Why This Summer Is Going to Be Awesome


Tomorrow is the official first day of summer, which is basically my favorite day of the year.

I am so hardcore Team Summer. I ❤️ NY but our winters are long and hard. I live for this time of year when I can walk out my door without a coat and in flip flops and just wander the city. I love that everything slows down just a bit, and the world just feels filled with possibility.

Here’s a few specific things I’m looking forward to this summer:

Hamptons Weekends 

This is the third year I’m doing a share out east with my friends, and I’m counting down the days until I can roll out of bed and loaf down to the beach to lay out all day. Our house is nothing fancy but it does have a private beach (which SJP goes to!) which makes it all feel a little fancier than it is. Oh, and my favorite coffee is out there. 

Marathon Training

Some people dread it, but I am so excited for those long double digit runs that make you feel like you can conquer the world. For running longer before 10am than most people will run in their lives. For hours and hours to catch up with running buddies and explore new parts of my beloved city.

Vancouver // SeaWheeze

I’ve heard great things about SeaWheeze (basically, Lululemon’s half marathon) for years, and last year a group of blogger buds and I all managed to snag bibs and found a sweet Airbnb to rent for the long weekend. I’ve never been to Canada, and I hear Vancouver is amazing. I didn’t plan for it to be this way, but apparently 2016 is about accumulating passport stamps, and I’m not complaining. Good thing I got Global Entry a few months ago! 

Junior League

So, technically we are “off” during the summer, but I’m about to take over our Transfers committee, and I couldn’t be more excited. I transferred to the NYJL eight years ago, and it was life-changing and introduced me to so many strong, successful women I consider friends and mentors today. If you’re moving to NYC from another League, definitely reach out to me! (Or really if you have any NYJL questions in general, this is one of my favorite things to talk about.) Taking a break a few months ago when my mom was sick and I was slammed at work was the right decision, and so is coming back to this. I’ve wanted to chair this for years to help introduce women to the organization and the city that have given me so much.

6 comments on “Why This Summer Is Going to Be Awesome

  1. Allison D.

    I’ll be out in Montauk most of July and August. I’m always looking for fun (hopefully free) workouts out there, let me know if you find any! Last year Ruschmeyer’s and Surf Lodge had some great ones.


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