Zooma Annapolis Half Goals

Tomorrow I’ll be running the Zooma Half, so I thought here would be a good place to lay out my goals.

A: 1:45

B: Sub-1:50

C: Just PR my 1:50:20 from D.C.

LOL. Or not.

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This is tomorrow’s forecast. Yikes.

Real goals:

A: Do not die.

B. Do not end up in medic tent.

C: Do not die.

I’ll start training for Wineglass in the next week or so, so this was never intended to be a goal race. I’m running the race as one of their Ambassadors, which means I got a free entry in exchange for blogging about it.

Zooma is a women’s-only race series, with races around the country. Yes, that is a ton of estrogen in one place, but I love how races like these encourage women to live active, healthy lives, and I also love Annapolis. My freshman year roommate was dating a guy at the Naval Academy, so we went up there to see him and his friends a lot that year. After that, I kept going back with friends, because it is on the Chesapeake Bay, which is the closest you’re getting to the ocean from D.C. Also, I love crabcakes and football, and that’s what Maryland does.


And it will be a fun reunion with Tina and Anne!


Also…apparently this will be my first two-marathon year. I put my name in the NYCM lottery on a total whim, and was accepted. It’s my friend Emily’s‘s first, so I’ll be running it with her!

Are you running NYCM? Do you abandon/adjust time goals for hot races?

22 comments on “Zooma Annapolis Half Goals

  1. Jen

    Oh gosh…that’s hot. I know all about that šŸ™‚ UGH. Pour water on your neck as much as you can and drink the powerade/gatorade…probably the only way I got through it.

  2. Shannon

    At the very last minute, I decided to accept my guaranteed entry for NYCM. I’ve never run a marathon, and got injured while attempting to train for NYCM last year, so we’ll see how this ish goes…


    Good luck tomorrow!

  3. Sarah

    I just ran my first half marathon last weekend and my goal was to finish in under two and a half hours. Of course, it was 80 degrees out and 90 something percent humidity and sunny. I kept my goal going into it and then at mile 2 I decided the new goal was to just finish, which I did in 2:35 šŸ™‚ Running in the heat is hard! Good luck!!

  4. meghan @ little girl in the big world

    Good luck Theodora! Maybe the weather will hold out and it’ll stay cool in the morning. ZOOMA seems to put on some great races; have fun! And congrats on getting into NYC! That’s just amazing! I want to run it one day and have seen so many people I know get into the lottery this year! Maybe one year I’ll put my name in and get lucky.

  5. Morty

    I just signed up for Wineglass, after not getting in the NYC lottery. And then I’m like – huhm NYC was $255. WG is @97. I still have some cash leftover. So BAM! I signed up for Philly as well. It’s going to be an awesome fall!

  6. heidi

    awesome! Congrats getting into NYC!!!

    And hopefully I’ll see you out there on the course! šŸ™‚ I’ll be doing the 10k – you can find me at the Barefoot after party after the race celebrating šŸ™‚ šŸ˜‰ (they have an awesome after race party)

  7. Mom


    Good Luck Tomorrow, We are always there with you!!!!
    We have your back, love you
    Run Theodora Run! Run for Fun and be careful,

    Mom,Dad,, and Bailey

  8. Laura

    Can we make a deal? Your half is faster than mine, so how about you pace me to a new half PR, and then I can pace you to a new full PR?

  9. Linda Chan

    The Wineglass full marathon closed already (not that I was intending to run it). I am still thinking about the half, but probably won’t do it. I’ll read your marathon recap first. šŸ˜‰ I just really don’t want to bother with figuring out travel, etc. It’s just easier to run something more local that weekend.

    Zooma is a fun name for a race. Enjoy the race despite the heat. Congratulations on getting a spot to the NYCM through the lottery. There could not have been that many spots this year. I’m running, too, so I’ll look for you in the 47,000 runners….. šŸ˜‰

  10. Carli

    Those are my kind of race goals! I ran my second race yesterday and my goal was to not be last. That’s pretty much it.

    I haven’t been running long enough to know about the heat thing.

    Good luck!

  11. Tanya

    That “do not die” part caught me! It’s just perfect! LOL, kidding aside, congratulations on making it into the NYC marathon! Have a great run and always stay fit!

  12. Kristy

    You should absolutely abandon time goals for hot races, unless you want to end up in the medical tent. I think in the heat, it’s just good to finish without having to be dragged off the race course. Especially if it’s also very humid. I hope you did well.

  13. Glen

    Love your goals! Especially the “do not die” goals! I love the half marathon distance. You feel like you’ve accomplished something but it doesn’t beat you up like a full marathon.

    You’ll love New York. (But you already know that.)

  14. Carrie

    Theodora — I am in NYCM too! I got guaranteed entry because I was rejected by the lottery three times, and so excited to finally get in!! I was just wondering if you decided what plan you were going to use? I would love to break 4 – my PR is 4:15, but I have a 1:51 half time, and I think I can get there… You are closer than me to that goal! Are you gonna use your running coach again? I am thinking maybe I need one? There are just so many plans, I get confused and overwhelmed!
    Thanks!! Carrie


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