Week 2: Richmond Marathon Training

2016-06-11 09.04.32



Happy Tuesday, y’all!

It’s my goal to stick to marathon training logs, no matter how badly they suck…and this week’s sucked.

Monday: I had XT on my schedule, so I did one of our Daily Burn workouts at work, since it gave me the ability to sleep in a bit.

Tuesday: I had planned this as a rest day.

Wednesday: I did not plan this as a rest day, but I over-snoozed and had a work event at night, so no run.

Thursday: I WILL RUN IF IT TAKES EVERYTHING I HAVE. I ran 4 miles, and it actually felt awesome despite the intense heat.

Friday: At this point, I’d decided I’d just run all four days of running last week in a row. Not ideal, but it would keep me to my goals. Ran 4 miles with my coworker Tamara in the insane heat. All week, I felt like I’d been coming down with a cold, but I really started feeling crappy Friday morning and felt really dehydrated by the end of my run.

Saturday: I woke up still not feeling great, but told myself I’d at least do the 5 I was supposed to do the next day and 7 if I felt better. Well, I got a mile in and felt AWFUL. Dizzy, dehydrated, so I stopped, defeated and annoyed.

Sunday: I woke up and felt like I’d been run over by a truck, so I went to CityMD and got diagnosed with strep throat. I’m now a few days into antibiotics and just starting to feel better.

Last week sucked, no doubt. But that’s why marathon training cycles are so long, and why I’m working so hard to rest rest rest right now so that I can bounce back as quickly as possible. I’m hoping to do some sort of easier workout tomorrow and get back to running Thursday.

Onward and upward.

What are you training for? How was your week of training last week? 

5 comments on “Week 2: Richmond Marathon Training

  1. Nicole Haber

    ugh that stinks. i got strep a few weeks ago (its clearly going around!) and it took a while to completely get rid of it. i hope you feel better soon! love reading the training recaps

  2. Danielle @ Wild Coast Tales

    Strep throat, that’s brutal! Hope you’re feeling better. Last week’s workouts were pretty jam-packed and I am definitely feeling it this week. Trying to catch up rest but so far I have not been too successful!

  3. Shawna

    Ugh that sounds awful – feel better! One of my co-workers had strep last week as well. The worst to be summer sick.
    I’m training for the Mohawk Hudson River Marathon upstate in October — so far, so good.


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