Live from New York…
We’ve gotten some snow, and much more is supposed to come later tonight.
We got out of work at 2 today to go work from home, and I used the time everyone else was using to commute to go get in a quick run on the treadmill at the gym. I haven’t run since the half last weekend since I had a terrible sinus infection all week that went into my chest.
But I finally feel human again!
The week before I got sick, I’d been really busy at work and with some other stuff and didn’t put myself and my training first. I got my runs in but they kind of sucked. I was just ticking the boxes and rearranging the schedule Jess had put together for me.
Why was I paying her if I wasn’t really going to listen? Last week when I was sick, I contemplated abandoning my PR attempt and just running this race for fun. I’d had two weeks of sub-par training, I wouldn’t be able to PR.
But, I listened to those negative thoughts and told them to shut the hell up, I had work to do. Jess and I agreed at the outset of my training it might be hard to PR in March when I hadn’t been training hard for more than a year, and that Brooklyn might be a better time to try to PR.
I looked at my training plan and got nervous looking at the race date and my runs to date. And then I decided my only choice was to take things one day at a time, one run at a time.
So today, I went and I banged out 4 miles on the treadmill. I felt tight and sore and achy but I got them done and didn’t worry about what they meant for my raceĀ other than being one run closer.
*Edited to add: I read this AWESOME post from my girl Anne about her trip to Canyon Ranch. Towards the end, she talks about getting a body composition analysis and how your body fat percentage may be a little higher when endurance training than doing other types of training. I wish i had read this last year when I freaked out about my body fat analysis!
How have you changed your mindset while training for something?