Turning 25 Again

I promise to never ever use the hashtag #blessed on social media, unless I have actually been blessed by a priest.

I will say, though, that I am a lucky, lucky lady.

I am very lucky to have some wonderful people in my life, and that they share a mutual love of bubbly.

My birthday is Tuesday, and I celebrated last night with a bunch of friends. Younger Theodora used to try to find a sort of cool spot (because let’s be real, I’ve never been that cool) to have everyone meet. 30-going-on-31 (ahhh) Theodora decided that everyone would just come to her favorite spot, which just so happens to be walking distance from her apartment.


Raymi > everywhere else. Also, if you don’t already have a spot where you’re a regular, get on that. It makes life that much sweeter. The manager, Sigi, very kindly sent over a round of drinks for us. NYC people, you need to try this place. They have drink specials almost every single night, and their food is delicious. I had dinner before with a smaller group, and I had their quinoa chaufa, which I NEED to try to make on my own.


Hi friends from the Internet!


More friends I met on the Internets!


Junior League buddies!


And the measure of any good night is one that ends barefoot, right? (Or maybe just those shoes are hot as hell but as uncomfortable as hell.)

Getting older is scary, but doing so with some awesome people by your side makes things a little easier. And it’s not even my real birthday yet!

On my ACTUAL birthday, there is a Junior League/Lilly Pulitzer event, which is obviously my ideal way to spend a birthday. It’s open to the public, too, if you are also a Lilly lover.

How do you spend your birthday/how do you feel about birthdays? I am so not a fan of getting older, but I love getting so many of my friends in one place.

13 comments on “Turning 25 Again

  1. Cheri @ Overactive Blogger

    I only like to make sure that I celebrate birthdays with family and friends. Good drinks and good food doesn’t hurt. I don’t mind getting any older because I don’t feel like I am! I feel super ageless! Maybe that will change, but I love getting older, and getting more sure of myself.

  2. Mom

    Your family is here in New Jersey waiting to celebrate your Birthday, never forget the
    night my little girl was born!!

    Love you

  3. Elizabeth

    Love the pictures! Regarding the Lous….did you have the toe box stretched? Also places like Barney’s normally give toe pads which helps. I have several pairs that makes a big difference. Enjoy!

  4. Becky @ Olives n Wine

    First of all, happy happy birthday in a few short hours!!! Second of all, I want those shoes – I don’t care how uncomfortable they are, I’m buying a pair the next time I’m in Vegas 😉

    Looks like you had a fab time celebrating this weekend!

  5. Sokphal @ Life as a Classroom

    Happy early birthday! Girrrl, it’s your birthday – you call the shots on that day and people will follow. 🙂 I actually love birthdays. Another year you’re alive, plus, it’s fun to get everyone you love in one place. I feel younger (and smarter) compared to my 20-something self.


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