Tag Archives: running

The Best Part of Running is Refueling

After a long run, I typically just want to melt into my couch for the rest of the day, and most of the time, I do, but yesterday, Lacey convinced me to meet her for lunch, which sounded more appealing than my couch.


We went to Lillie’s Victorian, which I think I like better as a bar. Nothing on the menu jumped out at me, so I got chicken fingers.


They were good, obviously.

Then I even let Lacey talk me into accompanying her to some patio parties out in Williamsburg, but after an hour or so, running 15 miles caught up with me and I came home to rest for a bit before going to Ashley and Bo’s for dinner.


We started off with Wellfleet oysters (continuing the celebration of National Oyster Day).


We continued with a garden tomato salad with grilled red onions, fresh basil and Asiago cheese.


For our main course, Bo made snapper.


With a silver corn sautee. (In a silver bowl!)

The entire meal was based off of recipes from an Inn at Little Washington cookbook and was incredibly tasty. (I would die happy foodie dreams to eat there.)

This morning’s post came to you from Starbucks because my Internet was being a little bitch, so obviously I had a spinach feta wrap there.

I spent some time cleaning my apartment and then picking up my camera from Ashley’s (oops), and then I came home and made myself a quick AND DELICIOUS egg sandwich.


One egg. One chicken sausage. One whole-wheat English muffin and a little bit of pesto. Lots of protein and lots of yum.

How do you refuel after your runs? (And do you also consider it a whole-weekend undertaking like I do?)

Best Run Ever?

I may have had the best run of my life yesterday (and an awesome run-up to my run.)

Friday night, I didn’t have any plans. I was sort of bored but really wanted to get to sleep early for my run, so I didn’t feel like making plans with anyone. So I went and got a drink at a neighborhood bar all by myself. And what do you know? Within two minutes, a guy started making conversation with me. (I wasn’t interested, but he wasn’t creepy, so it worked out okay.) I’ve gone to bars alone while traveling but never done it at home. It was sort of empowering to just walk into a bar alone, I’m not going to lie.


I came back and made broccoli rabe with sausage, with spinach instead of broccoli rabe, as my pre-long run carb loading. It was a little blander than last time, but it didn’t irritate my stomach, so it was a winner and will likely be consumed before quite a few long runs. I was in bed by 11, and it was amazing.

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I woke up early to get my run on. When I tried to wake this one up, I got some serious side-eye.

“But Mom! Why do you need to keep waking me up early?”

Because I value not coming home to dog pee.

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After taking him for a walk, I made my way to Niketown for their run club.

I. LOVE. IT. All these other runners going out for their long runs. There was so much excitement in the air.

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I was also excited to see a familiar face. (So, maybe I talked her into to joining me so I wouldn’t have to go alone?)

We ran Summer Streets, which means Park Ave was closed down to traffic and we got to run down it. And I got to run past Ali and other friends.

I started off with the 10:00 pace group, since that’s the general pace I’m trying to keep at for my long runs, but the pace group leaders weren’t great at, well, pacing, so we ended up wayyyy closer to 9:00 miles for the first 6-7 miles. (For New Yorkers: we ran down Park until it turned into 4th Ave, then Lafayette, then Centre to the Brooklyn Bridge and back.) I met the AWESOME Gia and we ran and chatted the entire time. She had twins nine months ago and her last marathon before that was in the 3:50 range. Whoa. So much inspiration there.

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I know this is probably the worst picture in the history of blogging, but what my watch says is 13.1 miles in 1:58! As in, I finally busted my half-marathon goal time! Now, to just do that in an actual race. Like, maybe that little race in Portland next weekend?

Running with Gia really pushed me, and my pace for the entire 15 miles ended up being 9:15. At this time last year, I was running around an 11:00 pace for my long runs. I was really proud of myself when I got home from my run.

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After such a tough run, I figured I probably needed an ice bath, so I followed Emily’s ice bath instructions, and it wasn’t too bad.

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Once I bundled up and started drinking some hot water.

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I usually don’t move from my couch after a long run, but I had a fun day after my run yesterday. Including an 80s-themed party.

What about you? Park on the couch after a long run or tough workout or do stuff?