Things I’m Loving This Week

Happy Fri YAY, y’all!

In a Facebook group I’m in, we were discussing what we were grateful for, and I realized I have a lot to be grateful for, but this week, I’m most grateful for my job.

daily burn

I got to take my mama to work the other day, and I was really proud. I’ll talk more about our experience once the episode airs, but it was really special.

Here’s some other stuff I’m loving lately!

This dry shampoo. My hair felt like it wouldn’t come clean on vacation last week so we stopped in Sephora and I picked that one up. This one is my favorite drugstore one.

KJP Pearl Lobster


In the complete opposite vein, I’m also all about cheap activewear. Old Navy and C9 have really stepped up their game.

Old Navy Burnout Tank

This top I wore the other day is on sale for SEVEN DOLLARS.

Old Navy Go Dry Performance Tank

And this one that’s similar to my fave Nike thank is only $9!

Also, still loving the C9 pants I got at the Rockettes event!

NY Mag’s The Cut ran a powerful series this week on perfection. Speaking of, have you ever really listened to the lyrics of Pink’s F**kin Perfect? My trainer told me to really listen the other day…and it’s really powerful.

Hudson NY

Also, I’m heading upstate next weekend to go to Hudson NY with my girlfriends — any recommendations??

Finally, through Junior League, we’re doing an initiative this weekend to volunteer for 115 hours straight that I’m really proud to be a part of.

What are you loving this week?

4 comments on “Things I’m Loving This Week

  1. Emily

    Across from the river from Husson is a twin called Athens (I believe there is a weekend ferry that runs between the two). There is a place called Crossroads. I love it there! There is also a new French restaurant that just opened which my friends say is great. I haven’t been yet but they live in Athens and go often.


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