Taper Crazies: The Highs and Lows

I haven’t had much else to write about lately other than running. Life right now is work, running and sleeping–and that’s fine.

But today was a lovely day, and one of those days that, as I sit here writing this, I wonder how it was just one day.

Starting with a very early run with Fiona. We met at 6am around 2 miles from my apartment. I woke up at 5, 20 minutes before my alarm was set to go off, nervous that my phone would die and didn’t really fall back asleep. Left at 5:40, when the sky was still pitch-black, met up with Fiona at 6, and ran for about 40 minutes with her. I don’t know if it’s work, 13 weeks of training catching up with me, or a bit of both, but I’ve been exhausted this week and have had trouble waking up early to run.

I also have a hard time making myself run during taper. (Not like those other people.) My hard training is already in, and I’m just exhausted, so I’ve been running what I can this week rather than what my training plan says.

This morning, my eyes teared with sleepiness and adjusting to the newly chilly weather, and my legs ached with hundreds of miles and, admittedly, probably not enough sleep this week. I had 8 on the plan, but when I got 6 down, I told Fiona I was good for the day and, bleary-eyed, walked over to Columbus Circle to get a quick cab home.


After work, I had a New Balance event for work. New Balance hosted a fashion show with cancer survivors modeling the Lace Up for the Cure line, which raises money for Komen.


Air hockey, obviously.

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The special ladies who walked, including the one who wore a dress made out of sneakers!

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Tim Halperin, who was on American Idol Season 10, sang at the event. He is such a cutie.

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After the event, we all went to Silk Road Tavern, an Asian fusion restaurant. We did the prix-fixe and got everything family-style.

I got too hungry to take more photos, but here are the highlights:

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Deviled tea eggs (I don’t even know what that means other than awesome) and scallion pancake crostini.

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Duck egg roll. (OH YES.)

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Crispy bass and beans.


Dana, my work spouse.

It was a fun night and a lovely ending to a long day.

So many taper highs and lows. Sleep is always a consistent taper high though, so good night!

7 comments on “Taper Crazies: The Highs and Lows

  1. NYC Fit Girl

    Looks like a fun event!!! My leader for NYJL know you from run club! I told her I read your blog and she was like I run with Theodora and know her well!

    I am jealous you get to go to all these events with your job 🙂

  2. Anna Eldridge

    My taper during Chicago training was awful — you couldn’t pay me to go run! But I ended up having a great race, and with the amount of training you’re doing, I know you’ll kill your race. I’m amazed at how much running you can fit into your lifestyle! Almost there!! 🙂

  3. Kristina

    I feel your pain with the tapering… I honestly thought from everything I had read and been told that these coming weeks of tapering would be a tease for me and I would be itching to do more miles and workout more. However, I am so exhausted, can barely get myself out of bed, and my week of working out at least 5-6x a week has become 3-4 times a week the past two weeks. I feel like a slacker but my body is pretty much dead. haha

  4. Jess

    Taper made me not want to run at all by the end either — like you said, was TOTALLY exhausted and knew my training was done so I was good with missing some miles. PLUS it kept my legs very happy on race day…maybe a little too happy because we went out a little too fast but otherwise, the taper was worth the rest, SO needed after all that!! Can’t wait to hear how your race goes!!

  5. Cathryn @ myheartscontent

    I’m tapering this week for Sunday’s half marathon and I have been RUBBISH!!! Sleeping in, missing runs…I’ve lost all discipline! I’m a little stressed about it, so thanks for the reminder that sleep is important during taper!!!! I’m loving the other comments about slacking during taper as well! Thanks everyone, I needed that.


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