Tag Archives: national running day

The Next Chapter: My Layoff Story

This morning, like most mornings, I thought about what I would blog about today.

Maybe I’d blog about how I got on the scale this morning and finally hit my pre-marathon weight.

Maybe I’d blog about National Running Day.

This morning, I had planned on taking a 30/60/90 class and running there and back, but alas, I overslept.


I made some cookie dough oatmeal and brought it to work.

I was settling in with my oatmeal and my iced coffee when my phone rang. It was HR, and I was wanted upstairs immediately.

You know how I’ve been alluded to having some rough times lately with work? Well, I got laid off this morning.

A few months ago, it was announced that my (now former) company was bought by Hearst, another magazine company. Since February, I’ve known that there was a possibility today was coming. My emotions have been a roller coaster, but I’ve kept most of that off of the blog for both professional reasons and because I didn’t want to wallow over something I had no control over. In some ways, I’m relieved. Relieved that the few months of purgatory are over.

I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t a wee bit scared for the future, but I am also excited. (Honestly.) I have some freelance work lined up and lots of leads for both projects and positions. I also plan on blogging a lot more and putting way more effort into my blog in this interim period, partially because I’d love to continue growing it and partially because it’s such a good release. Also, there are worse times of the year to get laid off. I plan on getting a pretty badass tan, too.

So…here’s where you come in. If you have or know of any job or project leads in NYC (or telecommuting), I’d love to hear about them. You can e-mail me at theodora@theodorablanchfield.com. And thank you so much for the kind words I’ve already received on Facebook and Twitter.

And now? It’s time to get SWEATY. I am going out for a fabulous clearing-the-head run. Um, happy National Running Day??