Body Pump Review

There’s all sorts of trends in the health blogger world–some I care about, others I can let go. (Chia seeds? Meh.)

But there’s one class that bloggers keep talking about that was making me feel a little left out: Body Pump. Sure, Equinox has some pretty awesome classes, but I keep hearing about Body Pump, especially from Tina, who’s obsessed. (I mean, for good reason.)


A couple weeks ago, I decided to make it my mission to track this class down. Liz was down for the challenge, too, and we found it at a Gold’s Gym on 54th Street. A few other Tumblrs were going to come with us, but it ended up being just the two of us last night.

I ran up to the Gold’s to meet Liz, and we were both a little terrified of what to expect. We picked weights conservatively, not wanting to die.

But we both LOVED the class! If you’ve never done Body Pump before, it’s general shtick is this: strength training + music. You take a weight lifting bar and add plates to the end to get to your desired weight. I swear I get exercise amnesia–I’m in such a zone that I can never remember what I did, so what follows may be a little off. You do each set of exercises to a song, and when the song is done, you’re done with that set and move on to the next set.

You’re constantly moving, and it’s really hard, but a really good workout, and one that I would definitely try again. The music is what makes it so awesome. I caught Liz’s eye a few times during the workout, and she looked as weary-but-enjoying it as me.

Have you ever done BodyPump or a class like it? (Other than the music part, it reminds me of Total Body Conditioning at NYSC.) If you live in NYC and go to Equinox, do you know of a similar class there that I should try?

34 comments on “Body Pump Review

  1. Kelly

    THANK YOU for being the first person (that I’ve read) to admit to not liking chia seeds! I guess I shouldn’t talk since I’ve never tried them, but I was starting to wonder when it seemed like every single person was in love with them. That gelatinous texture that they bring is just not something that I think I’d enjoy.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Kelly: I tried them once and wasn’t bowled over. I have nothing against them, I’m just not dying to spend $20 on a bag right now when I can get 2+ glasses of wine for that. 🙂

  2. Emily

    i love body pump. primarily because i adore bad pop music and i enjoy the chance to lift weights without being surrounded by douche bags shadowboxing themselves in the mirror in front of the free weights.

    1. adrienne

      @Emily: a That’s funny you say that. I was talking to a girlfriend, telling her how I dread lifting free weights with THOSE guys that stand in front of the mirror blockading them. I’m so stoked on body pump.

  3. Lindsey

    I am a NYSC member so I wouldn’t be interested in Gold’s Gym, but would pay by the class to go to Body Pump – do you know if they are membership only or offer packages to just take classes??

    1. Chelsea

      @Lindsey: I was just going to ask this! I belonged to this Gold’s when I worked by there, but am no longer a member. Hope they have some other option available! Especially because I don’t think they’d let me do a “free trial” to a gym I already belonged to.

  4. Katy Widrick

    I. Love. Body. Pump.

    I’m so glad you got to try it! I love trying new classes that bloggers introduce me to. The only one I haven’t *loved* is Barre (in my case, barre54) which I know you like, but I’m not a huge pilates or ballet person, so I think that’s why. It was hella hard, I just didn’t enjoy it as much as other classes.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Katy Widrick: I hated Bar Method the first time I tried it, too. I feel like it grows on you.

      WHEN you come to NYC, I will take you to [worship at the temple of] Physique!

  5. Shayne

    I love Body Pump! I spent last weekend back home in Illinois and got guest passes to my old gym so I could go to Body Pump every day. I’m still sore — such a good workout. Wish more gyms in the city offered it!

  6. Denise

    I have been dying to try Body Pump! At a volunteer event a couple of weeks ago, they had trainers from the Y doing a demonstration and it looked AWESOME!

  7. Blair James


    I’ve also heard about this and this is just perfect for me. I am also trying to lose some weight and I’m the kind of person who wants to engage in activities that require strength and stamina.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Elizabeth

    Sorry, hit post before I could finish! Body Pump is a great class. I’ve been going for one year now, and it has significantly improved my muscle tone – especially my arms. Les Mills (the company who created Body Pump) also has other classes, like Body Attack (cardio), Body Combat (kickboxing) Body Step, and RPM (spinning).

  9. Sasha

    I haven’t tried Body Bump in NYC (though now I want to!). I had done it a few years ago at my university and it was AWESOME I really loved it. though it was called” total body conditioning” but was the same idea

  10. Sarah

    Hi! Body Pump (and the other Les Mills classes) are huge in Australia – every gym I’ve been to has them! I really enjoy the classes when I do them, but I do wonder if I should just pick up some free weighs & do my own thing – you know, whether that would be more beneficial? It’s hard though as with a class you’re committed once you walk in and you’re pushed along by the others in your class as well as the instructor, whereas with free weights it’s much easier to just put the barbell down & walk away! There is a new Les Mills class starting at my gym next week which is dance inspired, it’s called Sh’Bam – should be good for a laugh 🙂

  11. Shannon

    I’m a NYSC member so I hit up Total Body Conditioning 1 or 2 times a week (I try for 2 but let’s be real – happy hour totally gets in the way sometimes.) However w/ tri training (I’m doing the NYRR Sprint Tri in July too, and it’s my first one), I really want to up my strength training.

  12. Allison

    The Wedge at Equinox isn’t the exact same, but it at least is taught in a very routine like manner, similar to BodyPump, and stays simple. And I really liked the instructor I had back in January (John, I think). I took it at 19th St. I also loved 30/60/90 at Equinox, though more intense it also had a solid focus on strength. Body Conditioning with Marie was another solid, basics strength class (with good tunes).

    We had BodyPump in college when I was an instructor, though I didn’t teach it, but I went & enjoyed the strength & music combo! Club H has “Power Pump” so I’m curious to see when I start there next week if it is their take on the “BodyPump” idea with fun music also!

  13. Sam @ Mom At The Barre

    I have not tried Body Pump but I have always wondered what it was like. I have a friend who lives in the Middle East who is obsessed with it-apparently it is really popular over there, along with other Les Mills classes.

    What sort of music did the instructor play in the class you attended?

  14. Kristina Reilly

    I love the BODYPUMP is stupid comment….It made me laugh. I am not sure any workout is or should be considered stupid but whatever. BODYPUMP is the perfect way to work all of your muscle groups in 55 minutes with upbeat music. The thing that inspired me to comment is how one group exercise class connected all of us. If you haven’t tried the class, just be sure to add it to your bucket list; you won’t regret it!

  15. Lia

    I LOVE bodypump too! I’m definitely building muscle. But does anyone know just how much muscle weighs compared with fat because I’m 5’10 146lbs and I’ve been doing a BodyPump class at LEAST twice a week for almost 2 MONTHS and I have not dropped ONE SINGLE POUND?!?! wtf? All other variables stayed the same in my life, ie diet.
    Isn’t it time these new found muscles start helping to shed some excess weight?

    so frustrating!

  16. Lee

    Hi everyone, so happy to find this post! I was also looking for Body Pump / Body Attack like classes at Equinox in Manhattan and couldn’t find them, but Equinox has really nice groupX rooms. Is there anyone in this group that could lead unofficial BP / BA classes at equinox for us? I tried to lead this with some of my friends, optimistic because I know most of the routines, but never became a lesmills trainer and completely failed to give the cues.


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