Back from Boston

Part of the reason I went up to Boston is because my best friend had a baby a month ago, and I was DYING to meet her. Well, my friend is trying to get back to pre-baby weight, so we went to the gym this morning before I left. 

I had 9 miles on my training plan for the NYC and DC half-marathons I’m running in March, and I didn’t run it yesterday because the roads in MaryBeth’s town are narrow and looked too icy to run on.

So when we went to the gym, I ran 5 miles on a pink treadmill.

We grabbed Dunkin’ Donuts on the way back from the gym, and I got a turkey sausage veggie flatbread that I inhaled before I could take a picture. 

I flew back this afternoon, and because my flight was a little late, there was a little misunderstanding of time between my mom (who was watching my dog) and me, and she was at my apartment waiting for me. Because of my late breakfast, I didn’t eat anything at the airport, and I was famished, so we grabbed a late lunch/early dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant.

I started with a salad.

And then had some veggie pizza.

I seem to have a ton of new visitors today…welcome! If you’re new here, you might want to check out my top posts page or my 2010 recap.

Now, I have to go run the second four miles of my long run and go to my marathon bootcamp!

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