Playing Russian Roulette with My Stomach

That’s kind of what I feel like I’m doing. Will eating this make me feel better? Do I have celiac? Should I stick to a gluten-free diet?

I need to stop thinking about this so much and stick to a simple diet: minimally processed food. Lots of fruits and vegetables and lean protein and good fat. That’s what I did when I started this journey, and I think it’s not coincidental that that’s the best I’ve felt in my adult life. So I’m going to try to remember to stick to those guidelines most of the time, but also listen to my body’s cravings and indulge myself every once in a while. With increased hunger from marathon training and an unhappy stomach of late, I’ve had a hard time with food—I’m hungry all the time, but I don’t want to get sick.

I need to just take care of my body and trust that it will take care of me if it’s treated right.

So…for breakfast, I had an omelette with spinach, a little bit of cheddar and a banana on the side:

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