Category Archives: Running

One Day at a Time

Live from New York…

NYC Snow

We’ve gotten some snow, and much more is supposed to come later tonight.

We got out of work at 2 today to go work from home, and I used the time everyone else was using to commute to go get in a quick run on the treadmill at the gym. I haven’t run since the half last weekend since I had a terrible sinus infection all week that went into my chest.

But I finally feel human again!

The week before I got sick, I’d been really busy at work and with some other stuff and didn’t put myself and my training first. I got my runs in but they kind of sucked. I was just ticking the boxes and rearranging the schedule Jess had put together for me.

Why was I paying her if I wasn’t really going to listen? Last week when I was sick, I contemplated abandoning my PR attempt and just running this race for fun. I’d had two weeks of sub-par training, I wouldn’t be able to PR.

But, I listened to those negative thoughts and told them to shut the hell up, I had work to do. Jess and I agreed at the outset of my training it might be hard to PR in March when I hadn’t been training hard for more than a year, and that Brooklyn might be a better time to try to PR.

I looked at my training plan and got nervous looking at the race date and my runs to date. And then I decided my only choice was to take things one day at a time, one run at a time.

So today, I went and I banged out 4 miles on the treadmill. I felt tight and sore and achy but I got them done and didn’t worry about what they meant for my raceĀ other than being one run closer.

*Edited to add: I read this AWESOME post from my girl Anne about her trip to Canyon Ranch. Towards the end, she talks about getting a body composition analysis and how your body fat percentage may be a little higher when endurance training than doing other types of training. I wish i had read this last year when I freaked out about my body fat analysis!

How have you changed your mindset while training for something?

My Year in Running: 2014

Hi guys! I’m currently having a wild Friday night in NYC on my couch eating some hot and sour soup and trying to get my voice back and get over a cold. Apparently drinking champagne at the work Christmas party last night was not actually a great antidote for this cold, which is really weird. So, I thought I’d do Miss Zippy’s Year of Running. This year was very different than the other years that I’ve been running. I wasn’t chasing down any PRs or new distances…and that’s ok! It was kind of a reset year for running for me, but I’m really excited to chase some big goals next year.

Year in Running 2013

Year in Running 2012

Brooklyn Half

Best race experience?

Hands-down, the Brooklyn Half. I ran it with Jordan and Alex, my coworkers and two of my favorite people in the world. It was their first half, and I was so, so proud of them. They ran a killer 2:01, and Jordan recently ran her second half and SMASHED it with a 1:54. I really enjoyed assuring them that they could do this, and seeing how happy they were at the end. It also made me realize I should start actually using my RRCA coaching certification. So, if you want to run your first half or 5K (or any distance in between) or chase a PR, drop me an email if you’d like to work together! (theodora at preppy runner dot com)

Amagansett Running

Best run?

I really enjoyed my slightly hungover runs through Amagansett with Heather this summer. We didn’t worry about pace, we didn’t worry about distance, we just ran by the beach and looked at all the gorgeous houses and recapped the night before’s shenanigans.

New Balance Hi-Viz Jacket

Best new piece of gear?

New Balance printed up these awesome Glow Beacon jackets for us with our team name on them for Reach the Beach. I love the obnoxiously bright color, but moreso, I love that this jacket is a tangible reminder of the fun weekend I had.

Shalane Flanagan Heartbreak Hill Half

Best piece of running advice you received?

So there was that time I met Shalane Flanagan? We asked if she had any mantras or what her race strategy was, and she said she just thinks: “Execute.” She takes the emotion out of it, and just goes for it. We’re all capable of so, so much more when we let go of all the doubt that holds us back.

Most inspirational runner?

Emily. She has always inspired me for her speed, and now I’m in serious awe of her commitment to ultra running, and how she’s growing and becoming so much smarter as a runner. I want to maybe one day run a 50K, but no more than that. Not only does Emily accomplish these amazing distances, she usually wins or places, too. I really admire her dedication and talent.

Who inspires you as a runner? How was your year in running?

And thanks to everyone who entered the Alii tri gear giveaway. Sorry about the Rafflecopter issues – I’ll definitely look into it before my next giveaway. I’ve notified the winner, who’s on her way to getting a lovely vest.