Highlights from the Weekend

I don’t usually do any sort of “scenes from my weekend” or “silent” post, because I actually like writing, but I have some random photos to share that have no more cohesive theme than “Theodora having fun,” so here goes.


High tea at The Plaza with my mom. This was a belated Christmas present I cashed in on. At the risk of sounding utterly ridiculous, if you are going to go to a fancy high tea in NYC, Ritz > Plaza. But I still had a lovely time with my mom.



Oh, just the cutest little muffin ever winning the Easter bonnet contest.


And everyone’s hearts. (Little muffin = Alexandra, my cousin’s baby.)


Speaking of kids, my mom has not gotten the memo that I am 30, and this little guy was waiting for me on the car seat when she picked me up from the train.


And Bailey got a duck that is larger than him.


No, really, NJ can be pretty, people. Some of it.


I presented to the Junior League board tonight. Woo! I did not plan to match my sweater to my walls.

How about you? What was the highlight of your last few days?


Also, I drew a winner for my RunnerBox giveaway! Leah, can you please email me at theodora at losingweightinthecity dot com with your address?

14 comments on “Highlights from the Weekend

  1. Anne

    My highlight was trying to teach a gaggle of ex-pats why we dye Easter eggs. (Answer: Give them a lot of wine and make something up.) Hope you had a lovely holiday! Your pup is precious, per usual.

  2. Nicole

    Cascarone “fight” with my family was the highlight of my weekend!

    High tea with my daughter in NYC is on my bucket list! Can’t wait and I’ll be sure to remember the Ritz is the place to go!

  3. Cathryn

    Easter is always a highlight but I also got very excited about the new series of game of thrones! Incongruous I know!! Love the photo of you and your mum!

  4. Anna

    What a great weekend!

    Have you ever done tea at Lady Mendl’s Tea Salon? I’m thinking about scoping it out but there are so many options to choose from!

  5. Gianna @ Run, Lift, Repeat

    My highlight of the weekend was lots of down time and rewatching Game of Thrones. Party animal over here 🙂

    And I LOVE high tea! looks like you had a wonderful weekend.

    PS – Jersey girl here and it is a mission of mine to share all the gorgeous pictures to disprove everyones general noticions of our state!

      1. Gianna

        Born in Belmar and went to school down there until I was 10 then moved to Warren Township in Somerset County. Lucky enough to still have the house in Belmar though for beach weekends. But My parents house in Warren is a farm which always blows people’s minds!

  6. Shane

    That is such a great photo of you and your mom. I’m sorry to hear the Plaza tea wasn’t fantastic…I haven’t had tea there since middle school, but I love the mall underneath. I started reading “Memoirs of Montparnasse” and I am enjoying it so much I don’t want it to end. Otherwise it was a very uneventful weekend, which can sometimes be a good thing!

    1. Theodora Post author

      It was fun, but for the price, the Ritz is definitely better. More food, quieter, better service.

  7. Nicole

    Love the idea of going to high tea…something I’ve been meaning to do with my mom.
    Highlight was a fun Easter dinner with my parents and their neighbors.


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