Philly Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon GIVEAWAY!

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I’m happy to say that a few days rest really helped with my knee pain, and I very tentatively returned to running on Monday night with a little 3-miler. It was a beautiful night and I had no knee pain.

I went to the doctor just to be sure that I’d be okay to run the marathon in October, and he said I just had some mild runner’s knee and I’d be fine with some physical therapy.

Which is good…because I have a marathon to run.

Oh, and a half marathon in October. September.

The half is far and away my favorite distance: still a long distance to be proud of but a relatively attainable accomplishment that doesn’t take up a huge amount of time to train for.

I’ve also liked running halfs a few weeks before my marathons as sort of a measure of fitness, to see where I am. Or as part of a longer run.

The past two years, I’ve run the Rock ‘n Roll USA Half in D.C. and had a ton of fun. I’ve heard lots of great things about the Philly Half, too. It’s fast and flat. It’s close. I have yet to actually run a race in Philly even though after college I signed up for several 5ks there, went to visit my cousin, and hit the Philly bars instead. Oops.

So I have a score to settle with Philly races.

And a burning desire to take more photos on the Rocky steps.


I’m excited to be working with the RNR folks to help them promote this lovely race in exchange for a free bib.

But wait! I told them that I wanted one of my readers to be able to win a bib, too, and they obliged. So I have ONE BIB up for grabs for a lucky winner who can get themselves to Philadelphia on September 15.

Leave a comment below telling me what your favorite race has been and why OR the race(s) on your bucket list for a chance to win. This giveaway will be open until 12pm EST on Friday August 2.

Oh, also, they are revealing the race t-shirt design today on their Facebook page, if you’re into that kind of thing.



132 comments on “Philly Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon GIVEAWAY!

  1. Blake

    My favorite race was running the San Diego marathon because I crossed the finish line next to two of my best friends – it was a very amazing moment!

  2. Cynthia Smith

    Have had the privilege of running Providence Rock n Roll Half two years in a row, by far a great time! Marine Corps Marathon is getting crossed off my bucket list this October, hoping that tops my list of best races experiences to date. Boston Marathon is probably the most important run on my bucket list, now more then ever since I was watching from the finish line this past April. But that will have to wait until 2017… it falls on my birthday April 17, 2017! Never thought I would be able to qualify… but I am focused on getting my pace up and well I have 3 years to get there. 🙂

  3. Jen

    Just a heads up that the Philly Rock ‘n’ Roll is actually in September, rather than October. I’m running this one too!

  4. Mandy Geyer

    My favorite race was probably doing the Flying Pig Marathon Relay this year with my family – we each ran a leg and it was so much fun!! NYC marathon is definitely on my bucket list, as is the Las Vegas RNR.

  5. Stephanie

    My favorite race was the Manchester City Marathon. The NYC marathon was supposed to be my first marathon and when it was cancelled, I signed up for a small race (only 1000 people in the full) in NH on the same day and was still able to complete my first marathon. It was hilly and and small but still an awesome expierence. NYC is still on my bucket list as well as the Boston, Portland, and Eugene marathon. Crossing off Marine Corps this fall!

  6. Patty(

    My mom and I have been wanting to run the Philly RnR for a while! I hope I win so I can surprise her and pay for her bib 🙂

    My favorite race has been the NYC Marathon. I ran it in 2011 and the atmosphere can not be beat!! I am running again this year and cannot wait.

    A race on my bucket list is probably an international one. My family may be going to Rio for the World Cup next year, and there is a marathon during the time we will be there…so maybe I will have a chance to check this off my list!

  7. Rosalie

    My favorite race was the Crazy Horse Half Marathon last year in Hill City, South Dakota — almost entirely downhill, on soft but sturdy trails, with incredible views!

  8. katie

    hmm, bucket list race – i am going be cliched and say the boston marathon, because i know the work that will have gone into qualifying for it, and that will make it all the better.

  9. Sarah W.

    This is actually my favorite race! Philly RnR always seems to have great weather and the course is relatively flat. I PR-ed on it last year, and I would love to give it another go!

  10. Olivia

    My favorite race to date is a tie – Philly Marathon because the crowds and energy are great and the Dirty German 25K trail race held in Pennypack Park (also Philly). UberEndurance puts on a really fun race and I love trails!

  11. Abby

    I ran this race 2 years ago and fell in love with it and Philly. I love that the course takes you through downtown in the beginning, while you’re still excited to see things, haha! Sadly, I haven’t been able to get back, but would totally make it happen if I won!

    PS- I totally LOVE the tshirt. This race usually has some awesome branding.

    Fingers crossed!

  12. Katie

    My favorite race so far was my first half marathon, the Disney Princess Half in 2012. It was both harder and more amazing than I could ever have imagined, and it sparked my love of 13.1

  13. Francine

    I would love to run this race! I ran a race on Mother’s Day that had a band and it really got me pumped up. My favorite race so far was the Cherry Blossom in DC. The crowd was awesome!! Have total strangers cheering for you really gave me the extra push I needed. Every cheer erased my doubt about being able to finish. It would be awesome to run so close to home and get that very same feeling.

  14. Liz

    Ah my bucket list of runs:
    Warrior Dash in August.
    10K Park to Park in September.
    Zombie Run in October.
    A half-marathon would be a dream come true for me!

  15. Ashley

    Any race over the pond is on my bucket list!

    I’m getting married the weekend before then, what a fun thing the race would be to look forward to once the craziness of the wedding is over if I were to win!

  16. Bonnie Santaguida

    My favorite race was my first half marathon at Disney World- the chip and dale relay. It was emotional for me to finish since I never in a million years imagined myself running 13.1 miles. It’s very sentimental for me.

  17. Barbara

    I have been wanting to run this race! Ive run the philly marathon twice,and this one has been on my bucket list because I LOVE PHILLY!

  18. Stephanie

    My favorite race was MCM. Granted right now it is my one and only marathon but hey, take what you can get :). Anyway,it was one of the most amazing days in my life!

  19. Kristina

    My favorite race so far has been my 5K Dance Party, which has also been my only race so far. I’m currently unemployed so I’m devoting the vast majority of my time to working out and getting in shape. If I am able to nail 13.1 miles by mid-September, it would be a beyond bucket list achievement. Winning the bib would be quite the push.

  20. Cassidy

    My favorite race has been the Arts Fest race in State College, PA – great weather, a PR, and a great, fun atmosphere!

  21. Jane

    NYC Half is my favorite even though it was absolutely freezing when I did it. The NYC marathon plus any international race is on my bucket list.

    Would love to do the Philly Half before my 1st marathon (also in Philly!).

  22. Meghan

    I’ve got to go with the Inaugural Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon. My first half + wine tasting at mile 10 + wine fest to follow? What’s not to like!

  23. Bridget

    My favorite race was the 2012 Washington DC Ragnar Relay. I lived in a van for 35 hours with 11 strangers from Wisconsin, ran my 2nd leg through suburban Maryland at 3:30 AM, and slept for only 45 minutes. It’s both the coolest and the craziest thing I’ve ever done. Best part of it? I’ve been dating one of those Wisconsin strangers for the past year! 🙂

  24. Erin Elizabeth

    The race on my bucket list is the Salt Lake City marathon. I’m an East Coast girl so running a race in Utah at a higher elevation will take a lot of training, dedication and mental grit, but it’s definitely going to happen one day! 🙂

  25. jill

    I would love to run Philly because Rocky is my favorite movie of all time and it would be a super fun trip.

  26. Ellen

    Big Sur is definitely on my bucket list. The views always look amazing…but I’ll have to do some hill training!

  27. Caroline

    I would LOVE to be able to run the Philly half!! I have been battling recovering from 2 stress fractures and am finally able to start training (slowly but surely). I can’t afford to sign up for a race right now and Philly would be perfect for me, I live in NYC but have lots of friends and family there. This would make my day and give me motivation to get back into it!

  28. Laurel

    my favorite race was my second marathon- the Richmond Marathon in November 2013. I ran it with my fiance and it was a beautiful, perfect day.

  29. Ashley Godek

    Hi Theodora! This particular race is on my bucket list because both of my sisters are running (it will be their first half marathon) and its on one of their birthdays. I am a tax account and I used to live in NYC, now I live in Bermuda. The 9/15 deadline was a huge deal in the NY office, but here in BDA it is not a huge deadline and I would actually be able to see my sister on her birthday for the first time in 5 years and run with both of them in their first half marathon. Thank you for your consideration.

  30. Tonya

    My favorite race was the Disney Half in 2012. It was very first race I ever ran and still remember the thrill and permanent grin that was on my face for days after.

    My bucket list race is the Marine Corp Marathon. I’ve heard great things and hope to experience it one day.

  31. elizabeth e

    my favorite race has been the shamrock n roll in atlanta — my junior league puts it on, and it was my first race!

  32. Rachel C.

    I’m running this race too – maybe I’ll see you there!

    My favorite race is the Broad Street 10 Miler in Philly

  33. Rebecca

    My favorite race so far was the Detroit Half Marathon because it’s my current PR and I was able to run it with my best friend in my hometown and with my family supporting me!

  34. Mary Frances

    Favorite race ever was the George Washington Parkway Classic 10 miler, going from Mount Vernon into Old Town Alexandria. Perfect race along the Potomac!

  35. Lauren

    My favorite race was the More/Fitness Women’s Half Marathon in NYC this spring. It was my first half and I hadn’t run more than 8 miles prior to the race. It was a beautiful day, and I had an absolute blast. Without any real goal going into the race (besides just to finish) I surprised myself and finished under 2 hours. Now I have the half marathon bug and would love a chance to run a RnR race!

  36. kelly leighton

    My 28th birthday is September 19th, and I’d love to celebrate with a race in Philly, where my mom grew up!

  37. Danielle

    Ahh I would love to run this race! I think my favorite race to date was the Chicago marathon – flat & fast course, with tons of course support… it was so great!

  38. Lily W

    My favorite race was the 2010 NYC half marathon! I saw my boyfriend (now husband) in Times Square and he gave me a big, sweaty hug in the middle of the street. He proposed to me that afternoon on top of the Empire State Building 🙂

  39. Katie

    My favorite race ever was the Marine Corps Historic Half in Fredericksburg, VA. It was my first race so I didn’t have any time goal or put any pressure on myself. I ran with one of my friends and we just had a great time!

  40. Rebecca @ Runner with an Appetite

    Loving this giveaway as I’m in Philly and like this race a lot! I will say that my favorite race is a the Mind the Ducks 12 Hour Race in Rochester, NY. It’s small, extremely well run, and the people there are amazing. I race to it every year!

  41. Kate

    My favorite race was the Chicago half. So fun and such perfect weather! I’m planning on running this year’s Philly marathon and would love an entry into the half to get a feel for the city!

  42. Vikki

    Running an RnR race is on my race bucket list actually, so this would be awesome!! Also on there the Athens Marathon. My dad was born in Greece so it would be super cool to be able to say I ran a marathon in a place so a part of my heritage and where the marathon actually started!

  43. Janice

    I loved the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in DC. I ran it in April, and I’ve never seen so many supporters cheering you along throughout the WHOLE course! It was also empowering to see all the women running with you and rooting you on along the way.

  44. Kristy

    This is so exciting – I was just looking to register today but since I’m moving in October its not a financially savvy move. The Philly half has been on my bucket list because – hello, when else can you have a cheesesteak 100% guilt free??

    I live in DC so its an easy trip for me – I would love to run it!

    My favorite race is the DC half, only because its the first and only half I’ve run!

  45. Gianna

    Favorite race is probably the Newport Half Marathon…first sub 2 hour half and the race just came together so well…everything just clicked. Also the Dirty German first Ultra and trail race and 31 miles of FUN! Seriously.

  46. Meganerd

    Awesome giveaway! My favorite race was the Philadelphia Marathon, probably because it was the one I worked the hardest for! I love fall races, which is partially why I chose it, and I loved running through a new city. The course ended up being gorgeous, the hill not so scary, and the crowd was phenomenal. Would love a chance to run in Philly again!

  47. Renee @BendifulBlog

    I have always wanted to run a RNR race. I’m in upstate NY though and am a horrible pre-planner for race travels! But I have a bunch of friends running this race and I would love to be able to run with them!

  48. Kristine

    I always tell people who have never run a half that the Philly Rock and Roll Half Marathon is the BEST!!! it was originally called the Jefferson Hospital Distance Run and switched to the ING Rock and Roll and now called the Rock and Roll Half Marathon. It is the perfect time of year, the course is flat and beautiful, the bands and people keep you moving, I would love to do this again!!

  49. Betsy

    My favorite race is the 3M half marathon in Austin, Texas. The goodie bag has all kinds of Post-It notes! I love Post-It notes. Also the course is super fast- it has a net downhill.

  50. Emily

    my fav race has to be the shore run 10k here in seattle. it’s a great course right on the bank of lake washington 🙂

  51. Jennifer

    My favorite race was the Rock’n’roll half in DC this last March bc it was my first one and I had no idea my body could actually run for 2 hours! I would love to try to improve my time in Philly!

  52. Kaitlin

    Chicago marathon will always be my favorite. The Rock n Roll Philly 1/2 marathon was my first weekend away and race with my then boyfriend 3 years ago. This year it will be on our 1 year wedding anniversary (coincidence?!)-I would love to do it again!

  53. joelle (on a pink typewriter)

    Oh boooooooy. I’d say my favorite race was my first (and only til August 25 coming up!), the MCM 10K last October. I’ve never been a big racer because I am so injury prone whenever I start training/running longer mileage, but that 10K definitely gave me the racing bug. As I approach my first half in a few weeks (!!), I already feel excited to sign up for more!

    ps. I’m doing the RNR Brooklyn 10K in October this year- are you?

  54. Kellie O'Malley

    My favorite race was my first 10k for breast cancer awareness. It was the perfect weather and there were so many inspirational stories that day.

  55. brittni

    My favorite race has been the more magazine women’s half marathon…It was my first half I trained for and I ran it with a few of my close friends. Crossing the finish line was such an incredible feeling.

  56. Erin Sawchuk

    My favorite race is Philly Rock n Roll Half Marathon. I love this race because it was my first 1/2 marathon race. The course is beautiful and the crowds are great. I would love to try and PR this race this year.


    My favorite race was the Rehoboth Beach Half Marathon. It was my first half and freezing cold, but the town and the people were wonderful!!!

  58. Lauren

    My bucket race is the Disney princess half.. But sadly it’s too much money for my teacher salary. Like you, I am planning on running my first marathon in October though, and that was on my bucket list, too!

  59. jess

    my favorite race was back in july 2012, the first 5k I ran after donating a kidney. it was also the first time I didn’t walk during a race! so much to be happy about that day!

  60. Chelsey Green

    My friend and I have been debating signing up for this all summer!!! We just ran our first Half together at school in Ithaca, the Skunk Cabbage Classic was great but really want to run a huge race!!!

    The NYC Marathon has been on my bucket list since I was little!

  61. Alexis Fisher

    My favorite race to date was the one and only half marathon I have ever run, this past June. It was the Oddyssey Half in Philadelphia. I would love to run RNR Philly, but I also signed up for my first full marathon (Steamtown) in October and the entry fees were getting to be a lot so I didn’t register.

  62. Becca H.

    My favorite race so far was my first half–the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon, this past April! I had never really been in a “big” race before and the energy and experience was amazing! My goal was sub-2:00 and I smashed it with an official time of 1:54:48, so now I’m looking to PR another half en route to eventually running a full. I’d love to try Philadelphia on for size!

  63. Kara

    I’d love to win entry to this race because a bunch of my friends are running it too. A race on my bucket list would definitely be Western States. One day 🙂

  64. Anna

    My favorite race was my first marathon in Vancouver, BC. It was not only gorgeous but my first marathon so obviously special!

  65. Lindsay

    My favorite race was the Bird In Hand Half Marathon in beautiful Bird In Hand, PA. Not only is it fun to say “I’m running Bird In Hand”, but the course winds through Amish country, which means gorgeous scenery.

  66. Jennifer Kehler

    Every single one of my running partners is running this race! I’m actually training along side with them to get the mileage in, but I’m having such a hard time actually signing up for it! I keep on thinking how disappointed I’m going to be when I see how awesome they all did but I’m lacking the confidence to commit to this! So if I won this bib, there’s no way I’d ever not do it! I would know it’s meant to be for me! Never did a 1/2 before, but heard this is an awesome one to do for a first one.

    Favorite race so far – Hershey 10K.

  67. Kashi @ Cape Island Runners

    I love the Philly Marathon in Nov. I have run it a few times, the half a few times and even the relay back in the day when they offered it. I always manage to get great weather and have a really great race. Everything is top notch – I love the organization, the crowds, the course, the city. The best!

    I have wanted to try the RnR in Sept for some time and this would be such a fun way to run it!

  68. Amanda

    My fave half marathon was the Livestrong half in Austin, Texas. Fun city, fun crowd, challenging course & it was a blast! I love running races in different cities. It’s always a different experience 🙂

  69. Pingback: 2014 HALF MARATHON MN

  70. Pingback: 2014 KALAMAZOO MARATHON

  71. Rebecca

    i am somewhat biased but i love the brooklyn half course, since it is so familiar to me, and of course the NYC marathon! running through all 5 boroughs was incredible 🙂

  72. Geraldine

    To date my favorite race has been the 2012 Staten Island half. It was my third half ever but the first one that I didn’t take any walk breaks. I had only been running for a few months at that time and I was so proud of myself for actually sticking to something and accomplishing a huge goal.

  73. Christine

    My favorite race was the Baltimore Half Marathon. I trained with my fiancé (husband now) as a way to strengthen our relationship and have a great time. I haven’t done a race since and would love to do another!

  74. Valerie

    My favorite race was my first half marathon at the queens half. I didn’t have music and at the final mile where you pass the unisphere there was a DJ playing Florence and the machine’s “dog days are over” and knowing I was almost done I cried the rest of the way, and still do so to this day when I hear that song

  75. Brittany M

    My favorite race has been the St. Michaels 1/2 in St. Michaels, MD. TINY new race, perfectly flat, and lovely town that makes a 1/2 PR a breeze!

  76. Katelynn

    Would love to run Chicago.

    You should look into the Newport half marathon in Jersey City (not sure if you’ve run it before). Its a good, flat September half that fits in nicely with training.

  77. Jackie L

    My favorite race (so far) was the Runner’s World 10K last year in Bethlehem, PA! I had just finished PT for my back (again) and hadn’t been training but still wanted to get out and run with my sister. We took it at a nice, easy pace, running the entire time, which we were skeptical we’d be able to do since we hadn’t been running much. The weather was great and it was awesome to cross the finish line with my sister and favorite running buddy!

  78. Elizabeth

    Favorite Race: Philly marathon 2012 where I PRed and BQed, I’m still not sure I’m down off my high…

  79. Pingback: 2014 MARATHON FEBRUARY 3

  80. Brittany

    My favorite race was this year’s Brooklyn Half. It was my second half and everything just seemed to fall into place and I finished feeling great. I want to look into running a race back home in Florida so my family can finally watch me. I was thinking about the Space Coast half but it’s already full!

  81. Erin

    I ran the Rock ‘n Roll in Philly in 2011 and it was the best! Awesome music, runners, and setting. I would love to do it again!

  82. Charlotte

    I’m running my first marathon oct 12 in Hartford so philly half would be great timing :). Also my college roommate/BFF lives in philly!!

    My favorite race was definitely my first half marathon, which was in Boston in 2002- I think it was a police force/military one- in boston, in February!!! I had such a good time and had no idea I could accomplish such a distance!!

  83. Emily

    Bucket list: Bolder Boulder! Favorite race was the Bronx 10 miler last year – it was such a beautiful day and such a great run!

  84. Kim

    I have done so many races it’s tough to pick a favorite! Loved Bolder Boulder, Shamrock and MCM. I’ve run several races in Philly, including this one, and would love to do it again!

  85. Amelia

    My favorite race is either the Philly Marathon because it was my first or the Chicago Marathon because it’s an awesome course through an awesome city with awesome crowd support.

  86. Amy

    My favorite race was the Charlevoix half marathon in northern Michigan, this past June. The weather was cool, overcast, and PERFECT for my first half! I’d love to run the Philly Rock and Roll… my twin sister lives in Philly, and it would be SO awesome to run there!

  87. Katherine

    My favorite race was the Marine Corps Historic Half in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The marines put on a great race!

    My big bucket list race is the Boston Marathon. Phew! Gives me chills just to write it.

  88. Nurys Amargos

    My favorite races was my first (and only) marathon, the Disney World Marathon 2011. Having grown up in Florida, I went to Disney pretty much every year of my childhood and adolescence, I thought I knew those parks in and out, but running them was a completely different and amazing experience. Especially the last 6 miles, where it seemed like all the patrons of the park were there that morning just to cheers us runners to the finish line. It was an amazing and wonderful experience, which cemented my love for running.

  89. Alison

    My favorite race was the first one I ran, a 5K at the Bronx Zoo. It took me 3 years of saying I was going to start to run before I actually did it, and it felt like a huge accomplishment! Also, I’m dying to do a run in Philly because I used to live there and even though it’s only a couple hours from where I live, I haven’t been back there in 6 years.

  90. Kate @ Brooklyn Running

    Yay! My favorite race was my very first marathon, the Cape Cod Marathon. I got stuck on Martha’s Vineyard the night before the race because of a Nor’easter, so I had to start the race an hour after the gun went off. I ran almost the entire race by myself, except for the last few miles when I started passing people. It was the most amazing race, and a definite test of my mental toughness!!!

  91. amortya ray

    I’m still a noob runner. But my favorite race was the RnR USA in DC earlier this year! My first marathon. I did really well and achieved my goal to break 4 hours. The weather was perfect. The day was great. Everything just came together! I’m sure I’ll run in DC again soon. And I’m very excited about all my fall races, including the 2 marathons!

  92. Krystle

    My favorite race was the Nike Women’s Half in D.C. It was my first half marathon. I would love to run Philadelphia, because it would provide the opportunity to run under 2:30.

  93. Jenna

    My favorite race was my first marathon – the Charlottesville marathon. I ran it to celebrate my 26th birthday! 26 miles on my 26th.

  94. Annemarie

    My favorite race will always be my very first nyc marathon. I will never forget the thrill of running down first ave or the emotions I felt crossing the finish line. I cant wait to do it again in Novemeber!

  95. Angie

    My favorite running race was the Disney Princess Half Marathon. It was my sister’s first race ever and I was 26 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. My hubby and 3 older kids were there cheering us on, and then we got to play at Disney for a couple of days.

  96. Denille Meloche

    My favorite race is the Rehoboth Beach Half Marathon because everyone was so nice and very supportive of all runners! It was my first half and a lot of people were running with me to help me get to the finish line. That is what being a runner is all about- being a family and being supportive. I love running!


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