Sometimes Low-Key is Just What You Need

I am undoubtedly a thrill-seeker, an adrenaline and endorphin junkie. This is why I live in the most high-energy city in the U.S., where the possibilities are endless.

But lately, I’ve found joy in the simple. In the weekends with a few or even no plans at all, that truly recharge my batteries, and that’s what this weekend was all about. No big events or races or jam-packed calendars.

Central Park Boathouse Brunch

A nice little run through the park with my Junior League ladies…

Followed by brunch at the Boathouse.

It’s funny, as I trotted over to meet the girls in front of the Boathouse, I thought about how just a few years ago, I was terrified to show up to run club. I didn’t know a ton of people in the League, I didn’t run very fast, but I showed up and now some of these women are my closest friends, and I feel completely at home walking up to meet the running group.

Shops Columbus Circle Christmas Time

I walked back to Columbus Circle to get on the subway…and saw one of my favorite views in the city. These stars and this view never cease to take my breath away and make me so happy to live in this crazy city. I wandered around aimlessly for a bit, browsing through C. Wonder (which apparently is closing many of its retail stores) and then stopping to look at Wolford tights. I’ve heard they’re amazing, but I was not ready to drop that kind of dough on tights.

I got a much-needed mani/pedi and decided to go for this luscious color. I stopped by Lacey’s for a glass of vino and we headed out for two birthday parties—a 30 year old’s and a 25 year old’s. Stop #1 was for Daria’s birthday at The Wren, where they had SUPER cute cocktails, including a “Wren-Quila” delicious tequila drink.

From there, we went to Kat’s birthday at Whiskey Town. She’s one of the Uplift instructors, and the irony of having several drinks with fitness instructor buddies is never lost on me.

I slept in this morning until the sun coming through my windows woke me up, and I lazed around until brunch at noon. An old friend from DC had emailed me a few weeks ago that she, too, lived in NYC now and wanted to see if I wanted to get together. I headed out to Brooklyn to meet her at Prime Meats, a cute farm-to-table restaurant in Carroll Gardens. As we talked about D.C., I realized for the millionth time that moving up here nearly 7 years ago was the best decision I ever could have made.

The weather was FREAKING gorgeous today, so I got off the subway several stops early and just meandered my way home, stopping to sit in Madison Square Park to finish Andie’s book. I need a little more time to think about it and digest my feelings about it, but DAMN. Her writing is beautiful, and she’s incredibly open and vulnerable about her issues with food. It was the kind of book I never wanted to end. As I sat there in the park reading, I ran into Melissa and her sweet little pup. I love Bailey to death, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a little bit of puppy envy any time a sweet little muffin bounds over to me and gives me lots of kisses and smothers me with energy.

I’m prepping some Brussels for our Friendsgiving at work tomorrow, and I’m really happy to go into this (short!) work week nice and calm. Self care is not overrated, it turns out!

How do you recharge on the weekends?


8 comments on “Sometimes Low-Key is Just What You Need

  1. Nicole

    I completely agree. I love looking forward to the BIG weekends with friends in town or a major event. But it’s almost always the seemingly lazy weekends with nothing planned that end up being the most fun.

  2. Lauren @ Beautiful Plant-Based Life

    We were in so many of the same places this weekend! I was psyched to catch the light show at the Time Warner Center on Saturday night. 😉 I’ve also been craving “low key”. I just want to be home, enjoy a chill dinner out, or hang out at a friend’s place. I’ve been spending A LOT of time making candles lately, prepping for a holiday craft fair. It’s been a nice excuse to listen to Christmas music and wear fuzzy socks.

  3. joelle (on a pink typewriter)

    I can totally relate. I used to be very similar in terms of my schedule, but now I sort like just relaxing on the weekend and soaking up the free time. At first it was something hard to wrap my mind around (that it was “okay” to relax and not have a jam packed itinerary scratching off to-do list items), but I’m slowly getting used to it. Maybe it’s maturity… 🙂

  4. Erin @ Her Heartland Soul

    I love that Essie nail polish color!

    And I’m the same way, I need slightly busy but not too busy weekends! When I’m too busy I end the weekend feeling exhausted. When I’m not busy enough I end the weekend feeling exhausted because I just lounge on the couch. Such a weird predicament.

  5. Shawna

    the stars in Columbus Circle is one of my fave NYC views as well, esp at night. never gets old. the Wren is such a cute lil bar! i know a girl who works there and keep meaning to go back and pop in to see her. i had an insanely busy wknd bopping around the city with the boy, who was finally visiting from out of town (yay) and we hit as many speakeasys as humanly possible, which was fun. by 4pm yesterday, i could hardly move off the couch. AMAs and diet ginger ale was my recharge. 🙂

  6. Nicole

    I’m drinking coffee right now from my Whole Foods Market Columbus Circle mug 🙂 Love that WFM!
    I definitely need time on weekends to relax and recharge. Sometimes it’s a little mindless retail therapy but more often it’s a long yoga workout or time spent reading a good book.


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