Tag Archives: running

MCM Week 4 Training

DailyMile, we need to talk.

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I had a great training week last week, but I’d hardly call it epic.

Tuesday: Nothing spectacular; nothing terrible. Just a run.


Wednesday: A tough 5-mile treadmill workout.

Thursday: A one-mile time trial which I am INCREDIBLY happy with. 6:10? Oh. hell. yes. According to Wikipedia, 6:13 was the women’s mile world record in 1920. So…how about we just pretend that it’s 1920 and I just broke the world record?


[Photo via Meghann]

Friday: An AMAZING run with Meghann. We chatted, and I felt like we were running fast, but never felt like I was dying, and somehow the first two miles we busted out were at 7:21 and 7:18! Hey Meghann, how about you move here and we train together? Thanks.

Saturday: Oh Saturday. I woke up at 5 on Friday to run with Meghann, went to sleep sometime after midnight after being at BlogHer/Physique/dinner at Agave all day and then woke up at 7 to run. I was supposed to run 5 miles, per my training schedule. I laid in bed and thought how much I wanted to go back to sleep. Finally, I saw people tweeting about Summer Streets and got my ass out of bed and over to Park Ave. My legs were tight and heavy, and I had zero energy. I though maybe I’d feel a little better once I started, but I got about 1/2 a mile in before deciding to bag it. Part of me was really frustrated with myself, but most of me was happy to not be running since it was going to be so miserable, and probably more harmful than helpful.

Sunday: After a weekend of long days and nights, a few margaritas and not much sleep, I had low expectations for this run, too. I met up with a few runner buddies for breakfast and to watch the women’s Olympic marathon before going for our own long run. Laura, her boyfriend and I ran 11 miles–from the East 30s, south around the tip (just the tip), up to the West 60s. It. was. hot. And humid.

I’m not a super-sweaty person, but when I finished, there was not a dry inch on my clothing. I spared you a picture of this one. I’ve been running my long runs probably a little faster than I should, but the heat kept me at the pace I was supposed to be at, according to my plan: 10:04. I should also add that I messed up the week before on my long run and was supposed to do 12 and did 11; this week I was supposed to do 10, so I did 11, to make up for that mile last week.

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Overall, I’m happy with the runs I did get in. They were all really solid. I’m definitely a little disappointed with the run I didn’t get in, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. Looking back at my plan, I also added an extra mile on Friday by accident, so I only ended up 2 miles short of my mileage goal.

So far, I don’t think I’ve gotten my planned five runs in during any of these weeks. I’m trying to decide going forward between:

1. Just trying to get in as many of the runs as possible, and if it’s only 4, it’s only 4.

2. Adjusting my plan to a 4-day per week plan with more miles per day.

What would you do? How many days a week do you run?

How Fast Can I Run One Mile?

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Today, my plan called for a one-mile time trial. I don’t think I’d run just one mile since huffing and puffing through the mile in middle school, so I was ridiculously excited to see what I could bust out for just one mile.

I don’t usually curse on my blog, and I don’t usually post pictures of my Garmin, but I think we can agree this is worth breaking both of those rules, right?


Because this? This is fucking awesome. If my plan is right, and as my fitness improves, my time will decrease, I would LOVE to break a 6-minute mile–which I NEVER would have thought possible.

BRB inputting this into as many race calculators as possible.