My Top Accomplishments of 2018

My friend Felicia is one of my favorite follows on Twitter. In fact, that’s how we met. She is a brilliant marketer, writer, human being with a heart of gold and a dark, dark sense of humor—because you need someone to crack inappropriate depression joke with sometimes.

She posted a thread on Twitter about her 2018 accomplishments—so often many of us downplay our accomplishments or focus on our failures—and it inspired me to do the same. When I look back at the year, it’s so marred with my hospitalization and depression, but I am and have accomplished so much more than that.

Without further adieu… here’s mine. What were your greatest accomplishments?

  1. I published my writing in more outlets than in any other year…EVER.
  2. Including in Women’s Health, which was on my dream publication list for this year.
  3. I have things in the work with several other outlets on my dream list!
  4. I’m at least halfway through my book proposal, and the time I’ve left it sitting in the past few weeks has given me space and perspective to make it stronger and matter to more than just myself.
  5. I got my NASM personal training certification. My best friend tutored me, and I studied hard while in a psych ward.
  6. I also got my yoga teacher training certification—something I’ve been thinking about for years but wasn’t sure I’d ever do.
  7. I tried out living in LA for two months. I’m not sure it’s for me, but I am SO glad I did it—I’d always wanted to live in California.
  8. I started the year in Brazil, Peru and—oops!—Colombia. I felt confident and competent conversing with my Spanish minor.
  9. I managed to run several races despite being on a whole bevy of psychiatric meds.
  10. I attended my first writing retreat, Write Doe Bay, which made me realize I matter—as a writer, as a human.
  11. I surfed a whole lot this summer. (In NY…yet only surfed once while in LA??)
  12. I launched a podcast and have already lined up SO MANY AWESOME GUESTS. It’s fun to have a new project where I only answer to myself.
  13. I have been largely successful at cutting back on drinking, after learning just how acutely it affects my mood.
  14. I learned how to listen to myself and figure out what makes me happy (and conversely, NOT happy.)
  15. I was hypnotized, and I saw a medium—I was open to whatever it took to heal.
  16. I did a SHIT ton of therapy and confronting some of the uglier parts of myself and others—and also learned to really love and forgive myself.
  17. My BFF (and best travel companion ever) and I took a XC train trip to CA, stopping at 7 national parks along the way.
  18. Stealing this from Felicia, too:  And the most important thing. I took my meds every day and kept on living—even when I did not want to.

8 comments on “My Top Accomplishments of 2018

  1. Sandra

    Such a great year for you and wow to those writing accomplishments. I too needed some time in a psych ward and am so glad to be on the other side of that looking ahead. One foot forward at a time! Cheers to 2019!

      1. Amanda

        @Theodora: I absolutely think travel is an accomplishment! It is certainly easier to stay home and not leave your comfort zone. Kudos to you for traveling!

  2. Carrie

    Happy New Year! Long time reader although sporadically since I stopped running due to knee issues. I keep coming back and playing catch up on your blog. I am always so impressed by people who share their lives with others because I find it so difficult. It’s one of the things I plan to work on this year because vulnerability is very hard and I admire your ability to put it out there. Thank you for inspiring me. I hope that 2019 brings you peace, many blessings and (fingers crossed) a book deal. May you have health and safe travels.
    Carrie (from California)

  3. Melissa

    Is add another accomplishment to your list – sharing your truth to stigmatized mental health issues. In a world full of judgy people and armchair quarterbacks, it takes guts to write like you do. I’ve been curious about something – how is your relationship with your dad? Has it changed since losing your mom? Totally none of my business, but I was curious. I hope 2019 is your best year ever!

    1. Theodora Blanchfield Post author

      @Melissa: Well, also he reads here… 🙂 But…what I will say is that I think things are getting easier now, but it was definitely pretty hard at first to understand each other. We’re definitely closer now, though, than we ever were.

  4. Kate

    Congratulations and Happy New Year to you. I think your list is impressive and I’m glad you have been able to work through the depression that has hounded you. Lots to be proud of here.


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