I haven’t been posting my dinners because I’ve had the same dinner for four nights straight:
The garlic whole-wheat pasta with broccoli rabe and turkey sausage. And cheese. (I’ve given up most dairy, but I just can’t quit cheese.)
I managed to do some form of exercise before work every day this week!
Monday: Physique + 3-mile run
Tuesday: yoga
Wednesday: Physique + 3-mile rurn
Thursday: spin
This morning, I was even up before my alarm. I can seriously count on one hand the number of times in my six-year post-college career that’s happened on a workday. I did some Zen in Your Den on OnDemand this morning before work and 10 minutes of yoga poses on my own after.
And a sunflower butter sandwich. Obviously.
So part of the reason I’m trying to beef up my strength training is to get stronger and faster. But also? I just want to look good in a bikini. Like Tina. She (and quite a few other people) do BodyPump, which I am so curious about.
It looks like they have a few of them in NYC, some at Gold’s Gyms and 24-Hour Fitness. Has anyone ever tried it in NYC? Do you just get a guest pass to one of those gyms?
A few random things:
- Today is Good Friday. I need to remember to not eat meat today.
- I’m going to Fitbloggin’ in May. If you’re interested in going, Attune Foods is doing a contest for a free ticket + $500 stipend for travel. Go forth and enter.
- Caitlin has some reviews of motivational books up, including my review of her book and the Happiness Project.
- My tax refund was deposited this morning! A bike will be mine soon!
- I’m excited for the NYRR 4-miler tomorrow. After all those half-marathons, a four-mile race sounds so amazing.
- Please send good thoughts Ali’s way. She’s waiting to hear if she got picked to Run for the Rabbit. UPDATE! THEY CHOSE ALI. BECAUSE SHE’S AWESOME.
- Please also send good thoughts my cousin’s way. She’s waiting for some good news that’s been a long time coming.
What are you excited about today!?