Tag Archives: running

My Best Run Ever

It’s so true that you only regret the runs you don’t do.

Last night, I was both seriously dragging and regretting skipping my runs this weekend. I was taking my time getting out the door when my coach g-chatted me and said “No more skipping runs! Go lace up!”


Of course, once I hit the water, I was glad I was out there.

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It was an absolutely gorgeous night, even if it was pretty steamy.

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When I ran past Pier I cafe, I was actually thinking how nice it would be to run into someone I wanted to see–since 90% of the time you run into someone, it’s never someone you want to see. I’d seen Erica tweet about how she was going out for a run, and I hoped I might run into her.

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And then I heard one of my favorite people calling my name. Emily was having a picnic with a friend of hers, and I sat down and chatted for awhile. Her friend recognized me because of my obsession with this purple top. Maybe I need more… (Speaking of Lululemon, they have an awesome post on their blog about marathon training and nutrition.)

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And then I got up and finished my run home with a big smile on my face.

Run Like a Girl Race Necklace Giveaway

I wrote about it when I got it, but my marathon necklace remains one of my favorite pieces of jewelry and one that I get so many questions about.



It commemorates one of my life accomplishments I’m most proud of, so it’s a great reminder to have around my neck, especially when things get tough.

My lovely friend Erica just so happens to be the lovely lady who makes these necklaces a reality, and she’d love to share one of her new “Run Like a Girl” necklaces with one of my lucky readers.

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From her site: The necklace features a sterling silver tag which I’ve brushed with a satin finished and engraved with “Run Like a Girl” and a 1/2″ gold filled round disc engraved with 26.2, 13.1 or the distance of your choice. (So it’s not just for marathoners or half-marathoners! If you rocked a 5K, this necklace is for you, too!)

So how do you get your hands one on of these? Each method counts as an entry!

  • Leave a comment telling me what your greatest accomplishment is!
  • Like Erica Sara Designs on Facebook (and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so)
  • Subscribe to my RSS feed (and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so)
  • Like Losing Weight in the City on Facebook (and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so)
  • Follow me on Twitter (and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so!)
  • Tweet “I run like a girl! Come check out @tblanchfield @ericasara race necklace giveaway! http://bit.ly/m8byeU” (and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so!)

This giveaway will be open until 9am EST on June 22! I’ll pick a winner tomorrow! Good luck!