6 Weeks Till NYCM, and I’m Feeling Good!

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I wonder how many screenshots of DailyMile training reports are posted at the beginning of every week…

And I still wonder why the email version and the web version give me different adjectives.

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I guess I’ll never know.

These are the things that keep me up at night. You know, and a small dog’s nails tip-tapping on wood floors.

I’m still really happy with how my training is going, though!

Monday: At-home yoga. I did YogaGlo Everyday Hips and Hammies, and it was really uncomfortable on my hips, but I really needed that to release some of the tightness there. I felt a weird desire to GET OUT IMMEDIATELY of some of the poses. The poses didn’t hurt – they just felt uncomfortable – but I felt a weird feeling of being trapped there. I emailed Alicia, my favorite yogi, to ask if that was a normal thing or not, and she explained to me that we hold a lot of emotion in our hips, so it was likely a combination of that and being tight from running.

Tuesday: AM: Yoga at Laughing Lotus with my fave instructor, Annie. She is freaking amazing with adjustments/corrections, and at one point, she leaned into me when I was in child’s pose, and my hips opened up so much.

PM: Jess has been leading Tuesday night speed sessions, which are tons of fun. Well, relative fun. Last week, we did mile repeats, and with others around, I think I pushed myself a lot harder than I would have pushed myself on my own.

Wednesday: Uplift Strength with Shannon. (The instructor, not friend Shannon.) After a tough speed workout, I pushed harder than I probably should have in this class, and I thought I was going to die.

Thursday: I had an 8-mile run with 4 at tempo on my schedule, which sounded painful. I was so sore from hard workouts Tuesday and Wednesday. I tried to get out of this run by asking Emily if she wanted to go to SoulCycle instead, but in a crazy role-reversal, she insisted we run. I did an easy seven, because I could not have managed any more than that, effortwise or milewise. We did a ton of chest exercises at Uplift, and I thought maybe I’d gotten a boob job in my sleep, my chest hurt so much.

Friday: REST DAY. I freaking earned this one.

Saturday: My stomach was feeling off, so I pushed my long run off until Sunday and just got in 5 miles (which was Sunday’s planned mileage) on Saturday at dusk, which is sort of my favorite time to run on the weekends.


Sunday: Well, you know about Sunday. Two races + 11 miles = awesome.

I did strength. I did yoga. I did speed. I had two PRs. I hope the rest of my training is even half as awesome as this week.

What about you? How was this week for you?

15 comments on “6 Weeks Till NYCM, and I’m Feeling Good!

  1. Lea

    Only 6 weeks – I’ve gotta feeling your gonna smash it 🙂 My fave day of the week would definitely have to be Friday lol just kidding, I’ve done 3 days of 6 milers this week 🙂

  2. Liz H

    Let’s hear more about this Yoga Glo? My old lady hips DEF need yoga, but I am took lazy to go to actual classes. Being able to do a lil yog while at my apt (w the kitten) is ideal. I’ve tried the yoga on the fitness channel ondemand and they are the WORST.

  3. Cathryn

    Thanks for the yoga link…my hips are waaay too tight. I went to my first ever yoga class last week (as opposed to videos at home). It was hilarious, I was dreadful. But I enjoyed it.

  4. Essy

    My husband is a runner but I have never taken to it, perhaps I should start but at 67 years of age I think yoga is a better place to start exercising.
    I admire everyone who runs…kudos to you!

  5. Annie @ Annie Get Your Run

    I LOVE WHEN THEY LEAN INTO MY POSES WITH ME. It’s like a whole new thing. You’ve inspired me to get back to the yoga studio. With all of the traveling and starting classes, I haven’t had much of a chance to do anything but run and that is not good.

  6. Penny

    Well for my week I tried the 5:2 diet. 5 days of regular eating and 2 days fasting. The fasting part was kind of terrible so I tried the 5:2 fast formula and it worked! Thanks for sharing your training week, it gives me so much inspiration to exercise more and be fit!


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