The TMI Blog Survey

Tina did the TMI Blog Question thing today, and I haven’t done a good survey in a while, so I thought I’d play along, too. 

1. What are you wearing?

Yoga pants, a Nike workout tank top and a Lululemon wrap. It’s basically like wearing a blanket, because, you know, winter is back in NYC.

2. Ever been in love?



3. Ever had a terrible breakup?

Not really, I’ve usually done the breaking up so that I wouldn’t have my heart broken…

4. How tall are you?


5. How much do you weigh? 

I have seen everywhere from 151 to 144 on the scale this week, so I’m going to go with 146-7ish?

6. Any tattoos?

Nope, but I did contemplate a 10.10.10 or a 26.2 after I ran my first marathon. I couldn’t decide which one I wanted for the rest of my life, so I didn’t get one. I’m sure my mom is really glad to hear this.

7. Any piercings?

I’m so boring. Just one in each ear. I did get second holes done in Spain in high school when our two ground rules on our trip were “no piercings or drinking.” Broke both of those. 

8. Favorite song? 

So overplayed probably, but Sara Bareilles Brave. I can’t hear it without thinking of the Heroic Women commercial.

9. Quality you look for in a partner?

Hands down, sense of humor. I’m looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with who I can quote Anchorman back and forth with. Not too much to ask, right?

10. Favorite quote?


11. Favorite actor?

Will Ferrell, obviously. But if we’re talking serious actors, I’ve always really liked Matt Damon.

12. Loud music or soft?

Loud while driving, with the top down, singing my head off. Anywhere else, soft. 

13. Where do you go when you’re sad?

I try to go work out if I can, go window shopping, or call friends or my mom. 

14. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Too long? I like to allow myself at least an hour and a half from waking up to getting out the door if I can.

15. Ever been in a physical fight?

No, thank god.

16. Turn on?

A great smile, cute ass, and someone who’s smart and humble

17. Turn off?

People who are full of themselves. Which, you know, makes dating in NYC fun.

18. Fears?

Flying, failure, being single for the rest of my life

19. Last thing that made you cry?

Talking to Emily about her mom’s cancer. Parents are supposed to live forever, and the fact that I’m at the age where friends’ parents are getting sick is terrifying. And it hurts me so much to see a good friend have to watch her mom fight cancer. Once I started crying, I felt terrible that I was the one crying.

20. Last time you said you loved someone?

Probably my mom? Cool life, Theodora.

21. Meaning behind your YouTube name?

It’s just my name.

22. The relationship between you and the last person you texted? 


My buddy Emily! Random old pic.

23. Favorite food?


Spaghetti, bagels, tacos. I currently can’t have 2/3 of that.  

24. Place you want to visit?

Just one? I have a million places I’d love to go: Marlborough, New Zealand (wine country!!!); Greece; Australia; Turks & Caicos; Paris

25. Do you have a crush?

Yes, and he has a girlfriend.

26. Last time you kissed someone?

Oof, probably January? My life is sad.

27. Last time you were insulted?

I can’t remember, which is a good thing

28. Favorite piece of jewelry?

All of my Erica Sara jewelry!!

Play along at home! Pick some questions to answer yourself.

I’m supposed to tag three people to take this survey. I choose: Emily, Ashley and Blake.

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