Is It Worth It?

I think Jess is trying to kill me.

Yesterday, I ran three mile repeats ~7:45. (With a 1.5 mile warm up, .25 between each repeat and a mile cooldown.)

It was really freaking hard. The first mile felt okay, and then each mile got harder and harder. I think that means I was doing it right.

By the time I started mile three, I was really mad at Al Roker. I was on the treadmill (I’ve basically given up on midweek outdoor running until the weather gives up on being cold), and I just don’t think he brought his A-game yesterday. I was really hoping he’d keep me entertained.

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Tomorrow morning’s forecast. Um, no thanks.


There comes a point in every training cycle that I question what I’m doing. Do I really have time to shoot for a PR? Is this worth it? Aren’t there a million other things I could be doing with my time?

Answers: maybe not; yes; definitely.

But it’s that yes that keeps me going. I’m definitely that kind of person who looks for that next high, and for now, running provides that for me. Until it doesn’t, the rest really doesn’t matter. I’ll make it happen the best way I can, and I’ll get to the starting line knowing I put what I could into it.

I’m also really anxious to see what this new yoga habit of mine does for my running. Caitlin has an interesting yoga + running case study on her blog. I’m trying hard for two yoga classes a week, but even one a week is one more than I’ve done consistently in a long time, so I’m interested to see what it does for my body. It’s been doing awesome things for my mind.

What non-running exercise has helped your running? What’s worth it to you to sacrifice for?

11 comments on “Is It Worth It?

  1. Maureen

    I started doing yoga once a week a year ago, and I’m convinced it has helped my running. If nothing else, I never use to take the time to stretch or focus on my core, and now I do that at least once a week.

  2. Laura

    According to my RRCA coaching training, the only thing that will help running is… running. If you are doing yoga or other cross-training, you are wasting time that is better spent running.

    …and now you know why I hated my RRCA coaching training. Absolutely ridiculous. Obviously crosstraining can help running; the trick is to figure out EXACTLY what benefits you want and go after those. Yoga will help if it’s stretching out certain muscles that tend to get tight in running (Hello, hips during a marathon!). Strength training will help if your legs don’t have the muscle to go fast enough. Etc.

  3. Madeleine

    I do Pilates which I find helps probably in the same way that yoga does – helps you stretch and also does a lot of core strengthening work. I so know what you mean when you question why you are doing things. I am training for the London marathon and am running it for a breast cancer charity. Every time I want to moan about going out in the cold or dark or rain, I remember my motivation for doing this: my best friend has just finished 4 months of chemo following a double mastectomy and has remained the most cheerful upbeat person I know. So that reminds me that yes, it is worth it ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Jenny

    I am now working with Jess! Loving it. Also I like Pilates and barre classes. This winter cold is hard right now. I am watching/listening to tv shows while on the treadmill. I helps pass the time. Thanks

  5. Jess

    I think the true sign you were doing you’re intervals correctly was that you were getting angry at Al Roker! Seriously, when I’m doing super hard intervals I irrationally get mad at people who are remotely in my way in Central Park.

    BTW, your answer is correct! Totally worth it!

  6. Nicole

    Good luck with the pending storm. Unfortunately it probably means more treadmill.
    I’ve noticed that spin and weight training has helped me with running. Mostly made me speedier!

  7. Lora

    Yes, it’s totally worth it! I truly believe our biggest and most worth-while goals only succeed with sacrifice.

    Love yoga, and strength-training has also helped my running immensely!

  8. Naomi

    I love all kinds of exercises. I’m a big proponent of strength training. I find that I run better the more I strength train. I regularly do TRX exercises but recently started doing Pilates again.

  9. Ryan

    The indoor rowing machine has been huge for improving my running times. Iโ€™m faster than I was in high school cross country (ran a 3 mile in under 18 minutes!) and my weekly mileage is much less. Probably the best part is it gives my bones a break from the constant pounding on concrete โ€“ crucial for marathon training.


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