Want a Sparkly Soul Headband?

Yesterday I wrote about things that were making me happy right now.

One of the things I included was Junior League starting up, and being surrounded by all of those wonderful and inspiring women again.


Well, my Twitter running buddies are another amazing, super-positive group to be around. This picture is obviously not from last night, because it includes people who will not be named who no longer live in this country.

Last night, we had another runner happy hour, and the sweet Pamela, founder of Sparkly Soul was there. She brought a bunch of headbands to give out as raffle prizes, and I won one of them!

I tried to tell her I already had quite a few and that someone else should win, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. So, I’m going to share it with one of you instead! I seriously love these headbands. They’re adorable, and they do. not. move. I first wore one for the 2011 New York City Marathon, and it stayed the entire time!


It’s the thin green and white headband.

AND I’m going to give you a $20 Starbucks gift card, too, purchased with my own cash money, just because I love you.

In return, I would like you to tell me either what kind of posts you have enjoyed reading here OR what you’d like to see me post more about.

Speaking of NYCM, I talked with NYRR this morning, and they wanted me to let you all know that they still have charity spots for the marathon with Team for Kids, which raises money to bring free/low-cost health and fitness programs to kids who might not otherwise have access. The fundraising minimum is $2600, which is a little lower than some other charities. Joining their team gives you access to three weekly coached runs and some VIP race-day perks.

Also, Foot Locker and Asics are running a sweepstakes on Facebook to give four lucky winners spots for the marathon.

I asked NYRR about the safety of having people jump in this late in the game, and they said that this wasn’t the time to go couch-to-marathon, but that someone who was already running higher mileage should be able to run safely.

133 comments on “Want a Sparkly Soul Headband?

  1. Rebecca

    I’ve enjoyed reading about the ups and downs of marathon training. I’ve done dozens of races but NYC will be my first marathon. It’s been challenging running through the summer an seeing slower than normal times. Thanks for sharing your experiences too!

  2. Cindy

    I like hearing about how to make the best when things aren’t going perfectly – running and otherwise – because I can relate right now 🙂

  3. MB

    My all-time favorite most inspirational post of yours is Oh Yes You Can! (Or, Why I Don’t Believe Your Excuses)

    So I guess I’m saying I like posts about the mental/emotional side of things?

    1. Theodora

      @MB: Good to hear! I really enjoy writing those posts, but they usually come from some weird place inside of me where I can’t stop thinking about something so I have to write about it. So they are hard to plan 🙂

  4. Dori

    I love reading about the details of your training runs. Now that I’m in training-obsessed mode, all I want to do is read about running!

    1. Theodora

      @Aimee M: I don’t cook a ton (I should!) and when I do it’s always super simple things or following other bloggers’ recipes…but good point. I haven’t really written much about food in a while.

  5. laura y

    Love: Training for Marathon and the process. I find it inspiring as someone whose bucket list is to start running in the fall 2013 for real this time around.

    Want: More bailey please 🙂 that little munchkin should have a monthly post – just pictures of him

  6. Kiersten

    I like your marathon training recaps- it is interesting to hear what works and doesn’t work for you. I also like that you include posts where you are struggling with something. Some bloggers only show the positive, but including the negative makes you seem more real.

  7. Ashley

    I like the race recaps and the training stories. I can relate to them and it’s great to hear about different races around the country that look fun to do.

  8. Alison

    I’m loving hearing about your training for your marathon(s), since I’m also working on breaking 4 hours at Seattle on December 1!

  9. Emily

    While I love your productive posts (i.e. training, cooking, advice, etc.)…I also really just enjoy your general life updates. That’s what I look for in other bloggers because that’s what makes you relate-able! Tell me about a new workout class and I’ll check it out…Identify with me by sharing your realness/awesomeness about dating, working, and everything in between and you’ll have a reader (nay, friend) forever. Do I win something for longest comment? The answer is yes.

  10. Rachel

    I love the wide variety of posts and especially how/where you keep it real. I’m not a runner (hard as I’ve tried in the past) but am definitely inspired by your efforts!

  11. Jackie L

    great blog! love seeing marathon training posts and hearing reviews on workout gear and fitness studios around the city

  12. Verhanika

    I have loved your posts where you help us understand struggle by sharing yours. Your resources on meditation and how to deal with stress and the fact that you proudly proclaim your work with a therapist in a society that is still figuring out how to integrate mental health is truly amazing.

  13. Tracy Barnhart

    I just love your honesty – the good, the bad, the ugly. I’ve only been running for about a year and I find it helpful reading about other women’s experiences. I’ve become slightly obsessed reading running blogs (yours is my fave), articles, recaps, etc.

  14. Lindsey

    I love when you write about what gets you running, even when going for a run is the last thing on your mind/the last thing you want to do when you get busy. It’s hard to find time, especially when I feel like my life is spinning out of control!

  15. Jane

    I’ve always loved your losing weight pieces but also where you taking about maintaining. I’m training for my first marathon so I appreciate the training posts.

    Would love more posts on how you control your hunger while training for such a long distance. I just starting using MyFitnessPal again to keep track of what I eat but it most definitely isn’t stopping my splurge meals (i.e. the bag of cookies I just ate!).

  16. Kelsi J

    I’ve been following you for quite a while. I really enjoy pretty much every post but the ones I love the best are about your running and experiences with the different cross training activities that you’ve been experiencing.

  17. Lauren @ Lettuce Eat Cake

    Your posts about weight fluctuations have really resonated with me. The fact that you’ve lost a lot of weight and admit that it’s still a daily struggle to keep it off–I love your transparency about such a touchy issue. Keep up the great work!

  18. Katie

    You are so sweet! (I would’ve totally cut ashley out of the picture, I have a friend who is moving this week and I’m bitter towards her, so I feel your pain). ((but really i love her, and i’m sure you love ashley)).

    I like when you talk about a specific issue or event. I like training recaps posts, but I like when they dive deeper into one issue, than when I just re-read what workouts you’ve done. I really really like your blog!

  19. Becky

    I like reading about all of your training and how you feel after various runs (both the good and the bad). I’ve run several half marathons and am considering running a marathon so its nice to get some insight into what its really like. I think I should probably commit to doing a full, solid training for a half (haven’t done that since my first, and best, half) and see how well I can stick to that before doing a marathon. Based on reading your blog marathon training seems like a big commitment!!

  20. Erin H

    Hi 🙂

    My favorite posts are the ones about how you handle weight maintenance and also the ones about your life in NYC. I moved away 2 years ago and I miss it there!

    **Any post with Bailey pics automatically trumps the above. Just sayin….

  21. Jennifer Wads

    I love all your posts! When your training…good or bad, it encourages me. I like that you share your “real” experiences and feelings.

  22. Amy

    I really enjoy the real life stuff – I love that you share the good days and bad days of training! I’m naturally a super curious person so I’d love to know more about you, your apartment, etc… 🙂 But honestly, I think the balance you strike is pretty perfect.

      1. Amy

        @Theodora: Juicy stuff! I always want to know the juicy stuff, ha. Don’t we all. In seriousness, I mostly just love peeking into people’s homes and seemingly mundane routines. But also, totally a double standard because I rarely share anything too personal on my own blog…

  23. Ashley

    Oh I love the headband! 🙂

    My favorite posts from you are the ones that seem to come “in the moment.” I always feel like you’ve been really genuine with us as readers, and those moments where you just get real with everyone are a good breath of fresh air because you know there are plenty of us that feel the same way!

      1. Ashley

        haha — those posts normally follow some “fun” life events. And that damn life doesn’t always plan things out very well unfortunately.

  24. Lisa

    I love your training posts and race recaps! You are so honest with the bumps and difficult moments in the road of your training, and as someone who has also struggled with marathon training (and those WHY am I doing this moments) several times, I appreciate the free therapy.

  25. BN

    I love how honest you are when you have a bad workout. It gives me inspiration that even if I have a bad day at the gym (or dont make it!) that I can pick myself up and go on to have a great workout next time 🙂

  26. Kelsey Host

    I love your trueness – I want to see the ups and the downs, the good days and bad days – I would love to see more of your eats! I also love your cross training posts as well as mental health posts. Thanks Theodora!

  27. Whitney

    I like the marathon training updates — while I’m not training for a marathon right now (as I have in the past) I am training for CrossFit competitions, and the struggles with motivation is the same, as well as the need to balance a really busy life (hellooooo grad school).

  28. Maayan

    I like most when you describe your runs. It really makes my memories of the city going. Now in California we have different views…

  29. Barbara

    I really like hearing about yourruns. I can relate usually to both your good and bad ones, and its nice to know that. Adorable headband!

  30. Christy

    I just started crossfit and I love it, tried it in ’08 and it wasn’t working for then but now its just what I need. I REALLY enjoy hearing about how you figure things out that are going in your training. It’s nice to hear not everything is perfect and regardless of what you may think, you’re so positive and work to get your head in a place so that you’re ready for what’s next, thank you for that!

  31. tara

    I love your realistic approach to food and fitness…I would like to read more about how you fuel for a marathon and how you balance eating out in such a foodie city!

  32. Jill C.

    I like your posts where you give your take on training and things that go right and things that go wrong during it. I’m training for my 1st 1/2, so anything I can read on training is definitely a favorite of mine!

  33. carolyn~

    I always enjoy reading about your training and even your struggles with running, it keeps it real. Since I am on a forever diet, I also like hearing about eats while you training. Thanks for the opportunity!

  34. Chrissy

    I love your ‘real’ posts. You’re human and honest, as we all are, and you demonstrate that through your blog. I like that you have ups and downs and aren’t afraid to say that to whoever is reading Losing Weight in the City. No one is perfect but the important thing is to try to be as good as we can be 🙂

    I also enjoy when you write about fashion and product reviews.

  35. Danielle Johnson

    lol at the couch to marathon. i’m running nyc too! so of course i love to hear all about running in this city that i have only been to twice, but love your candid posts about stress and real life crapola.

  36. Janine

    I like that you write a wide variety of posts. It is fun when you post a list of things that you are loving now. I love to get products, food, clothes recommendations. I also like when you admit the realities of your life. I think as a reader it is easy to believe your life (or people online in general) is perfect, so it is good to know that you are human too 🙂

  37. Shanna

    I hate that you struggle with anxiety, but I’ve loved learning about the ways you’ve learned to deal with those issues. I have similar issues and those posts have given me some great ideas to help me with my own struggles.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Ellie: ha 🙂 Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever write about dating. I don’t know if I’m comfortable putting that out there!

  38. runnrjo

    I like to read about your workouts. It is good to know that I am not the only one going through the ups and downs of training!

  39. Amanda

    I really like your posts about racing and training. I would also like to hear more about how you fuel for marathons and how you maintain your weight loss etc.

  40. jess

    All your fitness posts are inspiring to be sure but I really appreciate your vulnerability in sharing about anxiety and how you deal with it.

  41. Sarah S.

    I enjoy when you post about your exercise adventures, whether it’s training, races, or trying new classes. I also like your fashion posts! I get jealous when you talk about your exotic vay-cays…. 😛

  42. Brooke

    I have really loved the posts that radiate honesty and reality about life for young woman. Whether its about work, the way we feel about ourselves, etc. Your ‘real talk’ is refreshing and truly enjoyed.

  43. Kerry

    I really enjoy reading your weekly training posts and seeing how you change up your workouts! I also like your travel recaps 🙂

  44. Jackie

    I really enjoy everything you write. I especially enjoy your simple
    Posts about daily events. You are super funny and always seem to “keep it real” which makes you totally relatable!

  45. Laurie

    I love the posts that include something about the city……I don’t just like hearing about your runs, I enjoy hearing about the specific route you took or the restaurant you went to…the things that are uniquely NY. I get to experience NY through you!

  46. Andra

    I really enjoy reading about the struggles that you sometimes have…it sounds wrong to say ‘enjoy’ because obviously I don’t, but knowing that such strong people like yourself have them too, helps us overcome ours…

  47. anna maria

    Reading about the emotional struggles that are a part of training is truly encouraging. Your willingness to share this aspect of training and your methods of coping with it helps me in accepting my own training struggles as they arise.

  48. Tracy Schwartz

    More Bailey pics!!

    Enjoy the spur of the moment posts; posts about fitness classes NYC and about Junior League.

  49. Lucy

    I love seeing where you go in the city when you are training and when you aren’t too. Fun to see the different places!

  50. Katrina C

    I love reading the posts about your training (the ups and the downs) and about all of the cool groups/things you do in the city! I live in Philly and also try to balance fun and being healthY!

  51. Erin Elizabeth

    Hi! I love all of your posts because you’re very real and honest and don’t sugar coat things! I would love to hear more about your eating plans during marathon training if you have any, and also mid race fuel. Thanks for the opportunity!

  52. Emily

    So, I love the fact that you’re very honest about your struggles with some runs, but yet you still rejoice when you have a great run. I’m able to really relate to the ups and downs and it’s nice to remember that other runners have many of the same feelings during training.

  53. Jen

    I totally love your workout recaps and the different places you go to in NYC! I’m a fellow NYer so I get ideas for restaurants from your blog all the time!

  54. Jill

    I like your review and gear posts. The winter running video you made was helpful (and also adorable!) 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!!

  55. Kristi

    One of my favorite kind of posts is things that bloggers are loving. Sometimes I find items, recipes, or other blogs that I might not have come across if it wasn’t for posts like that.

  56. Janet

    Um that headband is so cute (and I love Starbucks).

    As someone moving to NYC later this month I love reading your posts about running in the city. I am from the Hamptons so I am used to easy running paths, pretty flat or very hilly depending on where I feel like going, and without much stopping or waiting to cross the street. I am not sure what running in the city is going to be like because of all the traffic and people in the way! Thats why I like to read your running posts as proof it can be done!

  57. elizabeth e

    i love reading about healthy living — balancing wanting to go out and have fun with losing/maintaining weight. i’ve just started my own weight-loss journey, so its helpful to see that its doable!

  58. Becca

    I love hearing about your ups and downs with maintaining your weight and having a social life. I struggle with the same things, and think you have such a refreshing and good attitude about it.

  59. Kyla

    I love when you write your “meatier” posts, the tough stuff-motivation, life, etc. It’s good to relate with other people and hear they are grappling with the same things you are!

  60. Katie M

    Theodora, I love reading posts about your fitness adventures – classes or workouts that you have tried, race reports, etc. I also enjoy reading about life in NYC and your travels. I’ve never been to NYC, so I’m intrigued by the city.

  61. Alexis

    LOVE reading about your marathon training, and how you’re incorporating other types of workouts + not giving up on your social life :). I’m training for my first marathon now (MCM!!!) so thanks for all of the encouragement. Hit my PDR (16 miles) yesterday and it was amazing!! Thanks again!

    1. Theodora Post author

      Trying so hard to incorporate other workouts! And girl, I’ll never give up on my social life. For better or worse…


  62. Claire

    I especially like your more contemplative posts about your relationship with running, your mental health, etc.!

  63. Anna

    Hi! I enjoy the variety of your blog posts. I really like that you include the reality of training for long distance runs. It’s not all sunshine and daisies, but a challenge. I think sometimes bloggers tend to make running or any type of exercising sound like a piece of cake. Thanks for keeping it real 🙂

  64. Andrea

    I also like the ups and downs of your marathon training. We run about the same pace and it’s encouraging to read about someone who’s also kind of a middle of the pack runner and still proud of their accomplishments. I couldn’t even run 1/4 mile in high school, so be able to do 3.1, 6.2, 13.1 and beyond still takes me by surprise sometimes.

  65. Kate

    Posts about different restaurants in the city! I always love reading about where you eat, because I love to eat.

  66. Caroline

    I love posts about how your training is going because hearing about others’ training helps to motivate me! I also enjoy reading about your processings through mental health!

  67. Kelly Seeger

    I really love how honest you are in reporting your weekly training updates– keep it coming! Hearing the challenges makes readers realize how real bloggers like you actually are 🙂 Also, I would like to see more about your diet/ nutrition, if possible. Thanks, happy training!

  68. Stacey

    I love the training updates, but I want to know more about YOU. Are you dating? How’s work? What’s your favorite TV show? I feel like the blog is great at the one topic, but I enjoy blogs where I get to know the person, too.

  69. Erin

    I love reading about your marathon training. I’m training for my first half and reading about your run struggles and triumphs is so relatable for me! I really enjoy your honesty and sense of humor!

  70. Megan

    I would like to see a day in the life post every now + then.. I like the more emotional posts if that makes sense? I do like the running ones but I like that you switch it up 🙂

  71. Alycia

    I like reading how you balance fun and fitness living in NY! I have 50lbs I need to lose and I take all advice I can get!

  72. Katie

    Like some others have said, I really like your weekly training plan updates. I’m also running the NYC marathon, and it’s nice to follow along with your training. I also love how real you are and you don’t just post about puppies and sunshine :). I miss training runs or they don’t go as planned and reading your blog has helped me be more accepting of that as a fact of life and training.

  73. Christina

    I enjoy your training recaps. We run about the same pace and I like hearing the perspective from other athletes with similar goals to my own. I was just thinking about the NYCM (didn’t run it, but spectated in 2011), so it was neat to hear how you channeled the contagiousness of the spectators during your 14 miler. Even though I was one of them, I felt it too.

  74. jen

    i just moved to NYC and am figuring out what works for me fitness-wise, so i love reading about where and when you run as well as other fitness classes and studios you try!

  75. Katelyn

    I loved some of your older posts where you talked about the struggle of starting your weight loss journey. I know you no longer need to write about that since you are a lean, mean, fighting machine, but since I am newer to your blog I found myself drawn to the older days. Those posts are such an inspiration to me and I too need to start my weight loss journey. I am just looking for that extra push!

    I also want to do a sprint triathlon eventually to jump start my road to a healthier life. I loved reading about your triathlon experiences!


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