Class Review: Fhitting Room Flatiron

Dara Theodore Fhitting Room

So, I have this weird thing where I really want to take all of our Daily Burn trainers’ classes IRL.

This weird obsession landed me in a pole class a few weeks ago to see Becca… (NYC Equinox members — take her Barre Burn class!)

And yesterday, I found myself at Fhitting Room to visit Dara Theodore, one of our trainers. Because, hi, look at her arms.

I’ve actually only been to Fhitting Room once. The location near me opened while I was training for the Brooklyn Half last year, and then I was injured/marathon training. I tried it back in December with Ashley, who goes pretty often.

I’ll be honest — I was scared of this studio. Why? I’m not sure. I handled a few months of CrossFit, I should be able to handle anything, right?

For its being high intensity, the 50-minute class goes by super quickly. The general format:

  • Warm-Up: includes some stretching and light cardio. I’m not sure how long it was, but it felt about 5 minutes-ish?
  • Circuits (yesterday’s was 1 minute at 6 stations, repeated twice): ski erg, “face melters” << basically mountain climbers off the side of a box, TRX push-ups, kettlebell halos, mini hurdles and box split jumps.
  • Strength: yesterday this was two different short circuits: one strength move + one cardio move (for 1 minnute and then for 45 seconds)
  • THE CHIPPER. This is not a chipwich, people. This was a really hard ladder: 50 high knees, 40 one arm kettlebell swings, 30 snatches, 20 sit-ups, 10 burpees…and back up. We were timed for 8 minutes, and  sure as hell did not finish.

The class is usually taught by two instructors, but Dara’s co-instructor got stuck in traffic yesterday, so it was just her. I think she might have cloned herself during the workout because it still felt like she was really attentive to everyone and was back at my station every time I looked up.

Our 365 users at work are more on the beginner side, so I was interested to see how Dara taught to people who mostly weren’t beginners, but it was just the same high-energy Dara.

And I walked out endorphin wasted!

What was the last workout that got you endorphin wasted?

4 comments on “Class Review: Fhitting Room Flatiron

  1. Melissa

    Ahh I love Fhitting Room and I love Dara! I used to go to her class all the time at the old UES location.

    I’m always endorphin wasted after a Fhitting Room class. I got some Barry’s Bootcamp classes from my mom for Christmas, so I’ve been going there a bunch the past few weeks…most of the time I leave there on a killer endorphin high, but sometimes I feel like I almost work myself TOO hard and I just leave exhausted and in a daze!

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