A Month to Restore Moderation

If Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart can “restore sanity,” then I can restore moderation, no?

I’m an all-or-nothing kind of girl. I started running, and I didn’t just dabble in the hobby—I ran a marathon. My apartment is either sparkling clean (which it is right now!) or it is a disaster. 

For four months, I trained for that marathon, and I eschewed late nights at bars for quiet nights at home hydrating and resting for my long runs. I passed up fried and other unhealthy food in favor of the healthy food that would fuel those long runs. I stayed away from heels so as not to put more stress on my knees and lower back. 

Then I ran that marathon. The rest of October I spent chasing as many happy hours as possible and enjoying bar food and even McDonald’s. I think I’ve been out the past 3-4 nights in a row. I’ve woken up a little foggy and have worked out once since Wednesday. Just like working out almost every day in preparation for the marathon got a little old, so is this partying. It feels too much like old me and I don’t want to slip down that slippery slope.

So, for the month of November, I’m working on restoring my pre-marathon moderation. I’m not running 20 miles on the weekends, but I’m not going out three nights in a row, either.

For my month of moderation, I am:

  • eating more vegetables
  • eating more cookies
  • cooking more
  • truly enjoying when I do eat out
  • sleeping more
  • spending awake time more wisely. No looking at my iPhone or laptop after 10PM. (Um. Maybe…)
  • cleaning my apartment as I go
  • getting back on a regular workout schedule
  • realizing long walks and rest days are just as good for me as the tough workouts
  • saying no every once  in a while
  • making the yeses worth it

Moderation also includes bagels:

Unrelated to health, another one of my goals is to take more/better pictures this month. 

What are your November goals?

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