Tag Archives: bagels

Doing Good

There’s been lots of good this weekend.



Doing good for my body and soul having dinner with my high school friend Sara at Westville (and walking there, for a total of five miles of walking yesterday.) I had salmon teryaki with bok choy and we started with roasted butternut squash.

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Doing good for my wallet by getting a free glass of wine for checking in on Foursquare.

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And then doing good for the community by volunteering for Junior League. (They did good for my soul by having bagels and coffee for us in the morning.)

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From 9-3, we pulled weeds and planted bushes in Sara. D. Roosevelt park on the Lower East Side. This is the 20th anniversary of the Playground Improvement Project. I’m not going to lie–doing good for the community also feels great when you’re getting a decent workout through manual labor. (I totally trained for this with that Vipr class.) And spending the day outside with your friends.

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Lunch was good, too. A chicken and avocado sandwich, cookies and a fruit cup.

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And a walk, some snacks and beer with Lacey.

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And then a walk with Bailey once I got home. Yeah, that’s a horse. In Manhattan. And Bailey was barking. I’m not sure whether it was at his shadow or the horse. (Speaking of Bailey, go check out Ali’s blog to see more about his day. They had a date today.)

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And walking past the New York Auto Show and seeing a Jeep roll over a giant ramp.

Tonight, I rest.


Accidentally Epic

Yesterday started off innocent enough.


I brought my lunch–a chicken patty over brown rice with spinach and bruschetta.

After work, Jessie and I headed downstairs for a drink, and then Ashley asked if I wanted to meet up with her, her husband and his friend. We went to a random midtown bar near our offices for a drink and then stopped back here so I could walk Bailey.


Bo loved Bailey.


And then the night took a turn for the epic with some karaoke. Some of us had some late-night McDonald’s, and I felt pretty gross this morning, but I’m powering through. Someone please remind me to never eat McDonald’s again, okay? I feel so incredibly bloated right now. This is a good reminder to me to do some of my strength training today.


I definitely didn’t run this morning, but I got a bagel anyway.