Erica Sara Designs Race Bling Giveaway!

I’m away soaking up every ray of sun and fun I can, but I left some treats here for you. I have a few giveaways of my favorite things while I’m gone…just in case Santa forgot something for you.


Including one of my favorite possessions on this earth, an Erica Sara Race Bling Necklace.

I first ordered one when I finished the Chicago Marathon a few years ago, and I’ve added to the necklace with each marathon since.


It turns out photographing jewelry at night is really difficult…but I love having a tangible way to remind me of my accomplishments.


[all pretty photos courtesy of Erica’s site]

This is the MCM charm.



Over the past few years, Erica has become a friend, and she’s agreed to give away one race bling necklace to one lucky reader!!

How to enter!

Take a look at her race bling collection and leave a comment with what charm you’d go with and what you’d have engraved on it.

For a bonus entry, tweet “I want to win @ericasara race bling from @tblanchfield!” <– Edited to add correct link.

This giveaway will be open until 12pm EST 1/2/2013 and is open only to those in the United States.

112 comments on “Erica Sara Designs Race Bling Giveaway!

  1. Anne W.

    Such a cute idea! I like the run tag necklace. I would probably engrave it with #13in2013 πŸ™‚ Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Megan

    Just LOVE these necklaces. I would get the City Race Bling — it would say Surf City 26.2, and on the back the date (2/3/13!) and my finishing time. πŸ™‚

  3. Heidi

    all of them are AWESOME but i really like the i <3 13.1 charm since that has definitely become my favorite race distance over the past year πŸ™‚

  4. Christine

    I’d go for the Marine Corp Marathon charm. It was my first marathon and it would be a great way to remember the race!

  5. Laura

    I’d want the simple 26.2 one, with the back reading “50 by 25: If you can dream it, you can do it.”

    And now I am thinking about purchasing that myself…

  6. Gianna

    I’ve had my eye on these forever! I am running my first marathon in January and would definitely get at 26.2 necklace and engrave the date/time on it.

  7. Kate M.

    I love the say it, do it bracelets! I would get one with 13.1 engraved on it as I am determined to run my first half marathon this year!

  8. Melissa

    Those are so cute! I’d get the custom distance necklace for each of the half marathons I’ve done, and then add one for my first full marathon I’m running in March!

  9. Kashi @ Cape Island Runners

    Philly LOVE charm! I have run the Philly half and full multiple times and have my PR from both on that course. Love me some Philly! Not sure what I would engrave with – maybe something having to do with my hubby, since he ran his first half this year while I ran the full. Decisions, decisions!

  10. Gene Dalais

    What a great memory momento. I’d like the 26.2 Hammered Necklace because it will remind me of how I felt training for the Chicago 2012 marathon…hammered. At the end of the race hammered and happy!

    I’d engrave Chicago 2012..for Dad. Since he was a runner in his day and is now in heaven.

  11. Liz

    I would LOVE to have the Philly Love Marathon necklace. I live in Philly, the Philly marathon was my first, and I just ran it again and BQ’d!

  12. Amy

    Definitely the marathon 26.2 necklace to remember the two marathons I’ve run and to inspire me to run more in the future…maybe in 2013?!?!

  13. Jess

    I’d either do the Philly marathon charm since that’s where I PR’d in 2010 or just the basic 26.2 charm, since that would cover all my races!

  14. Eunice

    I’d like the 13.1 necklace with “Princess Unis” engraved on it. I’m running the Disney Princess half marathon in February, and it’ll be my first!

    I thought “Princess Unis” would be fitting, as I have an inside joke with all my best friends about how no one knows how to spell my name. but they’ve actually started spelling my name like that haha

  15. Mary Frances daly

    I would get the City Race Charm Bracelet for each half I have already done and then I could add all that I eventually do!! I have been eying these for a while!

  16. Brandi

    These are awesome! I’d get the city race bling and it would say Disney 26.2 with the date (01/08/2012) on the back for my first full marathon!

  17. Dina

    i would love the 13.1 tag, since I will be doing the NYC half in March. This will be my first half marathon, a little nervous and so excited to be visiting my favorite city to do it in!

  18. Kelly

    ahh, it’s so hard to decide! I’d probably get one of the Philly charms with my time engraved on the back, and maybe a cheesy motivational word or two.

  19. Laura C.

    I like the 13.1 necklace… I’d really want the 26.2 but I’m injured and being forced to miss out on my first marathon πŸ™

  20. Michelle

    Great giveaway! I would get the 26.2 charm with the date of my first marathon (NYC -2011 engraved on the back!) I could add it to the custom mantra necklace from her that I never take off! (It says “To have faith is to have wings” and reminds me that if I have faith in myself I can do anything!

  21. RedRobin

    I’d like the “Run Like A Girl” layered with 13.1 to commemorate my first half this past November! Adding a charm for each – what a fun idea! I’d get it engraved with “Chilly Half, Nov 2012”

  22. leahk

    i love the City Race Necklace!! I ran my first marathon this oct in Hartford and would love to get my race time on the back. I worked super hard for my 3:59 and would love to wear this proudly!!

  23. Nicole D

    I love the 13.1 Run tag necklace. I would wear it during half marathon training for some sparkly motivation. πŸ™‚


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