Tag Archives: yoga

Make a Plan

I should know myself by now. If I don’t plan it, it might not happen. And planning while falling asleep in bed doesn’t count. The Equinox closest to me didn’t have a spin class before work today, so I told myself I’d run before work.

I woke, laid in bed for awhile and told myself I’d run when I woke up. Well, I realized when I woke up that I ran yesterday and Sunday, and I’ve never run three days in a row, so I wanted to be nice to my knees. I got out of bed and intended on doing some yoga. Of course, once I was out of bed, I realized I had something to do for Junior League. By the time I was done, I only had about 20 minutes, so I did a 15-minute Active Recovery yoga On Demand class.

I should have added yesterday that if you don’t live in NYC, it’s still possible to try Physique 57: they have DVDs and Marie Claire did a story on their moves that you can try at home.

I have to walk Bailey at lunch, and I have a Junior League meeting tonight, so I won’t be able to fit in a workout at any other time except for when I get home this evening. I am planning on doing some more yoga on demand when I get home tonight.


Things I’m good at planning: oatmeal. With almond milk, and frozen pineapple and berries. And sunflower butter, of course.

Since I’m loving Jess’ Say It, Do It lately, I’m going to put my own workouts out there for the rest of the week:

  • Tomorrow: Physique 57 before work and running there and back
  • Thursday: Spin before work
  • Friday: Either rest or yoga–definitely before work since I have after-work plans
  • Saturday: the NYRR 4-Mile
  • Sunday: Easter and I have friends coming home with me. A definite rest day!

Beatles Yoga and Shrimp

This afternoon, when I got back from my run, I saw Dori tweet that she was going to Beatles Yoga.Screen shot 2011-03-12 at 9.55.54 PM.png

I idly clicked through to the @beatlesyoga, and realized the class was at a yoga studio near me that I’ve been curious about. After a crappy run with tight legs, I definitely needed yoga, and a yoga class that plays The Beatles the entire time would have to be fun. (I like The Beatles as much as the next person, but I wouldn’t consider myself a huge Beatles fan…) It would help both my semi-sour mood from my crappy run AND my sore legs. Fabulous. I asked Dori if she minded if I joined, and she didn’t.

The class was a ton of fun and not that hard. In most of the yoga classes I’ve taken at Equinox, I feel like the only beginner in a room full of hardcore yogis. Between my infrequent attendance and perpetually tight runner’s legs, I’m not very good at yoga, so a class that I felt I could be good at AND have fun in was awesome. We did things like roll around in happy baby pose while singing “Hey Jude,” sun salutations to “Here Comes the Sun” and other yoga moves that I don’t know the names of to songs I don’t know the names of. It was such a fun experience, and I’m glad I twitter-stalked Dori.

After getting back from hanging out with Laurel at the Ace Hotel, I made dinner.


Shrimp, kale and carrots stir-fried with sesame oil and soy sauce, served over soba noodles. Easy, healthy, tasty. Oh–and a little bit of sunflower butter for some extrea creaminess.