An Amazing Alpaca Day

I’m really happy to say I’ve had a handful of “best days in a long time” days lately, amidst a sea of low days, and yesterday was actually a day that’s been in the works for a while.

If you didn’t know, I have this (weird, I know) thing with llamas and alpacas. After my birthday at Foxwoods, we were going to stop at an alpaca farm on the way back, but we got stuck in a snowstorm, because February birthdays really ruin everything.

My buddy Blake and I were both having A Week, so she decided that we should take some ridiculous adventure outside of the city. “Like…alpacas???” I asked. “Nah, it’s ok, that’s my brand of weird.”

LUCKILY SHE WAS TOTALLY DOWN FOR IT, so off to the alpacas we went!

NYC friends: there’s actually an alpaca farm just in Westchester (!!!) called Faraway Farms. Which is not actually that far away. Blake is an angel and drove, and it took ~about~ an hour, but you can also take the Metro North to Croton-Harmon and take a ~$25 taxi to the happiest place in the world.

You would not believe how happy I was when we pulled up. 

Alpacas NYC

This gets close, though. Happy, crazy, whatevs.

Alpacas NYC

Oh hey buddy.

Alpacas NYC

Leda, the owner, explained to us that they don’t like to be petted (wah), but that they weren’t aggressive, so we could get as close as we wanted..and they’d let us know if they weren’t into it.

alpacas nyc


Alpaca Friends NYC

SO SO HAPPY. Just me and some alpacas in a field, NBD.

Faraway Farm Alpacas NYC

After an amazing hour at this idyllic little oasis in…Westchester? we went farm hopping and found ourselves at Wilkens Fruit & Fir Farm. Unfortunately, it was just before it was closing and the lines for everything were insane.

Corn Maze Wilkens Fruit Farm

Except the corn maze!! 

After, we found dinner at Little Sorrento, a lovely little Italian place recommended by the sweet high schoolers working the corn maze. 


When in the ‘burbs, right?

My mom decorated for every holiday. Honestly, I never decorated for much beyond Christmas, but I’m trying to do this in my mom’s honor, so I bought a bunch of Halloween stuff.

I’m really loving Target’s Dia de Los Muertes line and got these lights and some other stuff I can’t find online but was in their Dollar Spot.


I got llama stuff!!!!

Just before getting to Target, I actually got a message from someone on IG alerting me to the llama selection!

Target Llama Pillowfort 

I got this print for my bathroom. (It may technically be kids’ but…so are most of my other prints so whatevs.)

Also, looks like I’m dressing up for Halloween this year….

ALSO, llama salt and pepper shakers.

My wallet is certainly glad I don’t live that near a Target IRL.

Fave random animal? Fave Target purchase as of late?

10 comments on “An Amazing Alpaca Day

  1. meredith @ cookie chrunicles

    when I saw this on Instagram, I’m like – where is she? it can’t be New York! lol. how fun though for you! I’m glad you had a great time. they say eventually the good days start to outnumber the bad days so hopefully that is what’s in store for you sooner rather than later.

  2. Megan

    I recently learned that the Minnesota State Fair has an llama costume contest (that is people dress up their llamas). Highly recommend googling this!

    Also Target is opening by Penn Station this month.

  3. Kayla

    Ahhhh you were the next town over from my tiny, boring hometown! Wilkins is the best for apple cider donuts but the line is also CRAZY. I might have to seek out these alpacas next time I’m home.

  4. wendy

    ah what a fun day! A llama spit on me at the Stamford Nature Center last summer, but I still love them anyway! Target has a light up llama christmas decoration that I want, but not sure I can justify spending $60 on, plus my apt is tiny so i’d probs need to have it out year round.

  5. Joan

    As someone whose child ROUTINELY sits/stands/runs in the middle of alpacas, and who has dressed up an alpaca as all of the following – gangsta rapper, Alexander Hamilton, Sherlock Holmes, James Bond – I just have to say I’m glad you like them – but boy are they dumb. Also, they are really hard to put pants on, though I admit they look super-cute in them. ( – second photo – meet “LL Coal J.”)


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