Tag Archives: running

How Job Interviews Are Like Races

As I prepared for yet another job interview yesterday, it occurred to me that preparing for job interviews isn’t all that different from preparing for races.

You don’t want to eat anything different the night before. Just as you don’t want a rumbly tummy while you’re running, you really don’t want it in an interview! (At least at a race, you can find a Port-a-Potty. Excusing yourself to use the bathroom during an interview would be way more awkward.)

You need to find out as much as possible before. Before a race, you want to find out as much as you can about the course, race-day procedures and transportation. Before an interview, you’ll want to find out as much as possible about the company and also figure out how you’ll get there. You don’t want to think it will take 15 minutes to get there and it actually takes 30. Knowing that I can tend to run a bit late, I usually allow myself an extra half hour just to be safe.

You want to lay out your clothes and everything else you’ll need the night before. For a race, this is your outfit, your bib, your Garmin (if you have one) and anything else you might need. For an interview, you really should pick out your outfit in advance (and I really should take my own advice.) Knowing you have to leave in 15 minutes and not having an outfit picked out is pretty stressful. Luckily, I don’t work in an industry where I have to wear suits on interviews, but that means I have to pull together some sort of cute outfit that’s still professional. I usually end up going with a dress because it’s easier.

You’re going to be nervous. Races aren’t easy, and neither are interviews. I actually try to have less coffee before I have an interview because I remember being so nervous and so caffeinated at an interview once that my hands were shaking as I shook the interviewer’s hand. (Although, I ended up getting and loving that job, so…) Interviews (and the waiting period after) are incredibly stressful, and once I accepted that, I started wasting less time freaking out about freaking out. I’m going to be nervous, and I just try to take as many deep breaths as possible.

They don’t last forever. There’s a lot of build-up before both races and interviews, but they don’t last forever. A long race will be over in a few hours, but most interviews are shorter than that. For both races and interviews, once you’re done, you’re so glad to have the experience behind you, even if it didn’t go well.

It’s not the end of the world if you don’t do well. If you didn’t do well in a race, there will be other races. Promise. If you don’t do well in an interview, you can always write a great thank you note and try to better explain what you had a hard time answering in an interview. And if you don’t get that job, there will be other interviews.

What about you? Do you have any tips for overcoming nerves before a race or an interview? Or see any other similarities?

Will Run for Interviews

Since the last time I blogged, I’ve had two job interviews! I thought I’d have a lot more time to blog with this downtime, but I’ve been lucky to have had a bunch of interviews already, and by nighttime I’m either prepping for the next one or hanging out with friends because I need some human contact.


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I’ve also done a good job with eating what’s in my kitchen, so I had go back to a few meals of takeout before I had time to grocery shop again. Yesterday, I picked up lunch from KooFoo–a Korean rice bar. I got some chicken bimibab with brown rice. I like food from different cultures because it’s typically easier to find healthier options than with American food.

I woke up this morning and really wanted to run out the pressure of all of these interviews. I probably should have taken it easy on my legs after Saturday’s race, but I decided to run hard. I ran 3.01 miles in 26:31–an 8:49 pace.

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I swear it didn’t look quite that ominous when I was running.

After today’s interview, I went to Trader Joe’s to replenish my poor, empty kitchen. I have plenty of chicken/turkey in my freezer, so I just needed some produce.


I came back and made some TJ’s chicken meatballs with brown rice and broccoli and put some marinara sauce on it and pretended it was spaghetti.