Thank God for Leftovers

Otherwise, I’d be going to sleep a hungry girl tonight. (Or, um, ordering takeout.) 

While, sure, I’d love to make most of my meals at home, I’m a single, busy New Yorker, and it’s just not possible sometimes.

Luckily, I had leftovers I could nip into for dinner after getting home late from a Junior League meeting tonight.

But my lunch was WAY more exciting. The work cafeteria had a pasta station today, and it had the shortest line. With little time between meetings, I went for whole wheat penne with marinara, broccoli rabe, zucchini, chicken and a bit of mozzarella.

At that station, you fill a bowl with veggies and then they sautee it with your protein + carb. I always try to load up on the veggies. This portion was so huge (and I was still so full from breakfast) that I left half of it for tomorrow. It was surprisingly good.

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