It’s Fall Racing Season!

Like I said the other day, I’m in love with running right now.

So, I’m excited for a bunch of upcoming races I’m running, and there are a bunch of races I wish I could do. You know, if time, money and fresh legs weren’t things.

I won’t talk about how excited I am that it’s fall, because I am very conflicted here. I miss my sundresses, but I do love this running weather. And pumpkin whoopie pies.

Here are my upcoming races:


Fifth Ave. Mile

I’ve always wanted to do this race but have either always been out of town or otherwise busy, and the stars hadn’t aligned. This year, they asked me to run in the media heat, and I had zero plans, so I’m excited to run my heart out for hopefully approximately 6:xx minutes.


Franklin Lakes Half

My favorite race distance in my hometown. Enough said.


Runner’s World Half

I’m excited to run this bad boy in October, and I have discount codes for both the half and the hat track (5k, 10k, half!) A lot of bloggers ran it last year, and it looks GORGEOUS. It’s also a much smaller race than most races I’m used to.


And this one, obviously.

Other Awesome Upcoming Races

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A women’s mud race. I still want to try one of these, but for a clumsy girl who is marathon training, this probably isn’t a good idea. I mean, I trip over my own feet running on sidewalks in Manhattan. I am an obstacle to myself.


Army Ten-Miler

This race will forever be special to me, but I just really wanted to try the RW Half this year, so I skipped it. I wish they weren’t the same weekend, truly.


Down & Dirty Mud Run

I’ll be in NJ running a half – and that whole too clumsy to do an obstacle race while marathon training – but this also sounds like a fun one!

Are you doing any of these races? Tell me about your awesome fall races…and then take my credit card away.

17 comments on “It’s Fall Racing Season!

  1. Allison @ With Faith and Grace

    The only race I’m doing this fall is the Run 10 Feed 10 with
    Women’s Health. I like that it’s going to a charity and it’ll be a pretty run along the Hudson! My husband, on the other hand, is running his first marathon (the Wineglass) so our household has been pretty preoccupied with running these days! That’s also at the beginning of October, but we’re both trying for spring races too (2nd marathon for him, half for me) so we won’t be able to slack off too much!

  2. Nick

    This is a sweet lineup! I have a friend who tried a mud run before and said it was one of her greatest running experiences. But it was completely different from her training and she mentioned tripping over herself a few times. Try it but be careful.

  3. Molly Ever After

    So many races! I’m looking for a half-marathon in November/December, but they’re so hard to find in the Chicago area! I guess no one wants to run in the snow. I’m doing the Chicago Marathon (first marathon!) and need something to keep me running long throughout the winter months.

  4. Erica

    Hey Theodora!
    I found your blog through a friend’s recommendation – I manage a blog about weight loss and weight loss surgery for the University of Pennsylvania (Penn Medicine). Anyway, I saw you are running the RW Half in Bethlehem – it’s where I grew up and I’ve run that race before! It IS gorgeous… and if the route is the same this year, get ready for a very hilly section!

    Good luck!

  5. Gianna @ Run, Lift, Repeat

    I always want to run ALL the races!

    This fall I am doing:

    Newport Half Marathon
    ING Hartford Marathon
    Miami Halloween Half Marathon
    NYC Marathon
    Palm Beaches Marathon

    My sister sent me an email about a half in the Bahamas the end of November…really trying to!

    And then some NYRR races to hit 9 + 1…just because never know might want to run NY again next year 🙂

  6. Nicole @ Pink Elephant on Parade

    I’m very excited to do Marine Corps Marathon in October and then two weeks later do the Wine and Dine half marathon in Disney World. I did the 9+1 and am all set to do NYC in 2014 and I can’t wait–I came up from DC to get the requirements done so it better be worth it.

  7. a

    I got in to the Women’s Nike San Francisco Half — but unfortunately couldn’t make it work financially. SO — I’m doing the Saint Louis RnR half the weekend after (where my parents live). Not nearly as exciting — but at least it kind of plays double duty.

  8. Becky

    Running the Army 10 Miler for the first time — kinda nervous!! Any tips?? Do they really prohibit phones/earbuds/mp3 players?
    Good luck with your races Theo!

    1. Theodora Post author

      Hey! 🙂 Hmm…enjoy?? You go over the 14th Street Bridge in the last mile, so definitely save some energy for that! I mean – they said they did, and we didn’t want to mess with it…though I feel like they’d have a hard time enforcing it.


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