2015 Race Plans (Or Bust!)

I started running in 2009 as I was losing weight, and I got hooked—to the way those endorphins made me feel, to the victory of crossing the finish line, to achieving personal records.

NYC Marathon

But several years of aggressively chasing PRs wore me down and left me burnt out from running after my massive PR at the New York City Marathon last year. I took this year to let my running take whatever direction felt right, and I didn’t do many races. (I also thought I could apply my running endurance to a 70.3, but it turns out I’m not crazy about sitting on a bike for hours.)

2015, though, I’ve already got plans for you.


I had a really fun day spectating NYCM…but I think it’s more fun to run. So I’m going to do that next year. It’s part of my master plan to BQ by the time I’m 35, when I get 5 more minutes (unless they change things again between now and then.) My current PR, 3:56, is 21 minutes away from my current AG’s BQ time…but only 16 minutes away from the 35+ qualifying time, and I’ll be 32 in February. My master plan is to just keep chipping away at that PR over the next few years, and BAM, BQ at 35. I’ve entered the lottery, but if I don’t get in, I’ll enter with a charity. There’s so many amazing ones to choose from that I’m not yet sure which one.



My current half PR is from the D.C. Rock ‘n’ Roll Half. They’ve added a jerk of a hill, but I’m familiar with the course and want to head back there to work on shredding my current half PR. Rock ‘n’ Roll is doing this great promotion today where you can register for three of their races for $199. I don’t care what date their new BK Half is, I’m running it. (San Diego is a huge maybe, I just wanted to play around with adding one more race to my TourPass and be slightly realistic…I do want to do their Dublin half, though.)

Brooklyn HalfThe first year I ran this sucked, but I had an amazing time running it with coworkers last year. They don’t know it yet, but we’re running it again this year.


So, I learned 70.3 isn’t for me, but I did fall in love with the triathlon this year…

And at this point, it’s basically a tradition for me to do the Franklin Lakes Triathlon, so that’s a part of my plan FOR SURE…

NYC Tri Open Water Swim

…as is returning to my buddy, the Hudson River, and doing the NYC Tri again.

What’s on your race calendar for 2015? (Or the rest of 2014?)

22 comments on “2015 Race Plans (Or Bust!)

  1. Katie

    Love the plan! I would love to BQ…maybe at age 50? I’m debating whether to go for Grandma’s Marathon in June, if I’m not injured after the Princess Half in February I just might sign up. Other than that, I’m hoping to do a 41.5 tri, super random distance, but I want the challenge before I attempt a 70.3, there’s a small chance in 2016 I’ll go for Ironman Madison, but I don’t want to have a poor 70.3 experience this summer and scare me off.

  2. Karen @ Running on Tea

    I’m doing RnR Dublin in 2015! I guess it’s less of a big deal race for me since I live here though, but I’ve never run it (I was fighting to PR a 10k that happened on the same day last year, and before that I wasn’t up to half level yet) and it goes through the park for miiiiiles and Phoenix Park is stunning so I’m really excited! (If you really want to race Dublin and actually feel like Dublin though, run the Dublin Marathon. I stewarded it this year and it is a 26.2 mile party. Beautiful.)

    1. Theodora Blanchfield Post author

      aw 🙂 I went to spectate the Dublin Marathon in 2005, and it was gorgeous!! One day! I want to come back to Ireland so badly but there’s also so many other places in the world I want to see, too.

  3. Sara @ Lake Shore Runner

    Great minds think alike! I wrote about the exact same thing today. Sadly, neither of our 3 races match up 🙁 But I ran the DC Marathon last year and would highly suggest the half. The first part of the course was great!

  4. Amanda Brooks

    ohh i love San diego, i mean that was my most painful marathon and i was out for 3 months after, but I think my warped desire to live there makes me love it still :0

    I’m horrible with race planning I am still debating what marathon to do in january for my PR attempt

  5. Annie

    I’ll see you at Rock and Roll DC! I’m doing the full…I’ve done 2, but I want to do another one before I’m 30. 🙂 WOOHOO!

  6. meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles

    I am trying to figure out my race plan for 2015 but I don’t solidify it until it comes a little closer. I am looking at a city half in January (forget what’s it called and when it exactly is lol), Fitness mag half in April again (maybe), Hot Chocolate 15K in Philly, Long Island Half in May and then a bunch of halfs are up for consideration in the fall – Hershey Park, Runner’s World Festival again, Suffolk County is having their first ever half I think in September and I saw Rock n Roll is coming to Brooklyn!

  7. Nicole

    As a giant planner myself, your 2015 race schedule gets me SO EXCITED. So much fun to look forward to. I need my ankle to heal ASAP so I can sign up for some too and get amped. Happy training!!

  8. Ash Bear


    Dublin? 🙂

    I’ll make you a deal – I’ll fly there for NYC if you fly here for Dublin.

    Also, question but can you change the half marathon choices/swap if something happens? Clearly I can hop over to the RNR site and inquire 🙂

  9. Chelsea @ Chelsea Eats Treats

    I’m running the Trimara Sports Holiday Half Marathon in Brooklyn on December 13, and I’m planning to celebrate with Santacon with all my NYC girlfriends after. Can’t wait! I’m also running the DC Rock N Roll half in March, so maybe I’ll see you there! As for the rest of next year…I have been thinking about maybe doing Marine Corps as my very first full (yikes!) but I’m not sure I’m ready for that distance yet. How do I know when it’s time??

    1. Jenny Paxton

      Do it Chelsea! I did my first half and full this year and was so glad I picked Marine Corps as my first full. Next year will be their 40th Anniversary, so it’s a big year 🙂 I’ll be out there for DC RnR Half as well!

  10. Amanda

    So far I’m in for the NYC Tri (6th year in a row!) and want to take on my first 70.3 this year. I’m thinking Syracuse or maybe Mount Tremblant. Also would love to do a fall marathon, will likely throw my name in the NYC and/or Chicago lotteries. Will plan to do 1-2 sprint triathlons as well. Was considering the Nashville half marathon but not sure that will happen. Lots of maybes at this point, will have to figure it all out soon. Looking forward to following your training/racing adventures!

  11. Cate

    Definite races for 2015:
    Disney 1/2
    Olympic distance tri in Maine

    I’d like to do a few sprints and my greatest hope is to get into the NYCM!

  12. Jessie

    Sounds like you have a fun year of racing planned! I’m in a similar boat, where I hope to keep chipping away at that BQ time. I think the 3:40 when I’m 35 seems a lot more obtainable than the 3:35.

    Good luck!


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