AirBNB Brooklyn Half Results

YOU GUYS. I want to tell everyone I know about my PR today…and then I realized, that’s why I have a blog. 

Brooklyn Half Results

I cannot believe that is a time associated with my name. That marks nearly 50 minutes off my first half five years ago and 25ish halfs ago.

Sure, I didn’t beat Jordan, but I ran my own race and I ran a pretty damn good one! I took nearly two minutes off my old PR and I don’t even feel too sore…yet?

I’m going to take a little more time to reflect on my race before writing a full recap, but I am SO happy. Thanks for all the good wishes, guys! 

Anyone else run BK today or another race? How’d you do?

8 comments on “AirBNB Brooklyn Half Results

  1. Sara @ Lake Shore Runner

    Way to gooo!! That is awesome. And not sore…..yet. I will be curious to see if you are saying the something tomorrow. I was so sore after my last half.

    Also, look at those negative splits at the end 🙂 Congrats again! Hope you celebrated with some wine!


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