Tag Archives: girls on the run

Accountability and Inspiration: Physique 57 and Girls on the Run

I really like Physique 57 because it’s a great workout, but I also really like it because their registration keeps me accountable.

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Once you’ve registered, you can only cancel within 6-12 hours of a class or else you lose your money. And who wants to lose money?

I wasn’t always the most dependable person. In fact, when I lived in D.C., I was pretty flaky. I’ll chalk most of that up to being dumb, young and irresponsible. While Saturday was the first time I spoke on a panel, it wasn’t the first time I was asked.

I was asked a few times while living in D.C., but always canceled a few days before, saying a scheduling conflict had come up, because I was downright terrified. Old age and this blog have definitely kept me much more accountable for my actions, and I just don’t want to be that person. It’s easier to just do something than to make excuses for why you didn’t do it/aren’t going to do it.


And I also like Physique 57 for the socks, I’m not going to lie.


I’ve heard a ton about Girls on the Run from Laurel, the awesome Abby and from reading about Caitlin’s involvement with the group. If you’re unfamiliar with the group, it was founded by Molly Barker, a four-time Hawaii Ironman triathlete. She founded the program to teach 8-12 year-old girls confidence-building lessons through running. It started in 1996 in Charlotte, NC and has now expanded to 150 cities. It’s a really inspiring program that I’ve wanted to get involved with for awhile, but in trying to be realistic with my time, have accepted that I can’t add that on top of my already substantial Junior League commitment.

But! If you’re an NYC runner, they’re looking for buddies (to run with the girls) for their 5K on June 5. You can register here if you’re interested.


Just the English muffin + sunflower butter for breakfast and soup for lunch. Nothing to see here!