Central Park Snow Running Adventures!

In case you haven’t heard, NYC got a bunch of snow Friday.

I had a 9-miler on deck for Saturday and zero desire for a treadmill PDR, so I hoped and prayed the paths in Central Park would be good to go Saturday morning.

Steph invited me (in my comment section, which is the new way to make plans) to join her and Shaya in the park for a little Rehoboth reunion. I woke up yesterday and checked Twitter obsessively for any sort of news about how the paths in the park were doing. Steph and Shaya are both training for marathons, and had double-digit runs, so I had plenty of time to stall. Steph finally texted to ask where I was, and I took that as a sign that they had, in fact, been running, and the park was runnable.

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And sleddable! Dude, every time we passed a hill with kids sledding, we all wanted to bail and go sledding or do snow angels. But run on, we did.

We ran what Steph called a “candy cane wrapper” route. I have no idea what that means, but we ran the transverses a few times, and they were the only parts of the park that were kind of slick.

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The park was bustling with lots of other runners, walkers checking out the snow and kids playing in the snow. It was such a happy place to be yesterday, and the fresh snow made it feel like a completely different place. Steph and Shaya both wore YakTrax, which they said helped them when they started and it was a bit icier.

The run itself? Meh. My stomach was a little upset before the run, so I didn’t eat anything, and I don’t ordinarily bring fuel for single-digit runs, so the run felt really hard.

So worth it. Speaking of awesome snow runs, go read Ashley’s blog. She went on an epic mountain run in Switzerland yesterday.

Feelings on running in the snow? Do you keep it inside or brave the snow? BRB, going to NJ to keep celebrating my birthday.

9 comments on “Central Park Snow Running Adventures!

  1. Julie @ Swim Bike Running on Empty

    I absolutely love running in snow! Since moving to Edmonton, it’s become one of my favorite things. I highly recommend the Salomon Women’s Speedcross 3 Trail Running Shoe if you ever find yourself running in snow off pavement. Otherwise, the YakTrax are great! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy it šŸ™‚

  2. Katie @ Talk Less, Say More

    I’m sure that run was beautiful! I went out running yesterday and we had a pretty crazy snow storm on Thursday so the run was beautiful. A little slippery at times, but not too bad when there weren’t cars so I could just run around the ice. The hardest thing was probably the snow blowing off the trees and into my eyes at times. I’m sure I was a sight to see. šŸ˜‰


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