing lots of music throughout the class to having us join palms with the person next to us in tree pose, we had lots of fun, and I must have grinned like an idiot for much of the class. Smiling’s my favorite.

I did pop up a few times to take pictures because I thought it was such a unique experience.

We also did a massive human wave, which was fun.

This is what the city looks like when you’re attempting backbend. (I really miss when I used to do gymnastics and go into a backbend like it was nothing!

The Paramount Building. I love the old-school architecture against all the modern skyscrapers.
After 90 minutes of yoga-ing, I was blissfully happy. Which might also have to do with the sponsor tents set up at the sides where I ate hummus and lentil chips.
It was amazing.
If you’ve made it this far, there is something in it for you!
NatureMade gave me a goodie bag with the following stuff in it, and wants to share it with you:
v Vitamin D w/portable key chain and bottle
v Flip flops
v Beach Towel
v Beach bag
v Sunscreen
v iPod speakers
v Nature Made Water
v Nature Made Hat
v Yoga Mat
v Athleta Gift Card ($50)


To enter, leave a comment answering one of the following questions. Each comment will count as a separate entry:

  • Which vitamins do you take?
  • What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever exercised?
  • What are your summer beach plans?

[This giveaway will close 9am on Saturday, June 23.]

539 comments on “Yoga in Times Square + [GIVEAWAY!]

  1. Mikaela

    And the most unusual place I exercised was when I took a Zulu dance lesson at the top of a hill in a Zulu village in South Africa.

  2. Paula Kiger

    Where have I been the last 10 years? If this solstice in Times Square thing is annual, I think I know where I want to be next summer!!! Anyway vitamins: D3, C, a multivitamin.

  3. Meredith @ DareYouTo

    WOW amazing recap. I wanted to go so badly but couldn’t work it out to be there :/ Next year!

    The most unusual place I’ve exercised? Not anywhere particularly unusual lol. The pop-up workout for #FitBlogNYC? Orrrr Amsterdam. Haha it was in a tiny weird hotel gym but it was Amsterdam.

  4. Elle

    lots of supplements.

    Lutein, Omega 3, Calcium w/Vitamin D and magnesium, Vitamin C, multivitamin, and occationally Collagen. Whew!

  5. Paula Kiger

    Most unusual place? Hmm….not sure I can pick just one!! Yesterday I did boot camp and a bunch of planks in a hotel room. Stairwell of my office. Loved running around Roosevelt Island last September!!

  6. Meredith @ DareYouTo

    Summer beach plans… I hope they happen at all! It’s going to be a crazy busy summer, but I do believe I’ll make it to the beach a couple times, maybe more in July and August when work calms down. My mother, sister, and I all love to go! Also, every August, my boyfriend and I go to a water park, so that counts.

  7. Kelly

    I took an outdoor yoga class the past two summers (couldn’t make it work with my schedule this year 🙁 ) and it is so much fun, and such a different experience than a typical yoga class in a studio.

  8. Cate

    Looks like lots of fun!

    I take women’s daily multivitamin. The most unusual place? I’m pretty boring and usually workout at he gym pr in the park! My summer beach plans are to go as often as possible. In fact, I’m having my birthday party on the beach! I grew up on the south shore of Boston and lived at the beach as a kid!

  9. shayne

    when i studied abroad last semester, i ran in every country i visited. So ive run passed the effiel tower, on the beaches of normandy, in amsterdam and Ireland(my fav)

  10. Raenell Rafferty

    For vitamins, I take: Calcium + Vitamin D, Flaxseed Oil, B-complex, Sam-e, Biotin, and a multi-vitamin for women every day.

    The most unusual place that I have exercised was probably when I backpacked with my Americorps team to the top of Mt. Adams in Trout Lake, Washington in the middle of a storm on top of a mountain. We were literally in a storm cell and had to take the picture before we were hit by lightning or got stuck in a blizzard. Crazy, but the best feeling to summit!

    As for beach plans, I sadly have none because I am looking for work as I just finished my master’s. So, my version of a beach will either be the backyard or a friend’s pool at their apartment! 🙂

  11. Kate

    My summer beach plans involve running around after my two kids, while very pregnant, and hoping that I get a chance to actually sit down on the beach chair I am always so optimistic to bring. 🙂

  12. Jenny

    The most unusual place was running over the bridge at sunrise in Sarasota leading over to st Armand’s loved it!

  13. Tracy

    I took a beginners yoga class on the mountaintop in St. Kitts during one of my many family cruises! It was an amazing experience. Need to do more YOGA.

  14. Jenny

    Living in the Midwest we look forward to going to our lake house in Wisconsin. It is so much fun, relaxing and the best beach vacation!

  15. Tracy

    I grew up on the Jersey Shore so I will head there some weekends. My entire family rents a house in Delaware ( Bethany Beach) for a full week every August, so I am heading down for three days!! Can’t wait!

  16. Ellen G.

    I take multi vitamin, calcium, magnesium, vitamin d, triple omega, lysine and a Zinc chewable every day

  17. Tracey

    Most unusual place exercised is on a cruise ship. Although its a beautiful view, it is tough running on a treadmill at that level while the ship is in motion.

  18. Sabrina

    I take a multivitamin (adult sour gummy drops), vitamin A and C, and occasionally I will take Biotin also!

    This is a super cool giveaway. Thanks!

  19. Laurel C

    I like 5 minutes from the beach, so it’s safe to say that I will be spending almost every day of the summer at the beach!

  20. Laurel C

    When I was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico I ran on the beach and exercised at the resort’s gym!

  21. Jennifer O

    I’m excited to be returning to y home town, Grand Island, NY. I will get to take my 2 1/2 year old daughter to the first beach I got to hang out at, Beaver Island State Park. We go next week, yeah, for vacation!

  22. Sabrina

    My summer beach plans officially kick off tomorrow, even though it’s always beach season in Florida. I’m taking my niece and nephew to the beach for dinner and swimming. Then we are staying until after dark to see if we can catch a glimpse of a sea turtle.

  23. Nicole

    Most unusual place I’ve ever worked out (not too unusual) was my hotel room in Costa Rica during my honeymoon!

  24. Nicole

    Unfortunately I don’t have any beach plans this summer. I’m finishing up school and start my RD internship the first week in August!

  25. Emily

    I take vitamin d and a multi vitamin gummy! Keep them on my desk right in front so I dont forget…. Co-workers tease me about taking gummy vitamins but only vitamin I have tried that doesn’t hurt my stomach! Loooove them!

  26. Emily

    Most unusual place I have worked out does t compare to this post but for me it used to be vacation. Before trying to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle working out on vacation never crossed my mind! I wouldn’t consider it unusual now if anything a new adventure!

  27. Emily

    Beach plans involve a cruise!! First family vacation with my mom sister and I in 5 years and I cannot wait.

  28. Charissa

    Love this post and all the swag in the bag! 🙂

    My summer plans are to play volleyball with friends whenever I can! It’s my favourite thing ever.

  29. Meg

    well I own Trader Joe’s women’s multivitamin. But do I actually take them? Sometimes. I probably remember to take it about once a week…. but I figure that that’s better than not at all, right?

  30. Jen

    The most unusual place I’ve ever worked out is probably hiking up the steps of Angkor Wat in Cambodia! It was such a breath-taking view so I didn’t realize how hard I was working until the next day when I felt it all over my body!

  31. Katie R

    I’ve done a yoga podcast in an airport, and I’ve been known to break into yoga poses after meetings (in conference rooms) at work.

  32. Melissa @ Live, Love, & Run

    I take BioAstin, spirulina, vitamin D, a prenatal, and vitamin C. 🙂 I’ve always loved what a prenatal does for my hair and nails. 🙂

    Looks like an amazing time!!! I’d LOVE to participate in something like this one day. I bet it had incredible energy!

  33. Katie R

    Summer beach plans are thus far non-existent, but who knows what will happen over the next few months! 🙂

  34. Jen

    My summer plans are to work as much as I can (I’m a swim instructor) and save all my money for a warm winter getaway! I love spending my days outside and nothing beats a cold New England winter like a tropical vacation!

  35. Kelly M

    I take multivitamin, fish oil, Vitamin B complex, and Vitamin D, a must for anyone living in the pacific northwest.

  36. Melissa @ Live, Love, & Run

    I’ve already fulfilled my summer beach plans! We took a trip down to Florida back in March with the girls, and Cape Canaveral was amazing…so quiet, warm, and perfect for the girls’ first real beach experience. We’re actually buying my parents’ home, and it’s near a pretty big lake here. I’m sure we’ll make a few trips. 😉

  37. Sarah C.

    I used to workout in the car on my 6 hour commute to school. Last summer I was going to school 4 days a week, and it was 3 hours away. I’m sure people thought I was a weirdo.

  38. Melissa @ Live, Love, & Run

    I’ve never exercised anywhere particularly unusual…I’ve thought about taking my yoga outdoors, though. At the new house, we have some beautiful flowering plums and redbud trees, so that’ll be a great backdrop for some sun salutations!

  39. Amy

    My summer beach plans consist of the typical random summer beach trips with family. Here in Oregon we hope to get some sun while on the beach, but sometimes just sit on the windy beach in a sweatshirt and enjoy the sounds of the ocean.

  40. Kimra

    Athleta gift card?? OK, you got me.

    I take a Flintstones vitamin (multi, usually with added iron if I can find that one) every morning.

  41. lynne @lgsmash

    One of my favorite qualities in a yoga instructor is not taking the class or themselves too seriously too – it’s great when they bring some humor or lightness to the class!

    Vitamins – I take a multi-vitamin and biotin to help my hair grow longer! I’m not sure if it actually works… but my mind thinks it does 🙂

  42. lynne @lgsmash

    Most unusual place exercised: Red Rocks Amphitheater! It’s not that unusual if you live in Denver. In the mornings, the theater is open to fitness enthusiasts; in the evening, concerts and movies!

  43. emily

    my summer beach plans are to go to a different beach every time and go AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE! had my second beach day of the summer today and it was glorious.

  44. Gillian @ That's G

    I try and take a multi-vitamin (but am bad about it).

    Weirdest place I’ve ever exercised? inside a metro station in Madrid last May for a city-wide event to encourage people to workout. I took a spin class in the middle of rush-hour. So fun/unique/weird!

  45. Christy

    Going to white sandy beaches July 6th. Cant wait! I do think my two year old will love it again this year!!!

  46. Robin

    Most unusual…hmmm…I’m sure I have something better but all that comes to mind is running the stairs in my apt building when I lived in NYC.

  47. Maureen

    I’m pretty good about maintaining a balanced diet, but take the occasional multi-vitamin when I find myself not getting enough variety and eating out too much.

  48. Maureen

    I live on the west coast, so have access to beaches year-round. As soon as we get some summer heat, I’ll be spending my Sunday afternoons on the beach reading and watching the sailboats!

  49. Hania

    I take spirulina, magnesium, glucosamine and chrome. I guess the craziest workout is a series of 5.30 runs we have here in Italy: at 5.30 am you run 5km 300m. The craziest so far was 5.30 run in Venice

  50. Melissa

    I am racking my brain to think if I’ve ever exercised anywhere unusual! Probably also an outdoor yoga class, in Central Park.

  51. Eleonora

    I take the viactiv calcium/vit D supplements! Good for you and you get to eat a piece of chocolate every day! 🙂

  52. Eleonora

    The most unusual place I’ve worked with is in a call room at a hospital. I’m a doctor and work 30 hour shifts so I try to sneak in some workouts when I can! Call room is a good place for stretching!

  53. Eleonora

    I am from NJ and used to love days at the Jersey shore. I’ve lived in Boston for the past 7 years and have just moved to NY so am psyched for a few days at the Jersey beaches. Also heading to Miami for a week!

  54. Heather@YSP

    Fortunately (or not) we have a tiny little strip of rocky, East Coast beach in our neighborhood, so I think that is the closest I’ll get to the beach this summer.

  55. Alex

    I take magnesium every morning and a womens multivitamin if I know I won’t be eating that healthy (pinkberry lunch and pizza dinner for example….)

  56. Alex

    The most unusual place where I exercised was at a gym in Nagoya overlooking the city. I had packed my running gear to hit the actual road but it was unbearably muggy outside so I had to settle for the gym.

  57. Meari

    I think it’s funny, I live on a penninsula, near Virginia Beach, and I rarely go to the beach. I think I want to change that this year!!

  58. Rebecca

    i take a multivitamin (with probiotic in it), fish oil, spirulina and adora calcium (but mostly because i want dark chocolate!)

  59. Liz

    I take a multi vitamin for women (unless I am at my parents – then I steal my little brother’s gummy vitamins)

  60. Liz

    Philly has a weekly Urban Yoga class outside in the city. Last year the classes rotated throughout the different parks but this year they are held outside of the comcast building – right in front of a happy hour spot.

  61. Liz

    I’m going to Florida in a few weeks to lay on the beach and visit some of my brothers/sisters. Can’t wait!

  62. Georgiana

    I’m going to the beach this weekend so that’s asap for my beach plans! It’s close so weekend trips are a must! 🙂

  63. Tami

    I don’t have any summer each plans yet, but I’m sure that will change soon. We live close to the beach so we tend to go whenever we can fit it in.

  64. avni

    – i take biotin 500mg. the stress of working as an attorney in new york has made me feel like i’m literally losing all of my hair. my doctor suggested biotin, which is supposed to help strengthen the body’s proteins….and it works.

    – that said, the strangest place i’ve exercised is my office. well. an office is not that weird…but if someone opened my door and saw me doing pushups in a suit when at 10pm i think i would get the creep award.

    – spending vacation in chicago and san fran. so if by “beach,” we can say golden gate park and north avenue…then those.

  65. Charliss

    That sounds awesome! One of my friends was there as well – you might have tree-posed next to each other, who knows!

    Just a vitamin D for me, especially in the winter. I try to get everything else from food if possible.

  66. avni

    also, what a perfect day for yoga outside in new york…it was such natural bikram conditions with the weather!

  67. Grace

    I take a basic CVS brand multivitamin – Spectravite. It’s been the only one I’ve found that doesn’t upset my stomach…but, I must get my hands on NatureMade!

  68. Eliana

    For the summer, I’m going to Cyprus, a little island in the Mediterrenean. That is where I’m from. I’m planning to spend the whole time at the beach relaxing!!

  69. Charliss

    The strangest place I’ve exercised is in my boss’ office…she wanted to have a plank-holding competition (30s front, 30s 1st side, 30s 2nd side, repeat). Some ladies where I work got up to 25 minutes of that! Whew. I have my work cut out for me.

  70. Charliss

    Summer beach plans = Emerald Isle, NC. For a whole week. I can’t wait! You know how great the NC beaches are 🙂

  71. Grace

    The most unusual place,for me, where I’ve exercised would be at a local park. I took an outdoor bootcamp class, which I loved! There we’d be – bootcamping and all, lol, with people playing baseball & families with kids running through the water.

  72. Grace

    Summer beach plans….with two little kiddos – the beach is always an adventure! We love to plan a day/weekend trip – we pack up food head out. Our favorite spots are Long Island, Maine & NH.

  73. Leah

    The vitamins I take are Optiwomen multi. The most unusual place I’ve ever exercised was on the side of the road while there was a huge traffic jam that we sat in for about three hours. We were going crazy in the car (college kids with ADHD) so decided to jump out and do some circuits. It was amazing. In July I am getting married and plan on going to the Bahamas for our honeymoon

  74. Kristen

    I take a b12 vitamin daily.
    I once did yoga on a busy bridge in Westport, CT.
    We live 5 minutes from the beach and go almost every weekend!

  75. Julia

    I take melatonin before bed. Night sweats caused by arthritis were keeping me up at night, but the melatonin helps me to stay asleep!

  76. Laurie Menser

    I love vitamins, but my favorite is Vitamin D.

    Funniest place I have exercised was on the back of an old Chesapeake Bay work boat.

    My summer plans are to head down to the shores of the Chesapeake Bay with my family. My favorite place on earth!

  77. Anne

    I want to soak up the sun as much as possible. I have plans to spend a weekend in the hamptons,network weeks in Maine and a week in Cali. We’ll be pretty busy this summer but I’m also hoping to hit up the jersey shore too!

  78. samantha

    most unusual place: running through the snowy streets of moscow when it was barely light out in the morning. i think people thought i was a crazy woman.

  79. Gabby @ Gabby's Gluten-Free

    Wow! That looks like such a great time!

    I take vitamin D, calcium, multivitamin, fish oil, and ALA. The most interesting place I’ve worked out is probably in the grassy median of a large/popular street as part of a yoga flash mob!

  80. Lauren C

    My summer beach plans are to hit up Ft. Tilden…and maybe ride my bike there? There’s nothing like jumping into the water after a long, hot ride.

  81. Erin

    I’ve just started taking a packet of all sorts of stuff each day in hopes it will keep me healthy this summer. We’ll see!

  82. Jennifer

    The most unusual place I’ve exercised was on the top of a junk ship on Ha Long Bay in Vietnam. It was a tai chi class taught entirely in Vietnamese. My husband and I giggled the entire way through it.

  83. Michelle

    My summer beach plans include trying to even out the tan lines on my ankles and calfs from my running pants/ shoes!

  84. Caitlin

    Most unusual place I’ve exercised might be on trails in West Virginia at camp in High School? Maybe not that unusual, but oh well!

  85. Emily L.

    No ocean plans this year – I’m in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains…. Trip to Yosemite and Lake Tahoe planned, though 🙂

  86. Anna

    The only vitamins I take are fish oil and iron! I think I need to try this B vitamin because I can NEVER get past the smell. I wish I could say I had summer beach plans-girl is broke as a joke!

  87. KayJS

    Weirdest place I’ve ever worked out–yoga in a high school library. Sad–not weird in a good way like Times Square.

  88. Courtney Leonard

    I take Calcium, Vitamin D, Super B Complex, a Multivitamin and Folic Acid…gosh that sounds like a lot!

    Most unusual place I’ve worked out was probably running up Diamond Head when I ran the Honolulu Marathon.

    Beach plans are 1 week in Myrtle Beach 1 week in Navarre Beach, FL!

  89. Rachel

    I don’t have as many summer beach plans as I would like. Too many weddings taking up my weekends. That said, one bachelorette party is at the beach so at least I get some sand time in.

  90. Dori

    #2 – Most unusual place I’ve exercised was on the outskirts of Riker’s Island, mostly because I had no idea it was there until I came to it

  91. Pam Gordon

    We are actually heading up north for our vacation. Wedding in CT, 2 days in NYC and stopping a few places on the way home. We will also probably camp some more 🙂

  92. Iris Lee

    I haven’t really exercised in very unusual places… Most recently, I did yoga by the Charles River! It was also next to the highway, so I got a lot of weird looks from drivers. 🙂

  93. Elizabeth

    I take Gummy Multivitamins, just like eating gummy bears! And a calcium supplement when I can remember.

  94. Bridget

    Wellness Formula–they are big pills to swallow and they have a horrid smell, but I haven’t caught anything beyond a couple mild colds since I starting taking it a few years ago.

  95. Diana

    My most unusual workout was running back to a bar to get our rental car after watching the sunrise on the beach in the Outer Banks.

  96. Bridget

    Yoga at the beach is probably the most unusual place I’ve exercised….perhaps I should start being more adventurous.

  97. Bridget

    I live in Chicago a couple miles from the beach–the weekends are for frisbee, margs, and running along the lake. Not in that order though!

  98. Kate

    I guess my strangest workout place would be the stairwell at work. I usually spend 15 minutes a day doing the stairs as a little pick me up!

  99. susan k

    i haven’t been to the beach yet this summer and need to get on that! i want to take my puppy to the beach – i can’t wait to see what she thinks of sand and water. she loves to swim (mostly in her water bowl) so i think she’ll have a blast!

  100. Janine@ThePurpleGiraffe

    I take spirulina & bioastin each morning – and the most unusual place I’ve worked out is at the beach! I participated in a “Zumba at the Beach” event last fall, it was so fun! My summer beach plans include relaxing and catching some rays (with sunscreen, of course!)

  101. Michelle D

    I only take a multivitamin at the moment, but I am definitely looking to change that in the near future.

  102. Jocelyn

    I once exercised at an airport. We had an 8 hour layover, and the airport had a gym (well it was actually part of a hotel in the airport)!

  103. Sara

    Summer plans include the beach in NJ, and traveling to Europe for all of August before I start a new job!

  104. katie

    well…at my desk at work i have a multi-vitamin, vitamin d, glucosamine, calcium, and usually a fish oil [although currently out of that] – i try to take all religiously besides the glucosamine, but probably should start since my ankles are feeling achy since i’ve started marathon training.

  105. Jenny

    Oh, that looks so fun! I wonder if they do anything like that in DC? I take a Spirulina vitamin every day, as well as L-Lysine.

  106. Michelle D

    My summer beach plans are to try to spend as much time there as possible. I live in Florida so I tend to take it for granted. Not this year!!

  107. jeannie

    Most unusual place I’ve worked out would probably be in the breakroom/kitchen at my old job. I’d do wall sits while my stuff heated in the microwave. The first time I did it I was wearing new dark jeans and my ass print rubbed off on the pristine, white, freshly painted walls! Shhh no one knows it was me 🙂

  108. Michelle D

    I’ve never really exercised anyplace weird, but I would definitely love to do a yoga session in Times Square. One day…

  109. jeannie

    I live at the beach (Rockaway Park in Queens — if you’ve never been hop on the A and come out!) so I’m soaking up as much beach time this summer as possible. Also heading to Hilton Head for vacation in Aug. Already counting down.

  110. Jenny

    My summer plans include multiple trips to the Chesapeake Bay (slathered in SPF, of course) and enjoying as much outdoor activity as I can before cold weather rolls back around.

  111. susan k

    i sit on an exercise ball at work and bust a move on it from time to time. it’s going to be an awkward day when i get caught 🙂

  112. Julie B

    The most unusual place I’ve exercised…hmmm, probably my office! Sometimes when I’m feeling super stressed I’ll do some yoga in the corner where no one can see me (I hope!)

  113. Christina

    I take Vitamin D & Omega 3. I drove all the way from Canada to take part in the 7:30am Yoga Solstice Class and then drove all the way back, so I think that’s pretty crazy. Although I used to be a tree climber, so being a female that’s also considered an insane & incredibly dangerous workout. I plan to spend as much time as I can at our family cottage in northern Ontario, Canada this summer doing Yoga on the platform we built by the water. It is so serene, no hydro or amenities, just pure nature…here I come!

  114. Maggie

    I take a women’s multi-vitamin, fish oil, and an herb called butterbur that is supposed to help with bad headaches. The butterbur has seriously changed my life.

  115. Julie B

    I have lots of summer beach plans in Boston and Cape Cod…can’t wait! I’m also hoping to start up a weekly night volleyball team, love summer!

  116. Alexa

    I take a prenatal vitamin for obvious reasons right now, but always like taking them because of the extra folic acid they provide.

  117. Maggie

    My summer beach plans are heading to my parents’ house in Westhampton next weekend and staying through July 4th. And then going out there a few more times this summer. Lucky me!

  118. Lauri

    One a day women’s multi vitamin

    Hmm..never exercised anywhere that unique although exercising while on vacation is considered unique to the ‘old” me who rarely exercised and never woudl have thought to do that!!!

    The beach is my fave!!! Just spent 5 days in South Beach. Heading to beach in DE at the end of july with 2 girlfriends and our kids…And again in september to Cape May, NJ with a group of about 9 people and 3 kids – have done it with the same group the past 3 years and it’s always a blast!!

  119. Meg

    I recently stopped taking vitamins. When I was taking them, I always opted for the gummy kind so I’d be more inclined to remember.

  120. Meg

    I’ve worked out in some atypical places – the steps of museums on the National Mall, in front of the Washington Monument in the middle of a busy Saturday, in the basement where they held regular Bingo tournaments and Jazzercise classes (makes for interesting decor!).

  121. Rachel C.

    I don’t really have any beach plans; even though I only live 1hr away and work only 1/2 away I hardly ever go!

  122. Helen

    I actually don’t take vitamins anymore. I am always forgetting to take them and kind of stopped completely. I really should start taking them again!

  123. Meg

    My big summer trip this year is happening at the end of July when I’ll be traveling to San Francisco for my first time with a few of my best running buddies. We’re going to do the San Francisco Half Marathon, but we’re taking on a few extra days for sightseeing and, of course, a day trip to Napa Valley. I’m already dreaming about vineyards and vino!

  124. Amy I

    I take Nature Made multi complete every day! Don’t think I’ve ever exercised in a totally unique place, but I did log 32,600 steps in last Saturday while touring Chicago! I live in SoCal (though I’m from NJ!) and hope to hit the beach tomorrow!

  125. Shira

    I take a Viactiv multi-vitamin chew because it has extra calcium and it tastes like chocolate! (But really I eat it only b/c it tastes like chocolate- the vitamins in it are just another side benefit 🙂 )

  126. Sarah

    I take a multi and calcium every day.

    Sunrise yoga on the beach is definitely on the books this summer!

  127. Shira

    I’m going to Long Beach Island in Jersey for a week with my family and then plan on taking lots of day trips to beaches near NYC on the weekends.

  128. Jessica

    Most unusual place I’ve ever worked out is probably running the stairs from the movie The Exorcist in Georgetown, DC.

  129. Kate

    I take a women’s multi-vitamin. I try to get vitamins from foods as well, but I figure it’s a good back-up.

  130. Kate

    I go to the beach most weekends – in Chicago we have to take advantage of the warm weather while it lasts!

  131. Laura @ Backstage Balance

    The strangest place I’ve exercised… When I was a cashier in college, The counter top as a perfect height to do barre exercises. So I did ballet at my checkout register at a home improvement store 🙂

  132. Laura @ Backstage Balance

    Beach plans = I hope to make it to Milwaukee’s Bradford Beach sometime in the next few weeks.

  133. Jamie @ StudioEats

    hahaha i love your upside down Times Square photo. My answer would be to unusual exercise. It’s not that unusual but for the past few summers I’ve gone home to CT to do a yoga class on the beach at night when it is pitch black. It’s led by a local yoga studio in CT.

  134. Katrina @ 'Sota is Sexy

    I exercised during a layover at the airport, once! I got lots of crazy looks, but I was there for six hours, with nothing to do!! Worked up a good sweat, and killed the time. I just feel bad for the person who had to sit next to me on the flight afterwards 🙂

  135. Danielle

    I would so love to do yoga in a giant group outside like that one day, would be great!
    For vitamins i take a multi vitamin everyday!

  136. Danielle

    i don’t think i have worked out in that many unusual spaces, i guess one of the oddest would have been a street hockey tournament i played in, a few city blocks were shut down for it!

  137. MindyG

    I take a prenatal, fish oil, vitamin E and evening primrose. I always try adding a B complex, but the niacin component often makes me flush, which I do not prefer. 🙂

  138. Haley

    I sometimes break into a workout at the park while my kids are playing…when it’s not busy! Triceps dips, push-ups on the parallel bars, etc…

  139. Haley

    No summer beach plans for me b/c I’m going to Kenya next month; but my family goes to the Outerbanks in October and I can’t wait!

  140. Laura

    This summer I’m going to Bethany Beach, cape cod to visit my parents, and a week on the Oregon coast for a family reunion!

  141. Amanda

    My summer beach plans aren’t coming until Septermber, but I will be honeymooning in Hawaii then! I am so excited!

  142. Abby

    I live near the beach so i am just going to try and get out there as much as possible.. i love the sunshine!

  143. Deirdre Vollmer

    Hi Theodora!

    This is the first time I have every left a comment on someone’s blog, but your giveaway was too tempting for me not to respond!

    The most unusual place I have ever exercised was at a bar in Washington DC…I was challenged to do 5 push ups and I couldn’t back down-although I was only able to complete 2.5!

  144. Leslie

    I recently had surgery for hyperparathyroidism so I take Vitamin D vitamins every day. Would love to win!

  145. MB

    Simple women’s multi (which I’ve lapsed on…should probably get back to that…) When you mentioned B vitamins, I got curious and did a little reading…I might start taking a B complex – glad to have a favorable review of NatureMade!

  146. MB

    My beach plans for the summer have already been accomplished – spent a few days staying literally across the street from the Pacific Ocean in May!

  147. Kiersten

    I am pretty good about taking a daily multi-vitamin. Sometimes I toss in extra calcium or vitamin C.

    Oh an I hear you on the backbends. I was a gymnast for most of my life, and now I feel like my abs are going rip and my spine is going to snap when I go into a bridge.

  148. Kiersten

    The most unusual place I’ve ever exercised was definitely on the boat getting to Antarctica. I wore my Garmin for some laps around the deck and when I uploaded it was this funny little series of swirls in the middle of the ocean. Another day I rode the 1 stationary bike, but it was so rough that waves were splashing against the window of the 6th level. I fell off the bike twice!

  149. Kiersten

    And my beach plans for the summer are a little less relaxing than normal. I signed up for my first ocean swim tri (eek!!) So I need to get in some open water swim practice.

  150. Laura B.

    I take Nature’s Made Prenatal Multivitamins with DHA on a daily basis – I love their prenatal vitamins because they do not make me nauseous the way other brands do!

  151. Katherine

    I don’t if this is unusual, or just cool, but I worked out in Mexico with my treadmill overlooking the Sea of Cortez- such a nice view!

  152. Laura B.

    My summer beach plans include trying to get find a beach on Seneca Lake during our Finger Lakes trip in Mid-July. But we went to Hilton Head in April so I guess I can’t complain.

  153. Katherine

    For my honeymoon in September, we are going to Rome, Cannes, and Monte Carlo. Our hotel in MC is right on the Mediterranean and I fully plan on laying on the beach doing absolutely nothing!

  154. Laura B.

    The most unusual place I’ve ever exercised (for me) would be on Kauai during a vacation – it is probably not that odd for people to exercise on Kauai, you see it all the time, but for me to work out while on vacation was majorly strange.

  155. jeanne

    What a cool experience! My summer plans include lots of reading, baking, and going out to eat/drink with friends.

  156. Emily B.

    I did yoga in front of the Comcast building in Philly. The funniest part was how close it was to a bar and happy hour.

  157. Rose @ RoseRunsSlow

    We are leaving in two weeks for a trip to my hometown of Philadelphia. While we are there Hubs and I are taking the kids to the Jersey Shore! Woot! Hope we run into Snooki and the Situation so I can tell the kids how not to grow up.

  158. Grace

    Which vitamins do you take?
    What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever exercised?
    What are your summer beach plans?

    I take fish oil every day, and I’m still on the hunt for that perfect-no-weird-aftertaste brand!

    Probably the most unusual place i’ve exercised is an empty office at my work. (not all that adventurous, haha)

    And I’m way less excited about any potential beach plans as I am to go to Colorado next week for plenty of hiking and mountain air!

  159. Evelyn

    I take a multi-vitamin and OPC3, an antioxidant. I also take naturemade’s biotin for my hair and skin. Great recap Theodora!

  160. Alison

    I take a variety of Vitamins – but right now I’m taking less since I ran out… I take B complex, D, C, Fish oils, folic acid and calcium
    the most unusual place I have exercised is an airpot, yoga in the stop over on my flight home from Australia (this is very important after sitting for hours on end)
    Summer Beach plans – I pray everyday I will get to a this summer but we will see.

    Have a great day!

  161. Julie

    The most unusual place I’ve exercised is swimming in a duck poop-filled lagoon for triathlon training. Yuck!

  162. carolyn

    I take 2 multi-vitamins and an MSM (Trader Joe’s vitamin for hair, skin and nails) like it’s my job. Occasionally, I’ll buy random bottles of vitamin D, fish oil and the like.

  163. Kiera

    I take Omega 3, B-Complex, D, and a Multi. During tough training seasons I take Magnesium to help my muscle recovery.

  164. Kiera

    I don’t have any set beach plans 🙁 but I am headed to Portland soon to *hopefully* get some river swims in!

  165. Aimee M

    I’m lucky to spend half my time on southeast coast of CT and half on the Jersey shore, so I’m always surrounded by beaches!

  166. Kiera

    I wish I got to yoga in Times Square! i always thought it was funny when my bootcamp would do class out in the parking lot of the gym…when there was a HUGE gym just inside.

  167. Jen

    Not really unusual, but my favorite place I’ve run is through some vineyards in Napa Valley. Pretty and peaceful! 🙂

  168. Kim

    You had me at Athleta gift card! The vitamins I take are a multi-vitamin just about every day and cod liver oil every day. I also take calcium if I haven’t had a lot of dairy that day.

  169. Kim

    The most unusual place I’ve worked out would have to be Mackinac Island in Michigan where there are no cars allowed and most of the island is a state park

  170. Kim

    No real beach plans for the summer, my parents live on a lake though so I’ll probably spend a few Saturday afternoons out there.

  171. Cheryl

    I’m landlocked – it’s a pool, no beach for me. Running trails is about as crazy as I get around here! For vitamins, I take a multi-vitamin, B, D, E, fish oil, and glucosamine. Yeah, I should have stock in Naturemade!

  172. Alex

    I love doing yoga outdoors or in unlikely places! I’ve done yoga classes in several parks, the Royal Ontario Museum, and even the National Ballet School!

  173. Debra

    I have taken a multi vitamin for years and recently started taking a dandelion supplement which is supposed help with natural detox.

  174. Debra

    I have no beach plans yet but I am hoping to get over to San Diego at some point. It may be difficult since I started a new job not too long ago and don’t have any vavay time yet.

  175. Alison

    I take a multi-vitamin and fish oil every morning. fun fact: my vet recommended fish oil for my dog’s joint pain so every morning we take our vitamins together. bonding time at its finest

  176. Alison

    i live in chicago so i spend a lot of time at the “beach by the lake” playing volleyball and working on my summer glow!

  177. KD

    Summer beach plans include a family trip to the Outter Banks! Yeah Kitty Hawk! I know you recently went as well, loved the trip recap. It made me wish my trip down would hurry up and get here already 🙂

  178. annie

    i try to stay away from suntanning because i want beautiful skin when i’m in my 70’s, like my mom (who hates the sun). but i do plan on doing some swimming in the water at coney island!

  179. KD

    Also I would say the strangest place I ever worked out would be in a hotel bathroom. It was the largest open space in the room. Warrior pose next to the shower was interesting!

  180. Sigi

    Not strange strange but awkward strange–at a company work retreat surrounded by all of my coworkers…

  181. Kristy

    Ok, comment 1: “What vitamins do you take?” I’m terrible, because the ONLY vitamin I take is Vitamin D, because it makes me happier. I know I need to take more, but I get overwhelmed when I’m in the vitamin aisle :-/

  182. Kimberlee

    Vitamins – I take Multi and also Super B Complex & Probiotic

    Unusual Place for Exercise – On a pontoon boat, situps & lunges

    Plans for summer – take a beach vaca asap! 🙂

  183. Kristy

    Comment #2: “Where is the most unusual place you’ve exercised?” I guess just the beach. Not too unusual, but I LOVE it! I always always get excited to go to the beach.

  184. Kristy

    annnnnnd comment #3: “What are your beach plans this summer?”

    This one I’m excited about — a bunch of friends and I rented a HUGE beach house in Emerald Isle, NC. It’s right on the beach and has a pool. I’m soo excited!

    P.S. Did you slip in an Elf quote? “Smiling’s my favorite!”

  185. Jasmine H.

    Comment #2: The most unusual place I’ve exercised would have to be running to the beach in Da Nang, Vietnam. We ran on a busy street filled with scooters and cars — scary!

  186. Daniela c.

    Plans for the summer : maintain a healthy weight, drive to Niagara Falls and Toronto, have fun and relax !!!

  187. Verhanika

    Every morning I take 2 of the Trader Joe’s gummi bear vitamins, a cranberry concentrate pill and a fish oil pill. During the winter I also take Vitamin D since we get so little sun here in Seattle! And I can honestly say if I miss my vitamins a few days in a row I can feel a difference. Esp the fish oil!

  188. Verhanika

    The most unusual place I’ve exercised is in a mangrove park. I used to go to this park in South Florida where I grew up and practice tai chi. It felt very zen, though I would usually crack up at least once thinking about how weird I probably looked.

  189. Verhanika

    My summer beach plans were to go to my parents house in West Palm Beach, Florida and lay out on the beach every day. Sadly it was overcast every day I was home! I can get overcast beaches back in Seattle, so I only ended up out once.

    I have a few summer bonfires planned on Alki in Seattle. The first one back in May was awesome!

  190. Emmie

    Hiking from village to village in the mountains around Chiang Mai, Thailand was probably the strangest/best place I have ever exercised 🙂

  191. Sarah

    Most unusual exercise spot? Hmm.. I don’t think I’ve gone too nuts there? I always try and exercise on vacation, maybe that’s unusual for some.. biking the obx; kayaking in Maine..

  192. Sarah

    Summer beach plans? Already happened – the OBX with you! Sadly probably no mas beach for me. Maybe a day trip here and there..

  193. Susan

    Hi Theodora! I’m subscribed to your blog but first time commenter. 🙂 Hoping that scores me points and maybe I will win the fun free stuff?

    I take a prenatal multivitamin (husband and I are trying for baby #1) and fish oil.

  194. Sarah

    The most unusual place I’ve exercised was in the resort gym on my honeymoon. I didn’t find it that unusual but a lot of people did!

  195. Sarah

    For my summer beach plans, I’m lucky enough to be going away for a week to the Dominican Republic. I’m also planning on hitting up local beaches as much as possible during the weekends this summer.

  196. Maggie

    I take B, D and DHA on the reg.
    I once took a boot camp class that somehow got moved to this giant art room in the building it was in — sawdust was everywhere!
    Spending time at the lake and canoeing down the river — need to make plans to hit up a real beach soon! 🙂

  197. Lindsay

    I exercise outdoors every morning with a boot camp that takes us to random places pretty regularly. We start at a high school track/football stadium and generally leave on adventures. Once we ended up next to a metro stop working our arms with therabands and then push ups, while some local homeless people watched.

  198. Lesley

    I take probiotics, vitamin D and a prenatal (i’m preggers 🙂

    Most exotic place I’ve exercised was on the beach in the Philippines.

    My beach plan for the summer? Might visit a couple of times. I live in SF so there aren’t often beach days, per say, but a scenic drive to get there is pretty awesome, too!

    Thanks for the chance to win the bag– definitely a lot in there I can get use out of!

  199. Lindsey

    I don’t take any vitamins but need to:(

    Nothing too exciting for exercising…just running on a track on the cruise ship on my honeymoon.

    Summer beach plans include chasing my kids in the sand and hoping my 2yo will actually touch the sand this year!

  200. Cait

    I take a daily multi-vitamin, calcium + Vitamin D, and then a gluscosamine + chondroitin + msm I’ve found that the latter pill has really helped with my IT band syndrome!

  201. Marina

    The most unusual place I’ve ever worked out is on vacation. Whether its a cruise, Florida, Cancun, or a business trip, I always try to visit the gym at least once on my vacation away from home. I have a weird obsession with nice gyms, so I like checking out hotels with nice fitness centers.

  202. Kristen M

    •What are your summer beach plans?
    The “beach” by us is really a swim pond, but has a great deal on season passes, so the kids and I can usually be found there about once a week!

  203. Blair

    Summer beach plans – just came back from a week in Hawaii! Hopefully a few weekend trips to Rehobeth Beach are in my future though.

  204. Maria

    My beach plans are to go as often as possible, and try to get out to as many of the beaches close to the city as I can!

  205. Blair

    Not sure I’ve ever worked out anywhere too unusual before…? Next weekend I’m signed up for “Pilates on the Patio” at a DC hotel. Not that crazy…but anything out side of the studio/gym is a welcomed change.

  206. tara

    I’m a medical resident and have no plans for the beach this summer…. i’ll be enjoying the hospital’s ac though!

  207. Evelyn Laffey

    * What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever exercised?
    I did “drum corps” when I was younger and we practiced everywhere (running and spinning colorguard equipment is great exercise). The strangest places we practiced included hotel parking lots, rest stops, on moving buses, and abandoned buildings.

  208. Evelyn Laffey

    * What are your summer beach plans?
    No beach until August, but then it will be hanging with the family (2 little ones and hubbie) and trying not to have the baby eat too much sand 🙂

  209. Stacy

    Times Square takes the prize for the strangest place I’ve ever worked out. I did the 7:30 a.m. session on Wednesday. My friend and I were both amazed by how quiet it was while we were in Shivasana. We both almost fell asleep!!!

  210. Laurie

    I take a multiivitamin each day.

    I have gone for amazing runs in Santorini, Greece, along the cliffs….over 15 years ago, and they still rank as my best runs ever.

    Beach days planned for Sanibel in Florida!

  211. Jen

    Ohhhh….I’ve been to the beach 2 times already. We have a pond 5 miles down the road and we spend a lot of time at my in-laws cottage. We also go to the ocean quite a bit in the summer too. I love living in Maine for all those reasons.

  212. Jillian

    I haven’t exercised anywhere crazy….though I did run like 80 miles on Nantucket last summer for marathon training

  213. Noelle McKenzie

    I take a multi-vitamin and was taking probiotics, but I get them in my protein shakes now. =) I love all your amazing pics! And what an awesome event in NYC- how did you hear about this? I want to do this next year or the next time a class like this is offered…very cool! I hope it wasn’t blistering hot that day tho!

  214. Katie @ Talk Less, Say More

    When I lived right outside NYC, I REALLY wanted to do yoga in Times Square but was never able to. I hope someday to plan a trip back and attend.

    I’m not sure I’ve ever exercised in any unusual places, but I’ve done yoga overlooking the ocean which was pretty cool.

  215. Megan

    We’re headed to sea island, ga later this summer for some quality beach time with our new baby. Can’t wait!

  216. Sage

    The most unusual place I have exercised would have to be in a tiny hotel room right before a soccer tournament. We moved all the furniture and tried to cram in some last minute drills.

  217. Amy

    I went for a run around Mykonos island last month while I was visiting Greece. Literally the most beautiful backdrop for a run! 🙂

  218. Amy

    I plan on spending a few days at the beach whenever I can get a day off but what I’m really excited about is my whitewater rafting trip I’m taking next weekend! I’ve never been before so I’m a little nervous but hopefully it will be a lot of fun!

  219. Cindy

    Which vitamins do you take? multivitamin and calcium
    What’s the most unusual place you’ve ever exercised? running up a single flight of stairs like 100 times on a super rainy day
    What are your summer beach plans?not sure yet!

  220. Caroline

    I don’t have summer beach plans but I have summer lake plans – going to NH to enjoy a week on the lake with boating and swimming and wakeboarding – can’t wait!

  221. Whitney N

    As far a summer beach plans? I, alas, just moved to AR… so, no beaches in my future. I did just get back from vacation on the Outer Banks, which was awesome. 🙂

  222. Libby

    I take a women’s daily multi. I have to take it at the end of the day bc otherwise it upsets my stomach.

  223. Libby

    I purchased an exotic reef kiddie pool as well as a dual racer slip and slide for my backyard. That’s my backyard beach!

  224. Arlene

    I am really bad about taking vitamins but from time to time I eat the Trader Joe’s gummy vitamins like candy. Also, on occasion Geritol.

  225. Stacey

    I don’t take vitamins, sadly. I do this thing where I buy them in bulk and take them for a week and then just forget after that.


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